Riding a Phoenix to Cultivation

Chapter 943 Heavy Chapter Stepping Cloud Sect

Chapter 943 Returning to Cloud Stepping Sect (10)

"What do you know?" Feng Yi's eyes were cold and his tone was extremely serious.

He has kept Qingqing and Huang Shu's mind unsteady.

When he noticed the inner demon before, he also thought that it was because the inner demon was moving about that made his soul go wrong.

But now he doesn't feel that way.

Because after the demon disappeared, his primordial spirit was still unstable, and his mana seemed to be dissipating.

If it weren't for the support of the fire spirit in his body, he might not even be able to beat a cultivator who knows the realm.

And most importantly, he could clearly feel that something was wrong with his body.

The phoenix fire in his body gradually weakened.

This phoenix fire is connected to his life, and if there is a problem with a little phoenix fire, it means that he is in danger.

But he did not find any solution to the matter.

He was eager to gather all the six spirits and return to the upper realm, because someone in the upper realm might know what happened to him.

"I fell into the lower realm after being cursed back then, and the phoenix fire in my body gradually extinguished within seven days. After that, the fire in my body turned into a dark blue fire, but the cluster of flames connected to my life was Very weak."

"Do you want to know why? Do you feel that your current situation is the same as mine at that time?" Feng Qi smiled, and suddenly a cluster of faint blue flames burst out from between her raised arms.

"Say what you want to say, and get out if you don't want to!"

"It's natural to say, I'm still waiting for you to do things for me!"

"Whether the aura of the lower realm or the evil spirit is extremely thin, it cannot sustain our daily needs. When I stayed in the lower realm, my body became weaker and weaker day by day, and I even gradually began to age. Later, I strayed into the demon world. In the evil spirit, it gradually got better. So if you want to survive, you must return to the upper realm in the shortest possible time."

"What do you mean?" Feng Yi frowned, the aura of the upper realm was much stronger than that of the lower realm, he already knew this.

But he used to take a long walk in the lower realm, and he didn't feel any discomfort every time.

If there is a problem with his primordial spirit, how could it be related to the richness of the aura?

The purpose of absorbing and accumulating aura is to enhance one's cultivation. If one does not need to enhance one's cultivation, one cannot die because one cannot absorb enough aura.

There are still so many mortals in this world who can't feel the existence of aura at all!

"One day in the upper realm, and a hundred years in the lower realm. Maybe you can understand it this way. The upper realm is full of aura. We have lived for tens of thousands of years. This rich aura surrounds us all the time, which makes us have such a long life span." , the fire of the phoenix is ​​nurtured by these spiritual qi."

Regardless of whether you take the initiative to practice or not, these auras will enter your body in various ways, so you can always be so young, and years mean nothing to you.

But the aura in the lower realm is so thin that it can't afford the fire of the phoenix at all.

When the aura is strong, the tens of thousands of years you have spent can be said to be frozen, and you will not grow old.

But once you reach the lower realm, the aura is thin and can only sustain your life.

You still need to use these auras to cultivate, so what maintains the fire of the phoenix is ​​your own primordial spirit in the end.

These primordial spirits are nourished little by little by the aura of the upper realm.

"When you come to the lower realm, your life will start to flow again, and you will start to age like the people in the lower realm.

"You only age in the upper realm after ten thousand years, but in the lower realm, it only takes about 100 years." Feng Qi smiled slightly, and suddenly untied the front of her chest.

(End of this chapter)

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