Concubine Defying the Sky: Domineering Little Xianggong

Chapter 103 Beating up once, the brothel wins the treasure

Chapter 103 Beating Me Up, Winning the Treasure in the Brothel (2)
"Beauty, the master is here!" After carefully closing the door, Xia Houchun was gearing up and walked towards the big bed excitedly.

As soon as he walked to the bedside, Ming Xichen, who was guarding there, tapped several big acupoints on his body and couldn't move.In order to prevent his subsequent screams from attracting the attention of others, tapping the Ya point is naturally necessary.

Xia Houchun, who couldn't move at all, screamed in his heart that something was wrong, and then used his whole body's power to break through the acupoints.However, since Ming Xichen's martial arts were one level higher than his, it was impossible for him to use his kung fu to break through Ming Xichen's acupuncture points.And now the room is pitch black, he doesn't even know who is sneaking up on him here, and he wants to ask questions, but he can't make a sound.Fear and dread came from Xia Houchun's heart. Even though his acupuncture points were tapped, his whole body was still trembling because of fear.

"Bang", Ming Xichen knocked down Xia Houchun who was standing there unable to move with one punch. He was upset because of Jiu'er's visit to the brothel tonight, so he was merciless in his strikes, punch after punch Hitting Xia Houchun's body hard, he directly regarded Xia Houchun as a punching bag, and kept venting.

Xia Houchun couldn't make any screams due to being hit on the Ya point, and finally passed out from the pain, lying motionless on the ground.

And Ming Xichen was almost done venting at this time, so he got up and kicked Xia Houchun's lower body hard, which woke him up from the pain, then left the room through the back window, and went back to the inn to find Jiu'er.

The screen changes to Murong Jiuyou.

Taking the unconscious woman out of Feiyue Pavilion, Murong Jiuyou, who originally wanted to send her to an inn, thought about it, but felt that it was wrong, so she went around in circles and returned to Huajie, but she used lightness kung fu, And it flew over the roof, so it landed in the backyard of Pinyue Building without being noticed by anyone.

"Huh? Young Master Jiu, didn't you leave? Why are you back?" Li Cuiyun, who had just come out of the backyard to go to the toilet, was startled by the people in the yard. When he saw that it was Murong Jiuyou who had just left, asked in surprise.

"Aunt Yun, I just rescued a woman who was drugged from the 'Flying Moon Pavilion' opposite, and I want to hide her here for a while. I will trouble Aunt Yun to take care of her in a few days. My people will find a way to accommodate her when my people come. And it is estimated that many people will look for this woman in the next few days, Aunt Yun should be more careful." Murong Jiuyou said while pouring a drug that can detoxify poison The elixir was fed into the woman's mouth, and after seeing Li Cuiyun nodding solemnly in agreement, he handed the woman into her hands, and then flew away with lightness kung fu.

Originally, Murong Jiuyou wanted to send this unconscious woman to any inn, but then he thought, Ming Xichen would definitely give Xia Houchun a good lesson tonight, maybe he would abolish Xia Houchun as she said before.

In that case, the Xiahou family will definitely conduct a thorough investigation tonight. After all, Xiahou Chun is the most beloved son of the head of the Xiahou family. If he becomes a eunuch, the Xiahou family will definitely mobilize all their nests to find the murderer.And the woman who was sent to Xia Houchun's room was the first object of suspicion.

If you send her to the inn, Xiahou's family will definitely find her soon, that's why Murong Jiuyou will send her to Pinyue Tower. As the saying goes, "the most dangerous place is also the safest place", who Nor would it have occurred to a woman who escaped from a brothel to hide in another brothel.

Since Murong Jiuyou didn't spend too much time arranging the woman, after she left Pinyue Tower, she thought about going to see if Ming Xichen had dealt with Xia Houchun well, and if she hadn't, she could take the opportunity to beat him up. Exhale.

After a few ups and downs, Murong Jiuyou landed on the roof of the Osmanthus Pavilion in the backyard of Feiyue Pavilion. After a careful inspection, he found that there was no trace of Ming Xichen in the room, so he knew that the little guy had left this place, so Murong Jiuyou also Turn around and prepare to use lightness kung fu to leave.

When she turned around, she suddenly heard someone talking softly in the courtyard. Looking back, she found that Tantai Qing who had left before was standing in the courtyard at this time, and beside him was the prostitute who had entertained Xia Houchun before.

"Hmph, I thought that Tantaiqing was not attractive, but I didn't expect that he would not accept Xia Houchun's invitation, but came here on his own initiative."Murong Jiuyou secretly despised Tantai Qing in his heart.But the next sentence of the procuress of the brothel caught Murong Jiuyou's attention.

"Master, you are here!" The procuress of the brothel said softly while standing beside Tantai Qing with a serious face instead of her usual enthusiastic solicitation attitude.When I saw Tantaiqing and Xiahouchun coming together outside the door before, the procuress of the brothel just pretended not to know each other, obviously he didn't want people to know that Tantaiqing was the behind-the-scenes boss of Feiyue Pavilion.

"Well, go and find out for me the behind-the-scenes owner of the newly opened auction house called "Yaoxiang Pavilion" in Lanxiao City of Jinchang Kingdom, and see if it is related to the Ouyang family. If the auction house has nothing to do with the Ouyang family , go and find out whether the two "beauty pills" and "rejuvenation pills" auctioned in the auction are made by Ouyang Xuanyi. Then help me find a woman named 'Murong Jiuyou', and I will give you a day tomorrow , check carefully, I will know the result tomorrow night." Tantai ordered coldly.

"Yes, master, I'll arrange someone to do it right now." The procuress of the brothel clapped her palms twice after speaking, and a man in all black appeared in the yard silently.Shan Qi knelt down in front of Tantaiqing and the brothel madam, respectfully accepted the task arranged by the brothel madam, and then quickly disappeared.

It turns out that the behind-the-scenes boss of Feiyue Pavilion is Tan Taiqing. This person is really not simple. The purpose of establishing such a large brothel is to obtain all kinds of information in the world, right?After all, brothels and restaurants have been gathering places for news since ancient times.

Fortunately, I was already a prophet in the afternoon, so I flew a pigeon to send a letter to Brother Yi and the others in advance, telling them to be more careful and pay more attention.

Tan Taiqing's intuition is really sharp enough, he can even think that the auction house is related to the Ouyang family, but it seems that he is not a member of the Ouyang family, why would he let people inquire about him?This is something that makes Murong Jiuyou very puzzled.

"Master, a few days ago, my subordinates found a rare eighth-level profound beast with a fire attribute in the Ailao Mountain near Shuilan Country. The subordinates and others captured it while it was injured, but they couldn't make it go away. Tame, willingly contracted, so the eighth-level profound beast is still locked in a special cage, and no one cares about it. The subordinates are willing to ask the master to help tame it, so that it will be able to sell it for a good price Yes." The procuress of the brothel decided to have a headache when he thought of the pet animal. Fortunately, it was seriously injured at that time, so they could easily take it down, but after bringing it back, no one could tame it.

The most important thing about contracting animal pets is to let the animal pets be contracted willingly, otherwise the contract cannot be enforced, which will only bring extremely terrible backlash consequences to the contractor.

(End of this chapter)

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