Chapter 130 Can You Do It?
But now that Ranran knew, it was even more impossible for him to leave Doudou to Pei Beichuan.

"No, Doudou happened to be sent to a private kindergarten by Pei Beichuan some time ago. Unfortunately, the director of that kindergarten is the father of a friend of mine. I have already called and asked them to send Doudou to Mo I'll be there in about an hour." Jian Xuan smiled maliciously, and Pei Beichuan could only consider himself unlucky when he met them.

"Well, what happened to the matter of finding someone who knows witchcraft?" Mo Qingxuan hummed lightly, and then turned to other matters.

He became more and more disgusted with Granny Zhang's greed, and his desire to find someone who knew witchcraft became more and more urgent.

"No, this kind of person is hard to find. So far there is no news." Jian Xuan lowered his tone, and he has sent out all the people he can use, but so far there is no news.

After all, that kind of person is hard to find. Except for those who are greedy for glory like Granny Zhang, everyone else is either a liar, or an old woman who lives alone in the mountains and does not want to be born.

"Take your time, this kind of thing is rare after all." Mo Qingxuan also understood in his heart, so he didn't say anything to tell him to hurry up, and just hung up the phone after a few words of comfort.

Mo Qingxuan looked at his watch, it was past four o'clock, and he had to arrange for Doudou when Doudou was delivered, so he called A Yang and asked him to pick up Luan'er, while he himself waited for someone to pick up Luan'er at home. Doudou sent back.

Before 05:30, an Audi arrived at Mozhai.

After Mo Qingxuan received the call, he rushed to the door. Doudou was standing next to the legs of a man in his 50s. He didn't look at all embarrassed. A pair of elf eyes looked at Mo Zhai curiously.

"Uncle, where's my mother?" Doudou stood still when she saw Mo Qingxuan, only looking at him with her head tilted.

Mo Qingxuan looked at Doudou, who resembled Ran Ran four to five points, and liked it a little bit, nodded at the man and walked over.

"You are Uncle Gao, I'm sorry to trouble you to send Doudou back in person." Mo Qingxuan reached out to shake hands with the man, then lowered his head and stretched out his hand towards Doudou.

Doudou glanced back at the principal, and put her small hand into Mo Qingxuan's palm. Mo Qingxuan pulled him to her side with a slight force.

Doudou's little hands are soft, warm, and comfortable to hold.

Mo Qingxuan couldn't help but bent down and picked him up. If Luan'er hadn't had an accident four years ago and they got married, wouldn't their child be this big now?
He doesn't like children so much, but he wants a child that belongs to him and Luan'er.

"Don't be too polite, eldest son, I'm just going along the way." The man waved his hand, smiled politely, got into the car and left.

"Uncle, where is my mother?" Doudou waved her small hand at the rear of the car, then turned her head and hugged Mo Qingxuan's neck and asked.

"Mom is waiting for you at home. Uncle will take you to find her." Mo Qingxuan went home with Doudou in his arms, and went to look for Mo Qingran in the Baimi Courtyard where Mo Qingran lived.

These few days, Mo Qingran seldom leaves the Mo residence. He comes out to eat breakfast with everyone every day. It looks normal, but from time to time, he always loses his mind and doesn't know what he is thinking.

This state made Mo Qingxuan a little worried. Doudou happened to be here, and it might be better to let him accompany Ranran.

Pei Beichuan was working when he suddenly received a call from the babysitter. He checked the time, and it was just after school. He didn't know what the little guy Doudou wanted to do.

After answering the phone, the nanny's anxious voice came over immediately.

"Sir, the teacher said that Doudou was picked up by his mother before school was over." Pei Beichuan's face changed, and the pen scratched a line on the document without him realizing it.

"What do you mean? What's going on?"

"I just came to pick up Doudou from school, but all the children were picked up. I didn't see Doudou. I asked the teacher later, and the teacher said that Doudou had been picked up by his mother at four o'clock."

The nanny's voice sounded panicked.

"Give the phone to the teacher." Pei Beichuan's face darkened, the thing he was most worried about happened.

Mo Qingxuan must have taken Doudou away.

However, when he was in the hotel that day, Mo Qingxuan didn't think that Doudou was Mo Qingran's son at all, he thought he was talking nonsense.

Why did you suddenly take Doudou away?

"Hello, Mr. Pei?" The nanny's slightly anxious voice on the phone turned into a sweet and soft voice, it was the young female teacher in Doudou's class around 20 years old.

"Well, who picked up Doudou? What does that person look like?" Pei Beichuan responded, looked down and saw the crossed-out document, frowned and closed the document and put it aside.

"When school was about to leave, the principal said that Doudou's mother was coming to pick up Doudou, and then took Doudou away. Because I was still in class, I didn't see Doudou's mother."

The female teacher's voice sounded a little confused. Although Doudou had only been in school for more than a month, she remembered that Doudou should have no mother. When the principal said that Doudou's mother came to pick him up, she took it for granted that Doudou was Mom and Dad divorced, the child was sentenced to the father, and the mother would come to take care of the child when she had time, so there was no doubt.

