Riding a Phoenix to Cultivation

Chapter 997 Looking for Cangkui

Chapter 997 Looking for Cangkui (3)
Before dawn, Qingqing left Feng Yi alone and found Feng Qi.

"What are you doing here, for Feng Yi's primordial spirit?" Feng Qi seemed to have guessed Qing Qing's reason for coming, and said straight to the point.

Qingqing was not tactful, and asked, "Is there any way you can make Feng Yiyuan's soul stable and not life-threatening?"

"You have to know that Feng Yi is not willing to use this method to survive. And there is another important point. This method only treats the symptoms but not the root cause. It is only effective temporarily. If he wants to be safe for a long time, he must return to the upper realm."

And returning to the upper realm means separation.

"Can I go to the upper realm together?"

Feng Qi raised her eyebrows and smiled meaningfully.

The upper realm is not so easy to go to. At the beginning, people thought that they could touch the floating island as long as they flew high enough, but no matter how high they flew, the upper realm would always be above their heads.

If the channel is not opened, it is impossible to board the floating island.

"To go to the upper realm, you must attain the Dao and become an immortal. You can only break through the realm of gods."

Breaking through the godlike realm, there will naturally be a passage between the upper and lower realms, and the lower realm practitioners will be led away.

"How will Feng Yi return to the upper realm? Can I go with him?"

Feng Qi smiled, but her words were extremely indifferent, "Obviously not."

"I guess before, Feng Yi said that he would stay with you in the lower realm until you could go to the upper realm with him, right? At that time, he didn't know that he couldn't stay in the lower realm for so long. You can see how weak he is now. Does it look like this? This is the consequence of staying in the lower realm."

Qingqing didn't know anything about these things, but she probably felt that Feng Yi's accident had something to do with the upper realm.

So they were destined to separate?
She wanted him to accompany her, but she wanted him not to get hurt because of her.

If the only way to be safe is separation, then it is better to endure pain to separate.

Qingqing clenched the long sword in her hand, her gaze was deep.

One day, she will break through like a god. At that time, wouldn't it be good if she went to the upper realm to find Feng Yi?

"Tell me how."

"You've made up your mind."


Feng Qi seemed to have guessed what Qingqing was thinking, and sympathy flashed in her eyes.

The girl in front of me still has some hope at this moment, I really don't know if she will be as firm as she is now after she knows how to rescue Feng Yi.

"It's very simple for Feng Yi. He once lost a lot of primordial spirits, but most of them were small fragments, which are irrelevant. Just find the two really important primordial spirits."

"Where are those two primordial spirits?" Qing Qing had a certain guess in her heart, but she dared not say it.

"Looking at your expression, it seems that you have already guessed it? His two primordial spirits, one is on you, which locks your demon soul. The other is on that weasel. The weasel is originally stupid, it is impossible After cultivating into a demon, he can achieve his current level of cultivation entirely because of Feng Yi's primordial spirit. If he wants Feng Yi to be good, he must liberate these two primordial spirits, and the result..."

"The result is that I may not be able to control the demonic soul and fall into the demonic way. Huang Shu...will he still be alive?"

Feng Qi didn't answer, the result of this question needn't be thought about, it's naturally not a good result.

She already knew the way to save Feng Yi, but Qingqing wished she didn't know.

It turned out that Feng Yi was unwilling to tell himself this method, and it was because of this reason.

After being enchanted, they must no longer be possible.

But she is not afraid, she is even more afraid of his death, she has caused so much trouble with her, she should pay him back.

But what about Huang Shu?
What should he do?
It turns out that the most painful thing in this world is not that it cannot be saved. The most painful thing is that there is a way to go, but I don't know how to choose.

(End of this chapter)

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