Chapter 181

Meng Yiguang is not very good at how to grind people's hard bones so that people know everything about it, but she suspects that the killer can't speak at all.

Meng Yiguang knows a lot about side things and how to play. She also knows how to quickly and effectively defeat the instinctive defense, but this is also different from person to person.For most people in her hands, three to five minutes is enough.But it was far from enough to break down the killer's composure.

There was not enough time, the environment did not allow it, and there was no convenient tool at hand, and Meng Yiguang didn't take it seriously when he couldn't pry the man's mouth open.

Anyway, even if he said it, it might not be true.

Lilith deeply felt that this trip to Huaguo was worthwhile. With Meng Yiguang's skills and reflexes, it would be very difficult for others to bully her.Even if she can't be Ji Liancheng's help, at least she won't hold her back.

At the same time, Lilith was also a little shocked, even a little cold.The information about Meng Yiguang in her hand obviously missed a lot of important information.

For example, Meng Yiguang's marksmanship is very good, his skills are very neat, and he can throw a throwing knife well.

She even said with certainty that if she changed her mind during the competition, her fate would be the same as those two on the ground.

Some people can be provoked if they are provoked, and some people can't be provoked even if they die.From this point of view, in the past, Ji Liancheng just ignored him, which was considered very kind.

It's time to be content.Think about the new wife that her old man is about to marry. She was stalking Meng Yiguang's adoptive father back then, and she was kicked out of the country and stayed abroad for decades.Meng Yiguang grew up beside him, so he must have been affected.

"Meng Yiguang," Lilith rolled her eyes and coughed softly, "What are you going to do with these two people?"

Lilith's question really suits Meng Yiguang's heart.She didn't answer directly, but asked indifferently: "How should we count this game? Do we want to continue the competition?"

Meng Yiguang didn't care too much about the result. The Ibis Manor was valuable, but it wasn't what she liked.And facing Lilith, she is very willing to convince others with virtue.It's true that she took Lilith's siege just now, and it's also true that they didn't compete seriously in this round.

Lilith raised her eyes to look at her, remained silent for a while, and said straightforwardly: "You saved me, of course you win." She had full confidence in winning, but she didn't expect to lose so badly.Ibis Manor has a special meaning to her, so it is a lie to export it like this.

However, keeping her word is one of her few strengths, and she doesn't want to destroy the principles of life for the sake of a manor.August once said that some things don't matter, and some things have to be insisted on.Presumably, he can also understand, right?

"That's fine." Meng Yiguang nodded slightly and smiled.She could also tell that Lilith was a bit sleepy, and her fighting spirit was completely extinguished. It seemed that the attack just now had a great impact on her.In this round, Lilith was already not sure, and with the shooting competition she had already lost, the loss was a foregone conclusion.It is also free and easy to admit it so readily.

She looked at Lilith, and said leisurely: "I don't want Ibis Manor. In exchange, I will give these two people to you. I hope you can pry their mouths open and find out who is behind the scenes."

If she was still in Europe, she would love to do it herself.It's a pity that she is in Huaguo now. With her current status, it is not convenient for her to do such a thing.Coupled with the fact that Xiao Hongtu and the others are busy establishing a foothold in China, the acquisition of Changxing and the perfection of the end-apocalyptic survival game are going on at the same time. Even Yan Suihan, who is still in convalescence, is being ordered around. Little things bother them.

With the free labor of Lilith, there is no use for nothing.Lilith may not be able to accomplish this smoothly by herself, but she still has a smart brother.

When Lilith heard that Meng Yiguang didn't want Ibis Manor, she was a little moved, her face showed a bit of melancholy, she thought for a moment, and she still rejected Meng Yiguang's proposal.

She said quietly: "Originally, I was rude and rude when I made provocative words. Ibis Manor is our bet in the competition. Although it is only a verbal agreement, it is also bound by binding force. Since I lost, I must admit it. Otherwise, it will be Breaking promises is not good for the reputation of our Krall family. As for these two people, since they chose to attack us at this time, they should be mentally prepared. No one in the Krall family will stand up and be beaten but not fight back. You Don't worry, it's up to me."

Meng Yiguang was a little surprised when he heard her words.It's really not smart for Lilith to go to Linhai University to study in the afternoon with a high profile. Not only that, she may not even be considered smart, but she understands the way she handles things.She somewhat understood why Lilith had such a good reputation in European high society.

Because of this, she was a little more patient, and said softly, "Lilith, these are two different things. Besides, the Ibis Manor occupies a large area, and it is not easy to take care of it. I am still a student and I am not very free. What's more, the manor has special meaning to you, right?"

Lilith pursed her lips, rationally telling her that she should admit defeat, at least on the surface.But emotionally speaking, she was really reluctant.Although August could understand her, he would definitely get angry.

Meng Yiguang didn't seem to know that the peace in Lilith's heart was swaying violently from side to side, and just calmly waited for her reply.

Lilith's complexion changed a few times, and she hesitated for a while before gritted her teeth and said, "Okay." After finishing speaking, she seemed to feel that her tone was too blunt, and added, "Thank you."

Meng Yiguang pointed to the killer on the ground: "These two, do you have a way to get them out?"

"I think my bodyguards will have a solution." Lilith smiled, but her eyes were cold.

Without Meng Yiguang's words, Lilith will also take care of this matter.She only revealed that she was staying at the Honghu Club, and someone could deduce what she wanted to compare to. If that person didn't know her very well, or had a deep scheming mind.No matter what the reason was, it was enough to make her vigilant.

In addition, that person obviously also counted Meng Yiguang, regardless of whether Meng Yiguang has anything to do with Ji Liancheng, if such a big living person was injured or even died for no reason because of her provocation, it would be a blow to her face .

Can't bear it.

The test venue was ambushed by someone, and the Honghu Club, which claims to be perfectly monitored and the control room can make adjustments in the shortest time, is probably not clean. The black hand of that person is a bit long.

(End of this chapter)

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