Concubine Defying the Sky: Domineering Little Xianggong

Chapter 120 Nympho Xiaohong, 3 Conditions

Chapter 120 Nympho Xiaohong, Three Conditions (1)
"It seems that the two of them are the leaders of the python group and the eagle group." Ming Xichen glanced at the big eagle and the giant python and said.

"Well, and they both look like a very precious little golden tree, what kind of tree is that?" Murong Jiuyou naturally shifted his questioning eyes to Ming Xichen, because Murong Jiuyou Ming Xichen knows a little about some weird things.

"Oh, that little golden tree is called Poinciana, and the fruit it bears is called Phoenix Berry. This kind of Poinciana blooms in 30 years and bears fruit in 50 years. It can be regarded as a rare species. After the pet eats the phoenix berries produced by the poinciana tree, it can jump to the ranks of first-level phantom beasts." Ming Xichen explained as if it was no big deal.Because Xiaodie and Xiaohu are already Eudemons, the phoenix berries are of no use to them.

"Phantom beast? It seems that this phoenix berry is only useful for Xiao Hei. I just don't know when this Phoenix tree will bear fruit." If it does, Murong Jiuyou would like to snatch the Phoenix berry and feed it to Xiao Hei. Let him be promoted from a ninth-level profound beast to a phantom beast as soon as possible.

"The phoenix wood will only turn into a bright golden color on the day when it is about to bear fruit, and it is usually fiery red." Ming Xichen added in a timely manner.

"What does Chen Chen mean to say that this Phoenix tree will bear fruit today?" Murong Jiuyou heard the words, and there was an expression of determination in his eyes.

"That's right. If I remember correctly, this Phoenix tree will bear fruit before the sun goes down." Ming Xichen said with great certainty.

"It seems that before that, we have to subdue these two big guys." Murong Jiuyou pointed to the giant python and big eagle that had already become hostile to them, shrugged and said.

The eagle and the python seemed to be able to understand the conversation between Murong Jiuyou and Ming Xichen, and their eyes gradually became hostile to them. After hearing Murong Jiuyou's words to subdue them first, they agreed by coincidence The earth launched an attack on Murong Jiuyou.

"You dare to attack the master silver who cooks food for Xiao Hei, I think you don't want to live anymore." Seeing this, Xiao Hei jumped in front of Murong Jiuyou, and suddenly changed his body shape, his limbs and tail gradually changed. It grows thicker and its body size gradually increases. The dark fur is covered by pure white from the root, and extends to the tip of the tiger fur.

"Wow!" A tiger's howl made the entire Flame Valley tremble a few times.

When the vulture and python saw Xiao Hei who had transformed into a giant white tiger, they were shocked by the tiger power that he exuded and retreated for a long distance. Their eyes were full of fear, and they did not dare to move forward even a single step. up.Because now Xiao Hei is at least ten times the size of the two of them.

"Master Yin, isn't Xiao Hei amazing? You scared them." Even though he has grown in size, it seems that Xiao Hei's thinking is still very naive. He looks at Murong Jiuyou with a flattering expression, hoping to get her Because he subconsciously believes that once he is praised by the master, he will be able to eat more delicacies made by the master.

"What's there to show off when you become bigger, Xiaolong, I will too." Seeing this, Xiaolong, who was afraid of being snatched by Xiao Hei from his master's praise, yelled dissatisfiedly: "You all have to keep your eyes open."

"Aww!" With a huge dragon roar, a huge turquoise dragon hovered in mid-air, and let out a breath of dragon breath, blowing the eagle and python farther away. .

"God, a green dragon and a white tiger, they are really ancient mythical beasts." Xiaodie, who had been with Xiao Hei and Xiaolong for more than a month, finally believed in the fact that they were mythical beasts.Then he secretly rejoiced in his heart that fortunately he didn't offend these two great gods much, otherwise he would not have a good life in the future.Because the strength of the divine beast is a lot higher than that of the monster.

"It seems that Jiu'er is really lucky, the contracted ones are all ancient beasts." Seeing this, Ming Xichen smiled secretly in his heart.

"What is the origin of that bad woman, that she contracted two ancient beasts? No wonder the master fell in love with this bad woman." Xiaohu also began to slowly accept the fact that his master liked Murong Jiuyou in his heart.

"Pfft!" Just as everyone was sighing, Xiao Hei and Xiaolong made a funny "Puff" sound at the same time, and then their huge figures shrank suddenly, and quickly returned to their previous appearance.

"Uh... I'm sorry, master, it takes too much profound energy to maintain the state just now, Xiaolong's profound strength is not enough." Xiaolong said to Murong Jiuyou with some embarrassment.

"Master Yin, Xiao Hei has no strength." Xiao Hei, who was also lying on the ground and couldn't move, said pitifully. He didn't expect it to be so difficult to change his body, and he returned to his original shape in just a few minutes. When will he be able to become Where's Xiaobai?Hey.

"Hehe, thank you both for your hard work. Go back to Xiaojin and Xiaomu to rest for a while. Don't worry, I won't forget to ask you to come out to eat wild pork at night." Murong Jiuyou shook his head helplessly, and laughed Xiao Hei very funny. He and Xiaolong put the Golden Lingzhu and Wood Lingzhu in his body to restore his physical strength.

After seeing Xiao Hei and Xiao Long being taken back by Murong Jiuyou to recuperate, the giant python and big eagle that had been blown far away cautiously began to approach the poinciana tree again, but before they could fully approach, they found that their bodies suddenly The room is completely out of control, and I can't move it when I want to move it.

It turned out that Xiaodie saw these two guys sneaking close to the poinciana again, so she flew to the top of their heads without a sound, sprinkled some phosphorous powder, and made them immobilized.

At the same time, on the branches of the bright golden Phoenix tree, five round fruits of the same bright golden color slowly grew, which were the Phoenix berries that Ming Xichen had mentioned before.

"Huh, why are there five?" Ming Xichen looked at the five Phoenix berries in surprise and muttered to himself.

"What's the matter, Chenchen?" Looking at the astonished Ming Xichen, Murong Jiuyou felt a little puzzled.

"It's the first time I've seen that a poinciana tree can grow five phoenix berries. I read in the book that a poinciana tree can only bear one phoenix berry at a time. Why can this poinniana tree bear five berries at the same time?" How about a phoenix berry?" Although Ming Xichen had seen poinniana trees in the underworld and demon world before, he never knew that a poinciana tree could bear more than one phoenix berry. Of course he would be surprised too.

"It's really weird for Chen Chen to say that, but never mind, the more such rare phoenix berries, the better." Murong Jiuyou had just finished speaking, and the five phoenix berries remained at the size of an adult. The size of a woman's fist is no longer changing.

(End of this chapter)

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