Riding a Phoenix to Cultivation

Chapter 995 Looking for Cangkui

Chapter 995 Looking for Cangkui (1)

After the conversation in the main hall that day, Qingqing's identity was deliberately obscured by everyone.

Everyone no longer regards her as a witch from the demon world, but they don't completely regard her as one of their own.

Qingqing, Jiang Chengqing and the others began to resist the invasion and killing of the demon world together, while waiting for Feng Qi's arrival.

Feng Qi arrived about half a month after the news that Qingqing was visiting Shenzong.

Feng Qi went to the Demon Realm to find someone, but ran into Ming Yu. The cooperation between the two broke down because of Qingqing's incident, and Feng Qi was trapped by Ming Yu for a while.

When he arrived at Wangshenzong and learned that Qingqing had actually inherited the Shangshan Ruoshuijian, and his spiritual consciousness had recovered, he almost understood who the daughter Yaoye was talking about back then was referring to.

The person in red is undoubtedly Feng Yi, but the person who has crossed paths with Feng Yi is also Qingqing.

As for Jin Yu, she was with Fu Hun almost all the time, and it was unlikely that she would leave alone.

No matter what, Feng Qi decided to let Qingqing and Feng Yi set off first to try to find Cang Kui.

It's just that Feng Qi doesn't know where to find it.


Feng Qi entered Wangshenzong quietly.

Because of the pressing force of the demon world, the flames of the battle between immortals and demons had already reached the vicinity of Wangwang Shenzong, so after several days of continuous fighting with Jiang Chengqing and the others, Qingqing slept directly on a step of Wangwang Shenzong.

In her dream, Qingqing felt someone approaching, and she woke up with a jerk.

Unexpectedly, when he opened his eyes, he bumped into a huge head, which turned out to be the missing Xiao Zi.

"When I came back, I took back the spirit beast ring and magic weapon for you, but there is a water spirit hidden in your magic weapon. When I took the water spirit, I accidentally broke your magic weapon. Now this pair of bracelets is also It can play a role in self-defense, and other functions are useless.”

Feng Qi said, and handed over the bracelet in her hand.

Qingqing took the bracelet and put it on, drew the sword and put it on Feng Qi's neck.

"Tell me, how to save Feng Yi?"

Feng Qi flicked Qingqing's sword open, and then sat on Guiluan.

"How to save, first go and see what he is talking about." Feng Qi has already inquired where Feng Yi is now.

Qingqing followed Feng Qi all the way to Feng Yi's cage, and all the guards were stunned by Feng Qi.

"He will be like this. Firstly, Zhiyan's body cannot withstand his spells and phoenix fire. Second, he has been away from the upper realm for too long. The aura in the lower realm is too thin, and there are too many magazines, which is not suitable for him to practice at all. , that's why his primordial spirit is unstable."

"To solve this problem, there are two things to do. First, find him a suitable body. Second, open up the passage to the upper realm as soon as possible, restore his soul, and send him back to the upper realm."

Feng Qi released Feng Yi from the iron cage, Qingqing wanted to support Feng Yi, but Feng Yi avoided her.

Qingqing couldn't help being sad, so she had to hold back her tears.

"Finding a suitable body, do you mean to let Feng Yi take the house?" Qingqing looked up at Feng Qi, but saw Feng Qi shook her head.

"An ordinary person's body is useless. With Feng Yi's current situation, it is impossible to seize the house, unless someone voluntarily gives up his body to Feng Yi, and this person's body must be able to withstand the fire of the Phoenix."

"Apart from your Phoenix family, is there anyone else who can withstand the flames of the Phoenix?"

Feng Qi smiled lightly, "Naturally there is no such thing, so he has to take another path, as before, using the primordial spirit to cultivate the clothes and body."

But the problem is, the current Feng Yi's primordial spirit is not stable, how can it be possible to take out part of the primordial spirit to cultivate the entity?
(End of this chapter)

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