Chapter 983
Yaoye is no longer a demon king, so the demon world will not fight anymore.

And creating the illusion of dying together can explain that Chunxi's previous affairs with Yao Ye were for internal response.

In this way, Wang Shenzong does not need to bear the infamy.

After Chunxi and Changqing planned this matter, they quietly waited for the opportunity.

It's just that before the time came, Chunxi and Yaoye had accidents one after another.

In the seventh month of Yaoye's pregnancy, Chunxi received a notice from a disciple of Wangshenzong saying that Changming wanted to meet him in private, so Chunxi left Yaoye that night and went to Kill Demon Cliff.

Changqing didn't know about this, and it was after seeing Chunxi not returning for a long time that Yaoye found a way to contact Changqing and asked him to go to Demon Killing Cliff to find someone.

It was already the third day since Chunxi disappeared.

When Chang Qing rushed to Demon Killing Cliff, he found nothing.In desperation, Changqing was going to ask the Changming cultivator directly. He felt that Changming might have locked Chunxi up.

But he couldn't find Changming, and Linyuan said that Changming had retreated.The retreat time was the morning of the second day when Chunxi went to Demon Killing Cliff.

Changqing had a vague premonition in his heart, so he went back to Demon Killing Cliff to look for Chunxi again.

Finally, he found traces of a fight on Demon Killing Cliff.

Changqing suspects that Chunxi's visit to Demon Killing Cliff was a trap. Chunxi may have been ambushed that night, either by Changming or by Linyuan who took down Demon Killing Cliff.

Of course, what Changqing hopes is that Chunxi escapes.

After all, Chunxi's cultivation is not weak.

However, judging from the recent observations of Linyuan's very calm situation, there are nine out of ten chances that Chunxi has fallen off the Demon Killing Cliff.

Changqing went down Demon Killing Cliff alone.

It is said that there are tens of thousands of ancient formations under the Demon Killing Cliff, and if one is not careful, he will die.

And resentment is everywhere.

Changqing stayed under the Demon Killing Cliff for seven whole days, and finally found Chunxi.

Chunxi's meridians all over her body were broken, and she was seriously injured everywhere, even her inner alchemy was destroyed.

Changqing's first reaction was that Linyuan did this.

Tiger poison does not eat offspring, Chunxi is Changming's own son.

But when he asked Chunxi about the poetry meeting, Chunxi said it was not Linyuan.

But if you continue to ask, Chunxi will show a painful expression, unwilling to speak.

The fact that Chunxi can do this means that the person who hurt him must be his closest relative.

Changming was the one who turned Chunxi into a cripple and brought down the Demon Killing Cliff that day.

Even though Changqing had been spending his own palace to continue Chunxi's life, Chunxi couldn't survive until they walked out of the Demon Killing Cliff.

The reason why Chunxi didn't die immediately after falling off the Demon Killing Cliff was because Chunxi possessed Lei Ling.

It's just Chunxi's Lei Ling, only half of it.

Later, Chang Qing learned from Yao Ye that what Chunxi possessed was the complete Lei Ling, and the other half of Lei Ling must be taken away by others.

Chunxi used the power of Lei Ling to maintain her dying body for a few days, and then passed away with reluctance for the world.

Before dying, Chunxi gave the half of Lei Ling to Changqing.

"This thunder spirit must not fall into the hands of the world of cultivating immortals or the world of demons, otherwise the balance between the two worlds will be broken, and the killing will intensify and never end. Uncle, I trust you. Since you are a cultivator of the thunder system, this half Lei Ling, I will leave it to you to keep. Before Chunxi dies, I ask you two things."

"First, take care of Yao Ye and our unborn child for me. Second, don't ask me who hurt me. If Yao Ye asks, don't tell her I'm dead, just say I'm missing. , let her wait for me to go back."

After Chunxi explained the two things, she passed away with a smile.

Changqing built a tomb for Chunxi under the Demon Killing Cliff, and couldn't help crying.

Chunxi is kind and wise, and he doesn't want Yaoye to go mad and lose his life because of his death.

He also didn't want the world to pursue the cause of his death. Even if the person who killed him was his father, he still wanted to protect his father.

Knowing that before his death, regarding Lei Ling, Chunxi was thinking about peace between the two worlds.

He has never been sorry to the world, but there is something in the world that is sorry to him.

However, due to his untimely death, everything has become an illusion.

(End of this chapter)

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