The reborn abandoned woman reigns

Chapter 41 It's getting weirder

Chapter 41 It's getting weirder
Nodding to Duan Xirong as a greeting, Sima Xukong kept a straight face, looked at Changsun Jingrong viciously, and reprimanded: "This matter is not over, I will teach you a lesson next time!"

Sima Xukong didn't know, although he was trying to shock his eldest grandson Jingrong with a ferocious demeanor.But because there was a little bit of reluctance in his heart, the appearance he showed in the end was like an intimate whisper, not only did not have a trace of lethality, but it made Changsun Jingrong get goosebumps all over.

This person is getting weirder and weirder!

After Sima Xukong had gone far away, Duan Xirong walked up to the eldest grandson Jingrong, and said with admiration in his eyes: "I don't know which family my sister belongs to? I really admire her."

Unexpectedly, Duan Xirong would take the initiative to come to talk to her, the eldest grandson Jingrong's heart froze, and then smiled: "What did the girl say, what virtue and ability do I have, so that the girl will admire you?"

"Hey, don't underestimate yourself," Duan Xirong said with great interest, "I've always heard that the Ninth Prince is very playful and caresses the Empress Dowager all day long. But I didn't expect that he would treat a A woman's heart, if you didn't see the look in his eyes just now, you could almost pinch water!"

Pinch water?
Reminiscent of Sima Xukong who always likes to growl, he suddenly became as gentle as water, Changsun Jingrong only felt chills from the soles of his feet...

"I'm Xi Rong, the third daughter of the Duan family. Dare I ask the girl's name?"

Looking up at Duan Xirong with a big smile, the eldest grandson Jingrong was uncertain for a moment, wondering if now is the best time to get acquainted.But the situation did not allow her to think too much, she could only respond with a light smile: "I am the mirror of the eldest grandson's family."

Hearing this name, Duan Xirong's expression did not change, he just nodded with a smile,

This kind of reaction was completely beyond Changsun Jingrong's expectation. She couldn't help looking sideways at her and asked, "I thought that when the girl heard my surname, she would turn her head and leave."

"Ha," Duan Xirong laughed, and then said, "You didn't leave, why should I? It's like I'm a coward. Besides, those grievances have been going on for a long time, what does it have to do with you and me?"

Looking at the open-minded woman in front of him, Changsun Jingrong felt that she was very angry with him.

In my impression, after the fall of the Duan family, Duan Xirong remained unmarried and died in a fire.Duan Xirong's short but lively life can't help but make people sigh.

In the past, the impression of the Duan family was always obtained from rumors, but now seeing a real person standing in front of him, Changsun Jingrong couldn't help but feel dazed.

After blinking, Changsun Jingrong showed a faint smile and said, "Indeed, whether they are right or wrong can only be judged by time. We are just passers-by, so why bother us."

"I like what you say," while speaking, Duan Xirong seemed to see Xiaosheng's leaving figure from the corner of his eyes, his face changed instantly, and he said hastily, "Next time I have time, I will treat you to tea, and I will bid you farewell today!"

After finishing speaking, Duan Xirong ran forward regardless of everyone's ladylike demeanor.The little maid behind her was struggling to follow, shouting and shouting, hoping to stop and wait for her.But how could Duan Xirong slow down?Not long after, he disappeared.

Looking at the sudden change in front of him, Changsun Jingrong exhaled lightly, and murmured: "It seems that it is not so easy to change Duan Xirong's mind."

The eldest grandson Jingrong told Qiao Ruilin his deduction, and the other party turned pale with shock, stared wide-eyed, and said: "You are not joking, Duan Xirong tortures and humiliates me all day, how could it be because he likes me?" Why? This is ridiculous!"

"Why not?" Yoyo drank the tea in front of her, and the eldest grandson Jingrong said calmly, "Miss Duan is proud and arrogant, and the way of expressing love will be different. If you can calm down and think about it carefully, maybe you can understand it s difference."

Changsun Jingrong's eyes seemed to be bewitching, so that those who watched would involuntarily follow what she said.But just closing his eyes and thinking about it for a moment, Qiao Ruilin suddenly opened his eyes, shook his head vigorously, and said with certainty: "Impossible, those terrible things Duan Xirong did are simply horrific, and there is no trace of love between men and women in it." .She is a freak, everyone, you'd better stay away from her!"

Seeing Qiao Ruilin so excited, Qiao Shan'er couldn't help asking anxiously: "Brother, what did she do to make you so afraid of her?"

"I don't want to talk about the past anymore," Qiao Ruilin frowned, with a look of deep taboo, "In short, I don't want to see her again in this life!"

Seeing Qiao Ruilin's refusal attitude, the eldest grandson Jingrong couldn't help stretching out his fingers, supporting his chin, and said strangely: "I also met Duan Xirong today. That's what you said. Could it be that you misunderstood her?"

With a big wave of his hand, Qiao Ruilin said: "Impossible! You have never experienced what I have experienced, so you can speak so calmly. In short, I am tolerant because I didn't trouble Duan Xirong. Don't do it in the future." Mention this woman's name again in front of me!"

