Riding a Phoenix to Cultivation

Chapter 939 Heavy Chapter Stepping Cloud Sect

Chapter 939 Returning to Cloud Stepping Sect (6)

"Come here, bring [-] disciples of medical practitioners immediately, and send [-] disciples to escort them to the human world to see the disaster situation!" After Hong Luo gave the order, she was still worried, so she simply asked Qi Wan to deal with the matter.

After Qi Wan left with Qiu Xue, Ye Lan suddenly looked up and saw Feng Yi, her expression paused.

Muyan supported Ye Lan, and immediately sensed Ye Lan's changes keenly, and asked, "What's wrong?"

"That, the person who broke in, seems to look very similar to him." What Ye Lan actually wanted to say was that the person who broke in looks exactly like Feng Yi.

But because she only inadvertently caught a glimpse of the man's face under the cloak during the fight, so she can't be very sure of this.

But Muyan suddenly stopped Feng Yi and told Hong Luo about it.

When Feng Yi and Qing Qing knew that someone had invaded the island, they already suspected Feng Qi.

At this moment, Hong Luo asked about this matter again, Feng Yi simply fell silent.

Seeing this situation, Hong Luo guessed that Feng Yi had something to do with that person, so she asked Muyan to take care of Feng Yi and the others. This time, instead of monitoring the wind cabinet, they were going to be placed under house arrest.

Feng Yi was fine, but his eyes wandered around, and he made up his mind to find a chance to leave immediately.

On the other hand, Hong Luo personally went to the sixth island to check the situation.

However, it was horrifying to say that the entire Sixth Island had completely disappeared, not even a single ruin.

What did that person do to this floating island?
Hong Luo felt that this matter had something to do with that person turning Yu Zhong into a ghost cultivator back then.

Muyan personally took people to the residence, but Feng Yi quietly walked to Jiang Chengqing's side.

He asked Jiang Chengqing to take Qingqing and leave back to Tayunzong to hide, and he will hold Muyan temporarily.

"Why tell me directly, aren't you going to tell Qingqing about this?" Jiang Chengqing glanced at Qingqing who was walking in front, and asked in a low voice.

"I told her that she will never leave me alone, I will knock her out later, you take her away, and let her wait for me in the Cloud Stepping Sect for three days." Feng Yi smiled slightly, as if not Don't worry about your own safety.

"I will protect her well, you... be careful!" Jiang Chengqing himself has nothing to do with this matter, Muyan will not pay too much attention to him, so it is the best choice for him to protect Qingqing from leaving.

What Feng Yi has to do is to share the attention.

Muyan didn't notice the communication between Feng Yi and Jiang Chengqing behind her, after the group left the island where the Lanshan Palace was located, Feng Yi suddenly called Qingqing softly.

The moment Qingqing turned her head, Feng Yi knocked Qingqing unconscious, and then handed Qingqing to Jiang Chengqing.

Huang Shu has already entered Qingqing's spirit beast ring, and Bai Xing instantly regains his spirit beast form.

Muyan suddenly realized something was wrong and turned around, but took Feng Yi's palm.

"Stop them!" The surrounding Xunxianzong disciples heard the order and surrounded them all.

Jiang Chengqing jumped onto Baixing, put Qingqing in his arms with one hand, and kept releasing light blades with the other hand to stop everyone.

"Hey, your enemy is here, don't hit the wrong target!" A wicked smile appeared on Feng Yi's face, and then countless fire snakes flew out from both hands.

In the blink of an eye, the surroundings turned into a sea of ​​flames.

Moreover, this sea of ​​flames was strange, it turned out to be a sea of ​​flames that no one could extinguish.

"Ice Bridge!" Muyan yelled loudly, and then all the disciples who knew water spells rushed up, and the water flowed out from their palms, instantly condensing into icicles.

(End of this chapter)

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