Chapter 32
Ye Tian walked cautiously, breathing more and more with every step forward.

When I came to the wall, I seemed to see that the wall was a little loose.

"No one?" Ye Tian was a little relieved.

He went to the side of the wall again.

If there was someone just now, it should be hiding here!
Ye Tian inspected it carefully and found that there were traces of soil here.

"Sure enough, there are people!" Ye Tian's pupils dilated.

Just now, there should be someone here. It is estimated that the arrival of Li Tao and Katie made this person leave.

"Could it be that the target is me?" Ye Tian frowned.

"Mini Dragon!"

"That's right, the target must be the miniature dragon! There have been more than 20 cases of Pokémon disappearances in Jincheng, and these people's targets are Pokémon." Ye Tian still held the miniature dragon's elf ball in his hand.

"But why are they stealing Pokémon?" Ye Tian wondered.

Even if Pokémon leaves the trainer, it will not take orders from a stranger at will.

Ye Tian thought of the Rocket Team, Water Fleet, Flame Team, Plasma Team and so on in his previous life.

Is there such an organization in this world?
After returning home, Ye Tian still didn't relax.He turned on the computer and searched for "evil organization".

Du Niang is not omnipotent, and there is no real evil organization on it.

(It’s true that evil organizations won’t write about it on Baidu! No dark organization in Conan’s world has such a high profile!)

No matter where it is, there are inevitably people who do bad things, and when these people gather together, they become an organization that does bad things.

Ye Tian glanced at the mini dragon.

At this time, the mini dragon is leisurely.Every night is the happiest time for it, flapping its tail in the pool while eating Pokémon food and the canned fruit Ye Tian rewarded.

"Oh?" Ye Tian looked at the miniature dragon's tail, so the miniature dragon's tail was trained like this?
Ye Tian found that the mini dragon's tail was moving anytime and anywhere, no wonder it could be manipulated freely!
Ye Tian couldn't help but think of something when he saw the way the mini dragon slapped the water.

When the miniature dragon was eating Pokémon food, it was the happiest time. I don't know what happened. I always feel that the water temperature is a bit wrong today.

"Mini dragon..." Ye Tian came to the mini dragon with a smile.

"Here, I'll give you this canned berry, there's still more." Ye Tian handed over an opened can of blueberry-flavored berry.

"Gulu..." The miniature dragon swallowed the food in its mouth, feeling a little choked.


(What is this star trainer going to do?)
"Mini dragon, do you think you are comfortable in the water?" Ye Tian glanced at the pool where the water was changed every day.

"Wow..." The miniature dragon sensed that something was wrong, and immediately swam out.

"Why don't you learn water fluctuations?" Ye Tian thought of the water fluctuations skill when he saw the miniature dragon playing with water just now.


(He's going to learn a new skill again? Didn't he just learn one in broad daylight?)
The mini dragon looked at the devil trainer in front of him and felt very speechless.

"Here, you eat this can first, and we'll go to the dragon's lair later." Ye Tian opened another can of coffee-flavored fruit to refresh the mini dragon.

"Wow." The mini dragon fell down on the spot, and snored a few times like Ye Tian snored when he was sleeping.

"Stop pretending! Can you pretend to be a little more fake? You haven't learned the sleep skill yet, so you need to learn the dream talk skill?" Ye Tian pulled the tail of the miniature dragon speechlessly.

"Aww..." The miniature dragon looked sad.

Forget about the special training during the day, why work overtime at night?Aren't you depriving the human miniature dragon of its dragon rights?
(Mini dragons strongly protest!)
(Are you still eating the canned berries tomorrow?)

(I love learning!)


It was already dark outside, and Ye Tian brought the mini dragon to Bai Yunhan's Pokémon Battle Club.

"Ye Tian, ​​you said you're going to the dragon's lair?" Bai Yunhan didn't expect that Ye Tian would take the miniature dragon to the dragon's lair at night?

"That's right, the last special training in the dragon's lair was pretty good. I want to continue to give the mini dragon a special training." Ye Tian stretched out his fist, encouraging the mini dragon.

"Wow..." The mini dragon lay on Ye Tian's body, just wanting to sleep.

"I didn't expect you to be quite persevering? Would you like to have a Pokémon battle with my Snow Boy?" Bai Yunhan smiled.

Facing the ice-type Snow Boy, if he doesn't have the ability to be coquettish, even a mini dragon who has just learned the combo skill may not be able to win.

"Forget it, let's talk about it after our special training." Ye Tian shrugged.

It is already August, and it will soon be mid-August.

Ye Tian still remembered that in mid-August, it was his junior high school classmate Pokémon Battle Competition.But there's been no news in the group lately?
Originally, those people were still in groups every day. Since Ye Tian won the double Pokémon battle championship held by the Pokémon Battle Club, they all started not to be salted fish, and they worked harder than one to train their Pokémon. Pokémon.

"Then you go, but I have something to remind you." Bai Yunhan suddenly became serious.

"Huh?" Ye Tian looked at Bai Yunhan with a blank expression.

"Dragon Cave, it's not easy, don't rush in, just train on the outside. Unless... you and the mini dragon can defeat those four tyrannosaurs." Bai Yunhan said that all.

Facing Bai Yunhan's advice, Ye Tian remembered it. (no wonder)
(Longxue looks like a good adventure!)
Coming to the familiar Dragon Cave again, when Ye Tian opened the stone gate of the rockery, a gust of cold air hit him.

"Aww..." The mini dragon subconsciously shrank towards Ye Tian's back.

"This damn dragon's lair, why is it so cold?" Ye Tian complained after entering the dragon's lair.

This is not an ice cave, how could there be a burst of air-conditioning?There are still a lot of dragon Pokémon inside, aren't the people in the club afraid of freezing these Pokémon to death?
What Ye Tian didn't know was that Pokémon like those supersonic larvae had already gotten used to the temperature here.

In addition, the temperature of each place inside is different, which makes these Pokémon choose the most suitable area to live in.

Walking towards the inside, Ye Tian deliberately avoided this lake that looked a bit like (Yingkai Lake in Pokemon Gold and Silver) the exclusive swimming pool of the Gyarados.

Then came to a small desert area, the last time Ye Tian conducted special training in this place, the opponent was a group of ultrasonic larvae.

The miniature dragon lost a night, and also killed these supersonic larvae who didn't sleep all night.

The first passage from the rockery leads to the Gyarados swimming pool (so called for the time being).On the right is the Ultrasonic Larva Desert.

And there are two passages ahead.

The reason why Ye Tian said that this place is complicated is because there are many caves, but Ye Tian doesn't know where it leads.

……(To be continued)

 Crazy code word bacteria: "Mini Dragon: It's too much to work overtime at night?"

(End of this chapter)

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