Chapter 109 Big Oolong (1)
"Aw!" A shrill scream came from the mouth of the little fur ball that was rushing towards Ming Xichen. It turned out that when Murong Jiuyou saw him rushing towards Ming Xichen with lightning speed, he felt unhappy, and quickly grabbed it. He grabbed its small tail and lifted it upside down.

"Isn't this guy his mother? Otherwise, why are you so impatient to pounce on Chen Chen?" Murong Jiuyou looked at the little furball who was screaming in pain because of being caught by his tail, Said while frowning. "How about I first confirm whether this guy is a male or a female. If it is a male, I will give it to Chen Chen as a pet, and if it is a female, I will give it to Brother Yi."

"Oh!" Don't, don't, I don't want to be confirmed by you, a nasty woman. She is male, male, how can you have the face to live after being seen by you... The little hairball screaming is miserable. It was the pain from the tail being pulled, and the other was howling for his "innocence" that would soon be in Murong Jiuyou's hands.

"Master, master, save the little fox, don't let the little fox be seen by this woman." The little furball who wanted to cry out was about to shout out instantly after receiving Ming Xichen's cold gaze. The words swallowed into his stomach, and he could only keep calling for help to Ming Xichen in his heart.

But no matter how little Maoqiu called for help in his heart, Ming Xichen couldn't get Ming Xichen to look at him seriously, because at this moment Ming Xichen was happy for what Jiu'er said just now, and Jiu'er would care about Xiaohu's gender. Doesn't it mean that Jiu'er has already learned to be jealous?Hehehehe...

Ming Xichen Guang looked at Jiu'er with a smirk, forgetting that his subordinates would soon be murdered by Jiu'er.

"Be honest, don't kick around, isn't it just to see if you are male or female? As for being so excited? It's not to rape you." Murong Jiuyou picked up the two hind legs of the little fur ball very rudely , pressing it belly up on the table, and looking between its two short hind legs.

"Well, it looks like it's a male. If that's the case, let's keep you by Chenchen's side for now." Murong Jiuyou finally let go after confirming the sex of the little furball, but who knew that the little furball was not only Instead of rushing towards Ming Xichen like before, she lay down on the table with tears in her eyes and remained motionless.

"Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo.myInnocenceAHHHHH. Master, why does God treat him like this, even the master has not confirmed his gender like this bad woman, he is not going to live, woo..." The little furball wailed in his heart.

"Huh? Why isn't this guy moving? Still shaking like this? Could it be cold?" Murong Jiuyou said to Ming Xichen, looking at the little hairball lying on the table and shaking all over.

"Damn woman, bad woman, I'm trembling with anger from you." The little furball began to curse in his heart.

"Sister Xiaoyou, since you have confirmed its gender, then Xiao Chenchen will contract him." Fortunately, the little fox is now in an animal state, and he turned a blind eye when Jiu'er confirmed his gender. Only eyes.

If this guy hadn't been so excited to see him, Jiu'er wouldn't want to confirm his gender. After all, it was Xiaohu's fault, causing Jiu'er to see something he shouldn't. After the Fox contract is over, he will be dealt with properly.

After Ming Xichen finished speaking, he stepped forward, and dripped a drop of blood from his fingertips on the forehead of the little fur ball, and a fiery red "卍" character was formed under the little fur ball, and then appeared under the little fur ball With two circular halos, he was directly promoted from an eighth-level mysterious beast to a second-level phantom beast.

Because it was covered by Ming Xichen, Murong Jiuyou didn't notice that the little hairball had changed a little bit compared to just now, that is, his tail changed from one tail to two.

And Ming Xichen's martial arts has also been promoted from the original upper Zizhu to the lower Mozhu, and the cultivation level has jumped from the original Lanhong Elementary to Lanhong Intermediate.

Although Ming Xichen was still quite dissatisfied with the speed of his cultivation, he was very pleased that his current cultivation had surpassed Tantai Qing.

After the contract was completed, Ming Xichen directly threw the little fox into his animal pet space temporarily, then said goodnight to Jiu'er, and hurried back to his room.

Since the last bathing incident, Murong Jiuyou has not allowed Ming Xichen to sleep in the same room as her.Even so, Ming Xichen would still linger in her room for a long time every night, and would reluctantly return to his own room. This was the first time Murong Jiuyou encountered such an abnormal phenomenon like today, but because he had already tossed a lot in Huajie before. In the middle of the night, Murong Jiuyou also felt a little tired, so he didn't think about it any more, he simply cleaned up and went to bed.

As soon as Ming Xichen returned to the room, he released the little fox from the beast pet space.But now I found that the little fox was crying like a boudoir who complained miserably: "Master... woo... master... why didn't you stop that bad woman just now, Xiaohu was all seen by that bad woman, woo Woo..."

"Xiaohu, please remember this deity. I don't want to hear bad things about Jiu'er from you in the future, otherwise don't blame me for not caring about the relationship between master and servant." Now that he has identified Jiu'er as his woman, Mingxi Chen naturally didn't want to hear about defaming Jiu'er, even if it came from his most powerful subordinate.

"Master...Master?" Xiaohu's eyes widened when he heard the words, and he looked at Ming Xichen with an expression of disbelief. Why did the master say such unkind words to him?Didn't the master always take care of him the most and never talk to him with such a stern expression?But now the master actually blamed him for a human woman. Could it be that the master has fallen in love with this human woman?
"Remember what I said, Jiu'er will become my wife in the future, and after the underworld, she is your mistress. Her words and orders are the same as what I said. I don't want to hear from my subordinates. I heard someone say bad things about Jiu'er." Ming Xichen said to the little fox lying on the ground with a serious face, who was so shocked that he almost forgot to breathe.

As shrewd as Ming Xichen, he has long seen Xiaohu's strange feelings for him, but because Xiaohu has been with him since he was a child, he raised him alone, so he didn't punish him because of it, he just wanted to There is a way to transfer him away from her side, hoping to block his abnormal feelings for her.But who would have thought that this guy would come to the Soaring Dragon Continent just like Xiaodie, and it was a coincidence that Jiu'er brought him in front of him.

"Xiaohu...Xiaohu knows." Seeing Ming Xichen's serious expression, Xiaohu became even more angry at Murong Jiuyou's existence, but he didn't dare to show it anymore, he could only swallow his anger Here, he turned back to the obedient little fox in the underworld again.

(End of this chapter)

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