Chapter 981
"Okay, let's not talk about this, I don't know where Master Uncle will take me this time?"

"Do you want to go to the Demon Realm?"

"Demon Realm?"

If you ask Changqing if there is anything he regrets the most in his life, his answer must be yes.

In Changqing's life, the last thing he did was to take Chunxi to the Demon Realm.

Changqing followed the Cultivation Alliance to attack the invasion of the Demon Realm several times, and accidentally discovered the clues of the connection channel between the Demon Realm and the Cultivation Realm.

Changqing didn't tell others about this, because he wasn't sure if it was true.

So this time, Changqing is going to take Chunxi for a walk in the devil world.

Although Chunxi has been to many places, she has never been to the Demon World.

Because of the appearance of the demon king Yao Ye, the relationship between the two worlds has intensified, and all known passages between the two worlds have been guarded by people, and there is no way to go to the demon world through these passages.

Changqing and Chunxi searched for clues to that meaning, searched repeatedly for three days, and finally found the passage.

After the two entered the demon world, they found that they were near a swamp.

Changqing recognized that it was the place where the spirit-eating insects grew, and the two fled in a hurry, but met a female demon who was being hunted down on the way.

The female demon was dying, and her body was bitten by spirit devouring insects.

Changqing and Chunxi didn't want to talk to this female demon at first, after all, they were troublesome enough to come to the Demon Realm, and if something happened to them, it was not known whether they could go back smoothly.

But when the two left, the female devil grabbed Chun Xi's clothes and asked him to help her.

Chunxi was kind-hearted, so she helped the witch.

The witch asked Chunxi to dig out the soil at the edge of the swamp, and then asked Appearance to soak the soil with spiritual blood, and she swallowed the soil.

This is the way to heal the wounds of the devouring insects. In return for saving people, the female demon told Chunxi and Changqing about this method.

I thought that there would be no intersection after this incident, but who knew that the two were arrested shortly after they were closed off with the female devil.

Chunxi and Changqing realized that they had been cheated when they were taken to the main hall of the demon palace and saw the dying female demon sitting on the throne of the demon king.

This female devil is Yao Ye.

Yao Ye locked up the two of them, saying that he would attack Wangshenzong in the future, and he could take them as hostages.

Later, they found a chance to escape, but they were discovered on the way. After Chunxi broke up, in order to let Changqing leave, she was forced to stay in the Demon Realm.

And the reason why Chunxi was cut off is because both Changqing and Chunxi's spiritual roots were sealed by Yaoye with a special technique.

Long list of spiritual roots, and Chunxi six spiritual roots.

Yao Ye knew that Chunxi majored in the dual elements of thunder and fire, so he only divided Chunxi's spiritual roots into these two elements.

Unexpectedly, when escaping, Chunxi quietly told Changqing that since Linyuan appeared, he no longer only practiced the dual elements of thunder and fire.

He had read from an ancient book that there is a kind of person in this world called a master, who turns the inferior quality of many spiritual roots in the eyes of ordinary people into an advantage.

Chunxi has been trying to practice to become a master.

So after being sealed with the Thunder Fire Spiritual Root, Chunxi followed several other lines of spells to stop the people from the Demon Realm from advancing and let Changqing escape.

After Chun Xi stayed in the Demon Realm, it was said that Yao Ye took care of her personally, so she had to spend time with Yao Ye day and night.

Regarding the period when Chunxi was imprisoned in the Demon Realm, no one in the know knew what happened between Chunxi and Yao Ye.

But then Chunxi took advantage of Yao Ye to attack the Xiuxian Realm, fled back to Wangwang Shenzong, and kept silent about the things in the Demon Realm.

Yao Ye is a prodigy, and her momentum of attacking the world of cultivating immortals is getting stronger and stronger. When Chang Qing mentioned Yao Ye, he insulted Yao Ye a few words.

Unexpectedly, Chunxi, who has been silent since returning from the Demon Realm, said after listening, "Everything has a cause and effect, there may be a reason why Yaoye hates the Immortal Cultivation Realm so much now."

(End of this chapter)

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