Chapter 115 Super Shocked (2)
"Since opening the Sky Eye to peek at the secrets of the sky, my body has become worse day by day, especially in recent years, every time I open the Sky Eye, my body will become weaker." Dongfang Yu said with a helpless smile.

"Since you know that the reason for your physical weakness is the opening of the sky eye, why does Mr. Yu still need to open it? Isn't Mr. Yu already able to control the opening of his own ability of the sky eye? Could it be that Mr. Yu has a heart for the country and does not want the Longteng Continent to perish?"

"To tell you the truth, Miss Murong, I don't have such lofty sentiments. I just don't want my family and...the one I love to live a life of wandering and no fixed place. Ever since I saw a girl in the eyes of heaven who can save the world Since your childhood, I have been very excited in my heart. Every year when I open my eyes, I hope to see the picture of Longteng Continent’s demise disappear as soon as possible, and because of this, this long-term incurable disease has been branded. Even Hong, who is skilled in medicine, can’t heal it. There are too many secrets, so you must be punished by heaven." Dongfang Yu's smiling face was a little pale, and after learning about Shangguan Hong's feelings for him today, he really began to worry about whether his broken body could keep up with him. Hung grow old together?

"Xiaoyu is talking nonsense again. What is condemned by heaven? Even the King of Hades will never snatch someone from me, Shangguanhong. Xiaoyu wants to promise me that since you have already waited for the person you want, don't use that person again in the future." This kind of ability has the ability to counterattack your own body." Shangguan Hong, who left things to his subordinates, heard Dongfang Yu's self-defeating words when he entered the room, and immediately reached out to hold Dongfang Yu in his arms, with a displeased expression on his face. Said.

"Well, okay, I... try my best." Dongfang Yu knew that since he was already involved in this matter, he couldn't get out until Murong Jiuyou successfully rescued the Longteng Continent.

"Damn it, I know Xiaoyu that you won't listen to me obediently, but you have to promise that you will not leave my side an inch in the future. I will definitely find a way to find the life-returning pill and cure Xiaoyu's stubborn illness."

"Returning Life Pill? Is it the Returning Life Pill made from purple ganoderma lucidum, Tianshan Snow Lotus, thousand-year-old blood ginseng and Qiongye Yulu?" Upon hearing the name "Returning Life Pill", Murong Jiuyou suddenly remembered the There is such a kind of elixir in the formula for refining the top-grade elixir that Feiyue Pavilion snatched.The materials for refining this elixir are also among the materials looted from Feiyue Pavilion.

" actually know the alchemy formula of Huiming Pill?" Although Dongfang Yu didn't have much reaction to these medicinal materials, Shangguanhong, who was proficient in medical skills, rushed to Murong Jiuyou excitedly, with a slight tone of voice. asked tremblingly.

He still recorded the formula of this life-returning pill in an extremely old book handed down by their Shangguan family ancestors, but it only recorded two kinds of purple ganoderma lucidum and Tianshan snow lotus. It was too blurry to see clearly, but just now Murong Jiuyou not only got the first two right, but also said the latter two, which naturally made Shangguan Hong very excited.

"Well, I saw this pill by chance." Murong Jiuyou replied lightly.

"Hong, don't get too excited, there is only a pill formula, and there is nothing to do without alchemists, right? I remember you once said that the Returning Life Pill is a kind of spiritual pill, which has the effect of curing all diseases, but Spirit-level pills need to be refined by spirit-level alchemists or people who are at the peak of high-level alchemists, right? And it may not be able to be successfully refined once, not to mention that people who are at the peak of high-level alchemists are unheard of on this Longteng Continent , even the four herbs Miss Murong mentioned just now are all the best in the world, each of which is extremely hard to find, and the quantity is very small, Hong should not put too much hope on it, as for my body, let me Let him let nature take its course, as long as I am with Hong, no matter how long I can live, I will be satisfied." Dongfang Yu is not as excited as Shang Guanhong, with a look of indifference that has long since disregarded life and death, which makes Murong Jiuyou The good impression of him has deepened a little bit.

"Now that I know the formula of the elixir, even if I go to heaven and earth, I will also collect these four kinds of medicinal materials. If I still can't refine the life-returning elixir in the end, I will follow Xiaoyu when I go to the poor and fall to the underworld." Shangguan Hong said firmly.

"Hong, why are you bothering? Why don't you forget me? Wouldn't it be better to find a woman to marry and have children and live a happy life?" After paying so much, he just wants to see his beloved live happily.

"Okay, okay, let me ask you two, can you stop being so nasty? I got goosebumps all over the floor." Murong Jiuyou exaggeratedly touched his arm while talking.

"Yeah, yeah, it's not the end of the world yet. Why are you two looking like you're parting from each other? It's really an eyesore." Ming Xichen's tone was full of dissatisfaction. What exactly is he going to do? It's time to hold Jiu'er tightly in his arms like Shangguan Hong.

"I said, do you guys have any sympathy?" Shangguan Hong said dissatisfiedly.

"Who said we don't have sympathy, if we didn't have sympathy, we wouldn't interrupt the affectionate gaze between the two of you just now." Murong Jiuyou said with a light smile.

"What do you mean by that?" Shangguan Hong asked very puzzled.

"Sister Xiaoyou means that she has all the ingredients for the formula on the Returning Life Pill, and that Sister Xiaoyou is the person you are looking for who is at the peak of a high-level alchemist. That is, sister Xiaoyou can refine the Returning Life Pill, Understood, aren't you an idiot?" Ming Xichen explained while teasing Shangguanhong.


Super shocked!

This is the current mood of Shangguanhong and Dongfangyu. They were so frightened by Ming Xichen's words that they could not react at all.

"Really...really?" After a long time, Shangguanhong, who just came back to his senses, looked at Murong Jiuyou cautiously, wanting to get confirmation from her. The hope that I finally raised was once again disillusioned.

"That's right." Murong Jiuyou still had that indifferent expression, but his tone was extremely certain.

"Oh my god, who are you? You have such hard-to-find medicinal ingredients, and you have become a high-level alchemist at such a young age." After receiving Murong Jiuyou's affirmative answer, Shangguan Hong jumped up with a scream.

"Couldn't you be a thousand-year-old fairy? Otherwise, how could you become a high-level alchemist at such a young age? Or are you actually very old, because we can't see your age because of the veil?" I have to say Shangguan Hong Already frightened by Murong Jiuyou, his mind was confused and his speech was incoherent, and the strange power theology of the thousand-year-old goblin all came out.

(End of this chapter)

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