Chapter 247

She called him Senior Shi because she still remembered everything about him, his liking for her, his despicableness, and the hurt he caused her.

However, there was no hatred or resentment in her eyes, so calm, so calm that he clearly realized that he had left no trace in her heart, no matter what he did, she would neither hate nor resent, Because it's not enough to care about.

He was standing not far from the door, so he noticed the commotion at the door immediately, turned around inadvertently, and his pupils suddenly constricted.

A ray of flame inevitably ignited in his eyes, his fists loosened and tightened suddenly, violent emotions surged in his chest, and he almost couldn't help but burst out of his chest.

As the man raised his foot, the hostility in his eyes turned into astonishment before he had time to put it away. His head buzzed as if he had been punched hard by someone, and his heart seemed to be tightly punched by someone. Clenched tightly, a little pain.

He watched helplessly as the figure staggered, but walked over with an extraordinary aura, watched him enlarge in his eyes little by little, and the blurred face gradually became clear.

Shi Mingyang only felt the burning pain on his face, as if someone had slapped him hard, and he could hardly hold back the tears in his eyes.

Why did he accept Mo Qingran's invitation?
Shi Mingyang stared stiffly at the man walking past him slowly but persistently, the other party's eyes couldn't even cast his gaze on him.

However, he couldn't express any resentment, he just stared at his walking posture like a fool, unable to hide the shock and frustration in his eyes.

He has always maintained his perfect image in Jiang Luan's eyes, and he does not want to appear in front of Jiang Luan even if there is a trace of embarrassment.

However, that person, the person he regarded as his rival in love, dragged his crippled body and walked towards her step by step in full view of everyone. He didn't seem to see any surprised or stunned eyes around him. With Jiang Luan alone, it seemed that there was only that lavender figure left in the whole world.

There was a deep sense of frustration in his heart for no reason, no wonder he didn't take himself seriously from the beginning.

It turned out that he had already determined that no one in this world could love Jiang Luan more than him.

With an itchy throat, Shi Mingyang coughed uncontrollably. Even if he pressed his hands to his mouth forcibly, he couldn't stop the desire to cough, and it even tended to intensify.

He didn't dare to see if Jiang Luan had spotted the person behind him, turned around and walked towards the door, coughing so hard that his throat was about to break, but he still couldn't help coughing until tears came out in the end.

Some people say that love is a bad cold. In this ten-year pursuit of love, he is the only one who has a bad cold.

Is such a severe cough a symptom of a severe cold that needs to be cured?
Shi Mingyang almost trotted out of the lobby with his head down. Even in such a desperate and empty moment, he still wanted to maintain his most perfect image, and he didn't want anyone to see him coughing and crying.

Once upon a time, there was also a woman who loved him deeply and was trampled under his feet.

Today is also retribution, right?
When Jiang Luan was about to walk in front of Mo Qingran, she saw the astonishment and shock in her eyes, and also saw Baige Chuhuan and the others lost their souls, and realized that the venue behind him didn't know when it was quiet When it stopped, only the music was left playing alone. In the large hall with hundreds of people, I could only hear the sound of light and heavy footsteps behind me, which hit my heart directly.

Jiang Luan's breathing was inexplicably disordered. Turning around, he saw that the already crowded crowd behind him dispersed to both sides at some point. At the end of the crowd, a resolute figure staggered towards him.

Her knees gave way and she almost fell to her knees, her eyes widened as if she wanted to make sure that what she saw was not her own eyes.

The thin and excessive cheeks are deeply sunken, and the hair is a bit long and has not been carefully taken care of. It looks like it was cut with scissors by someone who is not good at barbering. It looks a little dry due to malnutrition.

When he walked, his right leg was drooping, and he was fully supported by his left leg. Occasional lifting of his right leg gave people the illusion that he weighed more than a thousand catties.

However, no matter how thin and embarrassed he was, his focused and affectionate eyes were unmistakable.

Jiang Luan raised her legs and wanted to walk back, but her legs were as soft as noodles, but they were so heavy, she tried her best to move a little, and then suddenly fell to the ground, crying out loud.

After holding back the tears for nearly two years, at this moment I finally couldn't bear them anymore.

He is back!When everyone firmly believed that he was gone, when she was the only one who insisted that he was just revenge for her disappearing for four years, he came back!

Hearing Jiang Luan's cry, Mo Qingxuan's footsteps paused for a moment, with a little distress in his affectionate eyes, and he dragged his steps forward again.

The distance between the two is not very far, but the distance of more than ten meters seems to Mo Qingxuan to be separated by thousands of mountains and rivers at this moment. Every time he drags his feet, he can only move forward a little, but he does not In a hurry, he just persisted and walked slowly and firmly towards the figure that tied his whole heart.

Mo Qingran couldn't stand it anymore, rushed over with red eyes, without saying a word, supported Mo Qingxuan's arms with both hands, so that his legs could take a little burden off.

