Concubine Defying the Sky: Domineering Little Xianggong

Chapter 100 Appears at the top of the list, dragging Chen Chen to the Flower Street

Chapter 100 Appears at the top of the list, dragging Chen Chen to the Flower Street (6)
"Everything You'er said is true. You'er also recognizes you as a sister because she likes her character." Murong Jiuyou nodded with certainty.

"Okay, then I'll follow Sister You'er's advice and go to Ouyang's house." Shui Meilan clenched the token in her hand and said with determination.

"Although the journey to Ouyang's house is not too far, sister should be more careful, don't be discovered by those people sent by your father to look for you." Murong Jiuyou cautioned, she didn't want Shui Mei Before Lan saw Ouyang Yi, he was taken back to the palace of Shuilan Country.

"Well, then I'll dress up as a little beggar and go on the road tonight, so that no one will recognize me." Shui Meilan smiled sweetly, after all, she will soon be able to meet the person she likes, and her heart Naturally, I am very happy.

Murong Jiuyou chatted with Shui Meilan in the inn all afternoon, because she had listed Shui Meilan as one of her own, so Murong Jiuyou took off her veil and let her see her appearance.

After seeing Murong Jiuyou's beautiful face, Shui Meilan was shocked into heaven, that excitement was even scarier than a man seeing Murong Jiuyou's appearance.The originally watery eyes were dyed with two faint green lights like wolves, which made Ming Xichen, who was about to fall asleep listening to the two women's chatting, be blacked out. Why did he feel that he had another rival in love?

The pleasant time of the afternoon passed quickly, the sun gradually set on the horizon, Shui Meilan changed into her beggar's outfit again, holding the pale gold plate Murong Jiuyou gave her and some poisons for self-defense, reluctant to part Say goodbye to Murong Jiuyou, and set off for Ouyang's house where the man she likes lives.

And Murong Jiuyou also dragged Ming Xichen to the "Haokelai" restaurant for lunch, and decided to have a big meal, after all, this meal was Huangfuxiong's treat, so naturally he couldn't be polite to him.Moreover, after Murong Jiuyou finished eating, he packed a lot of delicious food for the three little beasts trained in the animal pet space and threw them into Ming Xichen's jade pendant, which made the three little guys who were practicing inside very excited. They ate a lot inside and ended up fighting over the last piece of steak left.

Originally, Xiaodie and Xiaolong ate plants, but because Murong Jiuyou always sent meat to Xiaohei in the animal pet space, and only vegetarian dishes were given to them, because the smell of meat can completely cover the fragrance of vegetables As time goes by, under the leadership of Xiao Hei, these two little guys also began to like to eat meat.

After eating and drinking enough, Murong Jiuyou declined Huangfuxiong's following guide, took Ming Xichen back to the inn where Shui Meilan stayed before, ate a Yirong Pill by himself, then changed his clothes, and went to The waiter in the shop asked about the good flower street and walked.

If you want to ask why Murong Jiuyou went to Flower Street, the answer is naturally to find a good branch store for her auction house.

At night, the Flower Street is brightly lit, and the women from this pavilion and that building are all out one after another, standing in front of their stores with scantily clad clothes, making poses and attracting customers with charming voices.

When they saw two young masters, one white and one black, one big and one small walking on the street, they were all amazed.

They are so beautiful and handsome. The older one is about thirteen or fourteen years old. He is dressed in a crescent-white long brocade robe, which makes his not-so-tall figure look handsome and slender, with thin willow eyebrows. Danfeng eyes, lips like crimson spots, eyes like morning stars, holding a small white fan, standing there like a willow supporting the wind, with an indescribably handsome taste.

The younger one was five or six years old, with a round face, fair and tender skin, like a peach exuding a sweet smell, which made people want to hold it in the palm of their hand and take a few bites.His straight nose and black sword eyebrows added a touch of heroism to his cute little face.The thin and pink lips are being pressed tightly at the moment, and one can tell that the little guy is in an extremely unhappy mood.

My beloved woman went to visit brothels, who would feel good about this matter?The reason why Ming Xichen was unhappy at this time was that Jiu'er actually dragged him to the brothel together. Although he knew that Jiu'er was looking for a suitable shop, it was unreasonable for a woman to go to the brothel at night, even though she had eaten Yi Rong Dan has changed her body shape and appearance, but she is a woman after all, and the indecent scene of hugging and kissing in a brothel is not suitable for her.

But no matter what he said or tried to persuade, Jiu'er didn't listen to him, and even threatened him that if he didn't want to go, she would go by herself.He was so angry, but there was nothing he could do. With his current appearance, he couldn't do anything to Nai Jiu'er. He really hated his short figure. If he was the original him, he would definitely hold Jiu'er in his arms and ruthlessly Hit her little butt a few times to make her not listen to him.

"Hey, which family's young master is this? Both brothers are so handsome and extraordinary, come and sit in Mom's 'Flower Mansion'. Mom will definitely let the sisters take good care of the young master and brother. "A procuress of a brothel with thick white powder falling from her face while talking, opened her bloody mouth, and with a tone that made people's skin crawl, she waved the handkerchief towards Murong Jiuyou and Mingxi. Chen shouted.

"Mom, I want to ask my mother a question." Although Murong Jiuyou couldn't help but blackmail the old bustard with horrible makeup, he still asked aloud, but at the same time, he stuffed a piece of paper into the old bustard's hand. Ingots of silver.

"Hey, if you have any questions, you can just ask, Mom, I know and will answer." Seeing Murong Jiuyou's generosity, the brothel owner smiled brilliantly, and his already terrifying face almost turned into a chrysanthemum.

"I want to ask my mother which is the best shop on Flower Street?"

"Young Master, why do you ask this?" People in brothels love to gossip and inquire about news, and this old bustard is no exception.

"Didn't Mom just say that you know what you know and you have to answer? As for the reason, I can't tell you."

"Uh... well, the best business on our Flower Street is naturally the 'Feiyue Pavilion' in the center. It is said that the owner of Feiyue Pavilion has a very background, and the girls in the pavilion are not only He is as beautiful as a fairy, and he is proficient in all kinds of piano, chess, calligraphy and painting. I really don’t know where the boss found so many top-quality goods. I really envy and hate my old lady.” The old bustard of this brothel said unconsciously. A more popular term in modern times.

"Thank you mom, then I'll take my leave first." Hearing this, Murong Jiuyou pulled Ming Xichen towards the center of Flower Street.

"Hey! Why do you think I get carried away when I see money? This young man is so generous, if we pull him close to Huamanlou, I don't know how much money we can make." Waiting for Murong Jiuyou and Ming When Xichen walked away, the old bustard came back to his senses, and secretly scolded himself for being stupid, for giving such a good deal to "Feiyue Pavilion".

When the lanterns first come on, the Feiyue Pavilion is decorated with lights and festoons. At a glance, they are all elegant young men in brocade clothes, or elegant guests with frosted temples, all of them are either rich or noble.

(End of this chapter)

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