After finishing speaking, Qiao Ruilin got up and went back to the room, leaving the three master and servant sitting in the courtyard looking at each other.

Turning around and looking at Qiao Ruilin's back, Qiao Shan'er bit her lip, summoned up her courage, and said, "Miss, I want to talk to that Miss Duan San."

Hearing this, Bi He quickly widened her eyes and said, "Even your brother is afraid of that woman. If you go, you will have to swallow all your bones!"

"But things always have to be resolved. Now my brother's freedom is in the hands of that woman. If she doesn't let her go, then my brother will live in hiding for the rest of his life!"

"If you talk to her, can you make that woman change her mind and let your brother go?" Bihe put her hand on Qiao Shan'er's shoulder and said earnestly, "You are thinking too simple! She even your brother Don't let it go, let alone you who took the initiative to deliver it to your door?"

"No, maybe you can try Shan'er's suggestion."

Looking at the eldest grandson Jingrong in surprise, Bi He said: "Miss, Shan'er is so delicate, sending it to Miss Duan San, wouldn't it be like a sheep going into the mouth of a tiger?"

As if he had thought of a solution to the matter, the eldest grandson Jingrong leaned back easily and said, "You forgot that Miss Duan San was quite normal when she saw us today? This proves that apart from Qiao Ruilin, Duan San Miss can still treat other people with a normal heart."

"But even so, what can Shan'er do to change Miss Duan San's mind?"

"This..." Changsun Jing smiled mysteriously and said, "I have my own plan!"

On the second day, grandson Jingrong went to that theater again.Only this time, it wasn't Bihe standing next to the eldest grandson Jingrong, but Qiao Shan'er.

Based on yesterday's experience, the eldest grandson Jingrong guessed that Qiao Shan'er would be late, so she waited for a quarter of an hour after the excerpt started before coming slowly.

Looking around, Changsun Jingrong soon saw Duan Xirong's figure, his eyes darkened, and he walked straight to her side.

Duan Xirong was fascinated by watching, when suddenly someone patted his shoulder, turned his head to look over, and saw the gentle smile on the eldest grandson Jingrong.

Originally, it was a disappointment to be interrupted by others, but the eldest grandson Jingrong had a gentle temper and a graceful smile, like a frail winter jasmine, beautiful like a dream, which made people unbearable to blame.

"So it's the eldest grandson girl, you also come to the play?"

"Yeah, I watched this gentleman's excerpt yesterday and found it to be very exciting, and I really can't stop. So I came to watch it again today. I didn't expect to meet Miss Duan San."

Duan Xirong looked at the eldest grandson Jingrong, felt familiar for no reason, and felt a good impression in his heart, so he pointed to the seat next to him and said, "It's also a coincidence that we can meet each other for two days in a row. Well, anyway, I don't have any People, the eldest grandson can sit here."

"So, I'm bothering Miss Duan San."

Seeing the eldest grandson sitting down with a smile on his face, Duan Xirong said: "Let's stop calling around like girls and misses. I'm seventeen this year, how about you?"

"I am sixteen years old."

"Well, I'm one year older than you, so I call you sister Jingrong, and you call me sister, okay?"

"Of course it will be fine," Changsun Jingrong looked at the woman in front of him with a bright smile.

The two women exchanged pleasantries with delicate smiles, which made Qiao Shan'er who was standing behind feel strange.

According to my brother's description, Miss Duan San should be a perverse, extravagant and domineering woman. Why does it look quite normal now?
Observing Duan Xirong secretly, Qiao Shan'er silently recited her brother's description of Miss Duan, while comparing the appearance of the woman in front of her, the more she looked, the more confused she became.

After the excerpt was over, Duan Xirong got up and wanted to find the backstage, the young student.But Changsun Jingrong was one step ahead of her, got up and said, "Yesterday my sister said that I would have some time to drink tea together, I wonder if my sister has time today?"

Looking at the eldest grandson Jingrong with some embarrassment, Duan Xirong said: "I... that's all, let's drink tea first today!"

For some reason, looking into the gentle eyes of the eldest grandson Jingrong, Duan Xirong couldn't say no to it, so he could only suppress the eager thoughts in his heart, and first went to sit with the eldest grandson Jingrong in the teahouse outside the theater.

After drinking a few cups of fresh tea, the eldest grandson Jingrong pointed to Qiao Shan'er beside him, and said, "Sister, I don't know, but I, this maidservant, have skillful hands, are particular about making tea, and have first-class kung fu. If my sister doesn't mind, let me This maid will show it to my sister."

Duan Xirong was originally drinking absent-mindedly, but now seeing something new to read, she nodded and said, "That's very good."

A little nervously walked to the table, Qiao Shan'er bowed and held the teacup, her body was a little stiff because of panic.But this does not prevent Qiao Shan'er's delicate and graceful movements, every movement is just like in the painting.

However, just as Qiao Shan'er gradually forgot about her nervousness and lost herself completely, her arm was suddenly held tightly by someone, making her unable to move at all.

With her eyes fixed on the pendant around Qiao Shan'er's neck, Duan Xirong asked coldly, "Where did the thing on your neck come from?"

(End of this chapter)

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