Chapter 215 Don't Talk Nonsense 1
Pei Beichuan used to have patience with Pei Ruosang, since Pei Ruosang designed that woman to climb into his bed, the past four years have worn away his remaining patience.

He didn't really want to do anything to Pei Ruosang, but he just thought that this time it was a lesson to be honest and serve three years in prison, maybe he would be honest after he came out.

Pei Ruosang has been spoiled by the unlimited love of her grandparents, and now only such extreme measures can make her change her ways, so he is determined this time.

Based on this idea, he didn't think there was any trouble in Mo Qingran's refusal to let her go. After all, the kidnapping incident last time was really bad.

"No matter what, it's your grandparents after all. You should talk to them carefully. After all, it has been a year. Director Li also said that your sister has become more honest in prison and is no longer so arrogant. Family, after a while, I will go to see her. If she really repents, I will be a guarantor and bail her out. But don’t tell your grandparents about this, you can talk to them. It’s good to sell their favor in the end.”

Seeing Pei Beichuan's firm eyes, Chu Huan didn't continue to hold on, but instead showed his mouth, showing that he could let Pei Ruosang go.

"Thanks Mom. I will."

Pei Beichuan looked at Chu Huan gratefully. It would be best if Pei Ruosang could really change his ways. After all, he was his sister whom he had loved for so many years. How could he really hate her?
"Why are the family being polite? Mom doesn't want anything, as long as you and Ranran live well."

Chu Huan gave him a reproachful look, then lowered his head and went to talk to Doudou.

Mo Qingran went to Qingluan Garden and went straight to Mo Qingxuan's bedroom. As expected, the bedroom door was closed tightly.

"Brother, open the door!"

Mo Qingran slammed the door, curiosity and excitement couldn't be concealed in her voice.

"Ran Ran, why are you back?"

Mo Qingxuan's voice didn't sound normal, it seemed a little nasal, and he wasn't full of breath like usual, but a little short of breath, as if he was enduring pain.

"I called yesterday to say I'm coming back, why did you forget?"

Mo Qingran rolled his eyes, Mo Qingxuan's brain was comparable to a computer, but now he even forgot that he was coming back today, there was indeed a problem.

The room was silent for a while, Mo Qingxuan cleared his throat: "Why don't you talk to Mom? Mom always misses you."

"I've already said it, now I'm coming to talk to you."

A cunning flashed across Mo Qingran's eyes, how could he not hear that Mo Qingxuan didn't want to see him now?

"Need not……"

Before Mo Qingxuan could finish his words, the door lock opened with a click, his brows were wrinkled, and the corners of his mouth curled into a cold and hard arc.

He knows Mo Qingran's skills best, but Mo Qingran has never dared to play this kind of tricks in his Qingluan Garden since he was a child. After getting married, he becomes more courageous?
It's not that Mo Qingran has become more courageous, it's because the heart of gossip has taken over everything.

I have never seen my brother in a mess in this life. It is a rare opportunity, and there is no need to pay for tickets. How could she miss it?
Although Mo Qingxuan didn't want to be seen in such a mess, he didn't bother to hide under the quilt and refused to come out, so the impact of the first picture Mo Qingran saw after he came in was not small at all. .

Half of Mo Qingxuan's cheeks were swollen, a piece of purple red, his left eye socket was also a piece of purple blue, his neck was slightly tilted, and he looked a little stiff, but there seemed to be nothing wrong with his body, at least he was fine with walking and waving his arms. Was slapped in the face.

"Oh my god, brother, did you go to rob a bank and get beaten up?"

Mo Qingxuan walked in honestly, and looked at Mo Qingxuan's "seriously injured" face in amazement.

Mo Qingxuan's face was gloomy, and he glanced at her coldly, walked to the table and poured himself a glass of water, and sat back in front of the computer with the water glass in his hand.

Mo Qingran glanced at his computer screen. There were some medical cases and professional papers, which she didn't quite understand.

Although Mo Qingxuan was extremely talented, it didn't mean he was born with it. On the contrary, she had never seen anyone work as hard as Mo Qingxuan in the study of medicine.

"Is that man jealous of your handsomeness? Why do you just hit your face?"

Mo Qingran looked at the bruises and blacks and purples on Mo Qingxuan's face, and felt that it was very funny. She suppressed her laughter, but her eyes couldn't help overflowing with a deep smile, and her voice seemed a little distorted.

"You want me to be beaten so hard that I can't get up in bed?"

After Mo Qingran forcibly entered the "private house", Mo Qingxuan finally said the first sentence, his voice was cold and hard, as if he wanted to throw Mo Qingran out like garbage to relieve his hatred.

His injury is actually not serious, Shi Mingyang is heavier than him, both of them hit Shi Mingyang's face hard, first he hit Shi Mingyang's face first, then Shi Mingyang also hit his face hard, it didn't hurt his face at all polite.

However, he only had one cheek and one eye socket swollen, and Shi Mingyang's face could hardly be seen, and a rib was broken.

Who can win a fight between a medical student and a police officer?There is no doubt that he is a policeman!But that's for others!

Mo Qingxuan's skills are not bad, and his physical fitness is much stronger than some soldiers.

