Chapter 36

"I also ask Tai Amber to answer my questions. Why is there such a big evil in this haunted house?"

Tai Amber looked around and whispered, "Come with me."

He took Zhou Yin to the place where he was last time, and sat down as guest and host.

"Zhou Xianchang, there is indeed a ghost in the ghost house in the north of the city."

"Oh? Since it's a ghost, why wasn't it eliminated or sent to the underworld?"

Tai'an Bo smiled wryly, "Prince Zhou is free and easy, unlike me and other little gods, who can't provoke big heads."

Zhou Yin became interested.

"This ghost has a background? But which fairy raised it?"

Tai'an booed hastily, "Don't say what Immortal Zhou said in my small temple, the little god can't bear it."

"What's more, how could there be immortal gods feeding evil demons and heretics?

I do know that the owner of this ghost house in the north of the city is a wealthy local businessman surnamed Zhang. "

Zhou Yin gasped, Zangxiang Mansion, this house does not sound like a serious house.

"This big rich businessman didn't break the law in the local area, but sent people to search around, bought or cheated the girl from other places, and transported her to his Tibetan incense mansion by various means for his enjoyment."

Zhou Yin couldn't help cursing swear words in his heart, why there are such big dogs everywhere.

"Tai Anbo, so it must be the girl who died unjustly who came to seek revenge?"

Tai'an Bo shook his head, "Those girls from other places who died unjustly, they all accepted it submissively. After death, they were also afraid of that big rich businessman, who didn't know how to sue for justice. Even if we wanted to intervene, there was no reason for us."

"How can I not get my shoes wet when I often walk by the river?

That girl was kidnapped by a wealthy businessman from nowhere. This girl was so strong that she committed suicide in the Cangxiang Mansion and turned into a ghost!When this ghost was born, it didn't kill anyone, it just disturbed the family of the rich businessman and made them feel uneasy.

Logically speaking, as a local city god, I should take care of this matter.

But I also don't like that big rich businessman, and besides, that female ghost is not from Tai'an County, so I can ignore it.

I thought, let the female ghost avenge her, and then I will deal with it. "

Zhou Yin nodded, it turned out to be the case.

"and after?"

Tai'anbo lowered his voice, "Later, I don't know what happened. It's just that the wealthy businessman Zhang abandoned his family overnight, sold all his property, and left with a monk, becoming a monk."

"What about that ghost girl?"

Tai'an Bo lowered his voice and said quietly, "After Zhang Dafu left, the Cangxiang Mansion was restricted by an expert. Ghosts and gods could not enter, and the female ghost could not come out."

"Who is this expert? That monk?"

"I don't know, but I vaguely feel that the restriction is a bit Buddhist." Tai Shanbo said in a low voice, as if he was afraid of being heard.

Zhou Yin almost scolded, why is it related to Buddhism?

"Tai'an Bo, can you visit Zangxiang Mansion with me?"

Tai Anbo hesitated, so he had no choice but to bite the bullet and said, "Zhou Xianchang, the old man's strength is low, and I'm afraid it will drag Zhou Xianchang down in the past."

Afraid that Zhou Yin would be dissatisfied, Tai Anbo continued, "However, I have a magic weapon here, which can be given to Immortal Zhou.
Give Zhou Xianchang a helping hand. "

Speaking of getting up, he took out a small box from the back room.

"This is?"

"The three-inch bronze dagger, this sword was dug out by the old man when he opened up the City God's Cave. It cut iron like mud, and was nourished by the old man here. It has become a magical weapon, which can hurt ghosts and evil spirits!"

"What's the point of this?" Zhou Yin said on his lips, but picked up the dagger from the box in his hand.

The bronze short sword is three inches long and narrow as the diameter of a copper coin. It is covered in green, and it is as cold as water in the hand, refreshing the mind.

Three inches is ten centimeters, which is suitable for Zhou Yin's current figure, and it is suitable to hold it in his hand.

Zhou Yin picked it up and tried to wave it a few times, and it was indeed very handy.

Zhou Yin tried to pour the true energy in his body into the sword again.

I saw light bursting out from the bronze dagger, like a three-inch green light shining brightly, illuminating the entire room in green!

Tai Amber stood up in shock, staring blankly at the bronze sword in Zhou Yin's hand.

Zhou Yin dissipated the true energy in the sword, and the sword body flickered with blue light, which gradually dissipated and returned to its original appearance.

"Zhou Xianchang, for hundreds of years, I have also used this sword to kill ghosts and stab demons.

But there has never been such a vision. Today, when it is in the hands of the fairy elder, it actually burst into such a light! "

Zhou Yin was also very happy and couldn't put it down. This was the first treasure he got in Journey to the West.

"Tai Anbo, are you really giving me this sword?"

Tai'anbo bowed and said solemnly:

"Prince Zhou, everything is God's will. In my hands, this sword is just a dusty treasure. In the hands of Immortal Zhou, it will definitely be able to slay demons and demons in the future, and it will shine brilliantly!"

Zhou Yin no longer refuses,

"Thank you Tai'anbo for the gift of the sword, but I don't know what the name of the sword is?"

"I am ashamed. When I dug up this sword, I called it Tai'an Dagger."

Zhou Yin was speechless for a while, what was going on in Tai'an County.

The inn is called Tai'an Inn;

City God is called Tai'an Bo;

Even this short sword is also called Tai'an short sword?

However, this is in line with the lazy customs of Tai'an County, and they are all trying to save trouble.

"Today, I was lucky enough to meet Immortal Zhou with this sword. Naturally, I asked Immortal Zhou to give this sword a name."

"Okay, since this sword is a gift from the City God, it is made of bronze and has been used to kill ghosts. How about calling it 'Qingsi'?"

As soon as Zhou Yin finished speaking, the bronze short sword became more crystal clear, and the blade seemed to be covered with a layer of transparent halo.

Tai Anbo clapped his hands and praised, "Bronze commander, what a 'Qingsi' sword!"

At that moment, Zhou Yin kept the 'Qingsi' sword close to him, and sat down to drink tea and chat with Tai'an Bo.

After a while, Zhou Yin thought that his master should have finished watching the house, so he said goodbye to Tai'anbo.

"Xianchang Zhou, I have one more thing to do."

"Tai Amber, please tell me."

"The old man is just a mere city god, and he can't bear many karma. I hope that Immortal Zhou will take pity on the old man. Don't reveal that I gave this sword to the immortal."

Zhou Yin smiled slightly, "That's natural, Tai'an Bo don't worry, Zhou has never broken his promise in his life!"

"It's reassuring to be so old."

"Okay, I won't say any more. Today, I would like to thank Tai'an Bo for giving me the sword. Tomorrow, I will go to Zangxiang Mansion with my master to find out!"


Back at the inn, Li Zichun hadn't returned yet.

Zhou Yin went upstairs alone, closed the door, took out the Qingsi sword, and studied it carefully.

Holding his breath and concentrating, Zhou Yin circulated his true energy on the sword body again. This time, in addition to the light on the sword body, it also brought the sound of Qingming.

Zhou Yin thought of the fairy tale novels he read in his previous life, flying with a sword, slaying demons and killing demons, and couldn't help looking forward to his handsome appearance with a sword.

Thinking about it, Zhou Yin put Qingsijian on the table and said silently in his heart, Fly!

Qing Sijian lay on the table, motionless.

Zhou Yin tried again: Fly for me!

Qing Sijian: Don't move.

"Qing Si, can you fly automatically?" Zhou Yin couldn't help but say out loud.

Qing Sijian: Don't move.

Zhou Yin suddenly felt like a fool.

Just then, the door opened.

(End of this chapter)

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