This is entirely a novel that I have read too much.

Pei Beichuan pursed his lips, suppressed the irritability in his chest, said thank you, and hung up the phone.

He didn't need to ask the principal about the situation, he could fully guess that the principal and Mo Qingxuan knew each other, otherwise how could he have believed the child's mother without consulting the parents?
If that's the case, who would dare to send children to this kindergarten with confidence?
After thinking about it, Pei Beichuan dialed Mo Qingxuan's number.

After Mo Qingxuan brought Doudou to Baimiyuan, Mo Qingran's mood really improved.

Doudou is very good at making people happy, and it didn't take long for the two of them to squat in the garden of Baimiyuan to study which flowers are more fragrant and which ones are more beautiful.

Standing in the corridor, Mo Qingxuan watched the intimate interaction between the mother and the son, a faint smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Just when he was infected by the scene in front of him, the phone rang.

"Ayang, what's the matter?"

Mo Qingxuan frowned, he asked A Yang to pick up Luan'er, it's been almost two hours, and logically he should have come back, why is A Yang calling him at this time?
"Shi Mingyang has a fever, and Miss Jiang insists on staying and taking care of him."

Mo Qingxuan's face suddenly sank. Although Shi Mingyang's gunshot wound hurt his lungs, it was not serious.

And there may be fever symptoms within three days after the operation. Now that so many days have passed, how can there be fever?

Although he hadn't been to Shi Mingyang's ward these days, he knew his situation very well. He had even estimated the time when he would be discharged from the hospital. How could something unexpected happen to him?

Jiang Luan doesn't know much about medical knowledge, but who is he?
He is a legend in the medical world with extraordinary talent, how can such a clumsy lie be able to deceive him except for a rookie like Jiang Luan who doesn't know anything?

"Are you still in the hospital?" Mo Qingxuan asked A Yang in a stiff voice, his eyes were already smeared with anger.

Luan'er will leave the ward to go back to rest these days when he is off work, and will go to the hospital the next day after work. Shi Mingyang must have noticed something.

It was beyond his expectation that so many geniuses made such moves.

"Yes, I'm on the corridor right now." A Yang didn't dare to go far, Jiang Luan was stubborn and stubborn, even Mo Qingxuan couldn't force her, let alone him.

The only thing he can do now is to wait for Mo Qingxuan to come over, maybe he will be punished lesser this way.

Ah Yang is suffering and can't tell now, he would rather go through life and death to enter the enemy's rear, no matter how bad he is with Ah Jun to deal with that old witch, Granny Zhang, it is better than serving this young lady.

This person who can't be beaten or scolded is not an obedient master. Since following her, there is almost no mission that can be completed properly.

"You wait there, I'll be there in a while."

After Mo Qingxuan finished speaking, he couldn't help but hang up the phone and go out.

"Brother, where are you going?"

Mo Qingran looked up and saw Mo Qingxuan walking out, his expression was also ugly, so he stood up and asked.

Seeing Mo Qingran standing up, Doudou also stood up, blinking at Mo Qingxuan with a pair of black eyes, it was really cute.

Mo Qingxuan pursed his lips, then paused: "Luan'er refuses to come back, I'll go to the hospital to see."

"I'll go too." Mo Qingran patted the dirt off his fingers and walked out of the garden.

Mo Qingxuan thought for a while, then nodded: "Okay, you take Doudou to wash your hands first, and I'll drive. Hurry up."

Mo Qingran nodded, pulled Doudou and walked into the house. The two of them were originally studying flowers, but then they started digging flower mud for some reason, and now both of them have mud with both hands.

After driving out, Mo Qingxuan's phone rang again.

After Mo Qingxuan hung up Pei Beichuan's phone call, Mo Qingran just came out with Doudou.

It was the rush hour for get off work at this time, and the road was heavily trafficked, and Mo Qingxuan's face became more and more gloomy.

When he arrived at the hospital, Mo Qingxuan's face was so gloomy that he could wring out water.

"Ah Xuan, why did you come to the hospital at this time?"

When Mo Qingxuan arrived at the inpatient department, he happened to meet Mo Jinxiu who had just got off work.

"I'm here to pick up Luan'er." Mo Qingxuan replied, and continued walking towards the inpatient department without stopping.

"What's going on?" Mo Jinxiu saw Mo Qingran followed with Doudou, blocked her and asked, then looked at Doudou and asked again, "Is he Doudou? Did Ah Xuan figure it out?" ?”

"My brother said that Ah Hyun had done a DNA comparison with us, and that he was indeed my son, so he asked someone to steal him away."

Mo Qingran looked at Doudou at his feet, raised his head and shrugged and said to Mo Jinxiu.

She was really not used to suddenly having an extra son, after all, she was still a big girl, and she had never been in love with anyone in her memory.

(End of this chapter)

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