After all, Shi Mingyang graduated from the police academy before. Although he studied in the judicial department, his skills are no worse than those of students in other departments.

Mo Qingxuansheng is studying medicine, and he is familiar with the structure of the human body. He knows where beatings can make people hurt but not hurt, and where beatings can make life worse than death, and where beatings won't affect people's driving.

In contrast, Shi Mingyang, who fought with him, suffered a lot.

Moreover, although Shi Mingyang's skill is good, it is still a bit worse than him.

If he hadn't released the water, how could Shi Mingyang have the chance to inflict a little injury on him?

"How come? Brother, you are so powerful, it's no problem to single out ten or eight."

Mo Qingran suppressed the smile in her eyes, and denied Mo Qingxuan's accusation.

Mo Qingxuan didn't even glance at her, and continued to focus on the academic paper in front of him, while annotating his own opinions and conclusions on the side.

Seeing that he ignored her completely, Mo Qingran was afraid that he would really get angry and throw herself out, so she pouted and turned around, ready to leave.

Although he looks embarrassed, Mo Qingxuan's performance is not at all embarrassed, and it's not interesting to watch it for a long time.

It seems that there will never be a chance to see Mo Qingxuan covering his head under the quilt so that no one can see him in his life!
Seeing that Mo Qingran was about to leave, Mo Qingxuan's cold voice sounded again: "Don't talk nonsense in front of Luan'er."

Mo Qingran had had enough fun by herself, and kindly agreed.

She wouldn't tell Luan'er, otherwise, would she watch Luan'er go to another one to greet her?

How could Mo Qingran not guess what Chu Huan could guess?Although I don't know what Mo Qingxuan is thinking, no matter what he does, he always has his own reasons, right?

Hearing the sound of closing the door, Mo Qingxuan stopped what he was doing, leaned his head on the back of the chair, no emotion could be seen in his deep eyes.

Last night, Mo Qingxuan's car parked in the deserted park where he found Fengzi and Archie, and then he got out of the car, his slender figure leaning against the car door, staring coldly at the BMW coming behind him.

The BMW stopped, and Shi Mingyang was about to start as soon as he got out of the car and stepped over.

Mo Qingxuan stopped his fist halfway, twisted it hard, and attacked Shi Mingyang's face with his left hand without warning, with a forceful momentum, without any intention of keeping his hand.

Maybe it was because he didn't expect Mo Qingxuan to slap him in the face, but Shi Mingyang couldn't dodge it, blood was seen on the corner of his mouth with just one punch, and half of his face quickly turned from red to white, from white to purple, and it swelled up after a while.

Shi Mingyang was angered by him, and he no longer specialized in his chest and abdomen, and he just hit wherever he caught. The two of them didn't look like successful people in martial arts, but they wrestled together like two hot-blooded young people, completely out of order. Fist and kick are all based on blood.

I don't know how long the scuffle has been, and I don't know who separated first. Both of them have already died.

"Crazy enough?"

Looking at Shi Ming's cyan and red face, which was gradually swollen, and the withered grass leaves on his body, Mo Qingxuan asked coldly.

Shi Mingyang took out a pack of tissues from his pocket, took out one himself, and threw the rest along with the tissue pack to Mo Qingxuan, and then wiped the blood from the corners of his mouth and nose with the tissues himself.

Although Mo Qingxuan looked rather embarrassed, he was better than Shi Mingyang. When he saw the tissue bag he threw over, he didn't pick it up.

Shi Mingyang didn't say anything when he saw his actions, he just shrugged his shoulders, and sat down on the floor without thinking the floor was dirty.

Anyway, when they were fighting just now, they were already stained with a lot of dead grass and dust, so they didn't care a little more.

Mo Qingxuan hesitated for a moment, but in the end he didn't sit down, but just stood aside and looked at Shi Mingyang.

Both of them are people who pay great attention to their own image. Mo Qingxuan's elegance and dignity are engraved in his bones, and he was brought up since childhood.

Shi Mingyang is used to being rigorous, and has never been willing to show timidity in front of others. Because of his background, he doesn't want anyone to look down on him. He is afraid of making mistakes in his daily affairs, so he dare not relax at all.

After such a long time, it is naturally very tired.

I vented at Mo Qingxuan just now, and I don't mind relaxing in front of this former rival in love. Anyway, if I can't win him, it's better to disgust him.

Mo Qingxuan calmly slapped the grass leaves off his body. Although the clothes on his body were a little wrinkled, they were much better than Shi Mingyang's.

"Mo Qingxuan, I'm no worse than you. Whether it's talent or hard work. In other words, I work harder than you."

Shi Mingyang tugged the corner of his mouth, feeling a burst of burning pain. He was unprepared when Mo Qingxuan hit him on the cheek at the beginning, the skin was torn inside, and the burning pain was smeared with saliva.

There was a slight mockery in Mo Qingxuan's eyes, he did not deny everything Shi Mingyang said, but Shi Mingyang couldn't see his efforts.

Among other things, if the two of them switch positions, he will definitely not blame others like Shi Mingyang, and push all the unsatisfactory things to his family background and external help.

(End of this chapter)

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