Mo Qingxuan didn't refuse, and didn't look at her. He just used her strength to speed up his pace. A thin layer of sweat had already oozed from his forehead, but he didn't slow down at all. He just wanted to hug that figure in his arms quickly, Let her not sit there alone and cry like that.

Mo Qingxuan was a little taller than Mo Qingran, and Mo Qingran struggled to support him, but he gritted his teeth and kept silent, trying his best to make it easier for him.

No one helped Jiang Luan get up, and no one disturbed Mo Qingxuan. Hundreds of people in the lobby just watched this scene in silence.

At this moment, everyone was inexplicably moved.

Everyone knows that the eldest son and Jiang Luan have a deep relationship and are childhood sweethearts, but few people realize how deep their feelings for each other are.

Finally, with Mo Qingran's support, Mo Qingxuan walked up to Jiang Luan and stood still. His right foot could not be flexed freely. He raised his right leg slightly, and when he got short, he dropped his right knee on the floor and half-kneeled on Jiang Luan's shoulders. In front of her, she lowered her head and stared at her crying miserable face, the corners of her mouth moved a little, evoking a warm smile, as usual, noble and elegant.

"I am back."

The four words are soft, slightly hoarse, but full of emotion, hitting everyone's hearts.

His voice fell into Jiang Luan's ears, and he managed to make her stop crying. Jiang Luan raised her teary eyes, although she stopped crying, tears fell down her face in clusters, and she couldn't see clearly through the mist of tears. On Mo Qingxuan's face, she seemed a little anxious, and impatiently wiped away tears with the back of her hand, but she wiped more and more, and the more she wiped, the blurred her eyes became, and finally she cried aggrievedly.

Sighing softly, Mo Qingxuan took half a step forward on his knees, approached Jiang Luan, stretched out his long arm, and hugged her to his chest, and wrapped her other arm tightly around her straight back, letting her Getting closer to himself, closing his eyes, the hoarse voice said it again.

"I am back."

"Are you my father?"

The sweet and soft voice reveals a bit of curiosity, and the milky voice is particularly pleasing.

Mo Qingxuan opened his eyes, and saw a big-eyed doll wearing a tulle skirt standing behind Jiang Luan, staring at him flickeringly with a pair of big eyes, a little inquiring, a little expectant.

"Are you Dodo?"

Mo Qingxuan hugged Jiang Luan and couldn't take his hands off. He looked at the girl with a trembling sound in his voice.

"You are dad!"

The female doll suddenly raised her eyebrows and jumped up happily, her gauze skirt fluttered slightly with her movements, like clouds and mist, like the most beautiful elf.

Mo Qingxuan's brows also opened following her smile, and the pain in his heart for Jiang Luan seemed to be gently smoothed by a pair of gentle hands, and there was a smile in his eyes.

Soon, his eyes were slightly stunned, and he stared at the smiling little one in disbelief, suppressing the urge to laugh with her.

What kind of little monster is this?He was confident that with his own mind, even witchcraft would hardly be able to influence him, but this little guy actually bewitched him with just a smile!

Seeing Mo Qingxuan's expression, Mo Qingran not far away, Chu Huan and the others also laughed. When they first discovered Dodo's special function, they also had the same expression as he does now.

Just like that, the heavy and depressing atmosphere was easily turned into a muddy mess by Duo Duo's smile. Mo Qingxuan stood up dumbfounded and pulled Jiang Luan up, took a tissue from Jiang Lu's hand and wiped her tears.

The subsequent steps were simplified and simplified, and some grand and luxurious steps that were meaningless were cancelled. The only thing that remained relatively intact was the interaction between siblings and the weekly grasp.

Guoguo grabbed a stethoscope, and Douduo grabbed a mini camera and refused to let go.

After the end, someone pushed the wheelchair. Jiang Luan, who had calmed down, helped Mo Qingxuan to sit on the wheelchair. Chu Huan hugged Guoguo, and Baige led Douduo. A group of more than a dozen cars went to Mo's house. .

Only Mo Jinxiu stayed to see off the guests, and all the people present knew that Mo Jinxiu was eager to think, so they didn't say much greetings, and drove away spontaneously.

Mo Zhai, when Mo Shangshu heard that Mo Qingxuan was back, he forced himself to get up from the bed with his sick body, but the hired nurse couldn't beat him, so he called Chu Huan and waited for him to get dressed and washed. with.

Not long after sitting in the front hall, a group of people came back, and the small living room suddenly seemed crowded, the three sets of sofas were full of people, and the nanny moved some more chairs for everyone to sit down.


Mo Qingxuan turned the wheel of the wheelchair and walked towards Mo Shangshu. He was very thin, and Mo Shangshu also lost a lot of weight. His spirit looked poor, but his expression was very excited.

Seeing Mo Qingxuan, Mo Shangshu stood up excitedly from the sofa, the hand holding the cane trembled violently, the nurse hurried forward to hold him with both hands to prevent him from falling.

(End of this chapter)

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