Chapter 125 The Mysterious Voice (1)
Not long after that weird long chant, there was another sharp bird cry, which made Dongfang Yu and Shangguan Hong worry. They really wanted to know what happened to Murong Jiuyou and the others. After struggling, Dongfang Yu and Shangguan Hong could only comfort themselves, and a voice meant that Murong Jiuyou and the others were fine, so the two of them waited outside the valley all afternoon for self-comfort.

Murong Jiuyou, Ming Xichen, Xiaohu and Xiaodie, led by Xiaohong, went to the deepest part of the Flame Valley, where there really stood a towering volcano, surrounded by large white clouds on the top of the mountain. From time to time, bursts of thick black smoke erupted from the crater.

"God, this volcano is so high, it will probably be dark when we climb up." Xiaohu said, looking at the towering volcano in front of him, and at the gradually setting sun.

"Are you a pig? Don't you have my aunt here? Do you still need to crawl?" Xiaohong looked at Xiaohu with disdain when she heard the words. How could she hurt her master by provoking her.It's all his fault, huh.

"You..." Xiaohu was so choked that he couldn't speak, but there were two small round bumps on his face, which indicated that he was very angry now, and he was already swollen with anger.

"Okay Xiaohong, don't be angry with the little furball, you should be good friends in the future." Murong Jiuyou persuaded helplessly, why her animal pet and Chen Chen's animal pet always can't get along?

"Understood the master." Xiaohong replied like a good baby in front of Murong Jiuyou, but secretly gave Xiaohu a provocative look.

The angry little fox wanted to rush forward and pluck all her bird feathers, but due to the reason that good men don't fight with women, the little fox could only suppress the anger in his heart first, and decided to ignore Xiaohong's throwing at him. provocative look.

"Xiao Hong, let's go up and try to get out of here before the sun goes down." Murong Jiuyou naturally also noticed the provocative look Xiao Hong cast on Xiao Fuqiu, so he could only helplessly shake his head and divert Xiao Hong's attention force.

"Well, okay, masters, you have to hold on to Xiaohong's feathers for a while." After Xiaohong finished speaking, she channeled the profound energy in her body, and her figure became huge in an instant, returning to the appearance of the mythical beast Suzaku.

"Okay, Xiaohong, let's go." Murong Jiuyou found that although Xiaohong became bigger, her whole body was covered by big red flames, but the flames did not cause any substantial damage to them standing on Xiaohong's back.

It seems that the visual effect of being surrounded by this bright red flame is very good, Murong Jiuyou secretly praised it in his heart.

After becoming bigger, Xiaohong rushed to the top of the mountain in about two or three minutes, and put Murong Jiuyou and the others down on a relatively flat place, then turned back into a red bird again and landed on Murong Jiuyou. shoulders.

"Is the one below the flame tree?" Pointing to a very inconspicuous orange-red tree growing on a flat ground not far below the crater, Murong Jiuyou turned his head and asked standing on his shoulder. Xiaohong on the board.

"Yes Master."

"Then go and try and see if you can pick off the flame fruit on it."

"Okay." After Xiaohong finished speaking, she flapped her wings and flew towards the bottom of the crater, but before she got close to the crater, she was bounced back by a powerful barrier.

"Master... Xiaohong has already been promoted to a third-level phantom beast, why can't she get close to the flame tree?" Xiaohong with a frustrated expression flew back to Murong Jiuyou and said aggrievedly. "Could it be that I, who is a fire-attribute beast, am not the predestined person identified by the flame tree?"

"Please, it doesn't mean that you are destined to be with the flame fruit because you are a divine beast, okay?" Xiaohu now has a chance to attack Xiaohong.

"Master..." Xiaohong felt even more sad when she heard the words. She had stayed here for 15 years, but she didn't expect that there was still no result in the end. How reconciled she was to this.

"Why don't we all try and see who can enter the barrier and pick off the flame fruit?" Murong Jiuyou couldn't bear to see Xiaohong sad, so he told everyone about his proposal.

"Then I'll try it first." Xiaodie took the lead and flew to the crater.

But like Xiaohong, he was bounced back by the barrier above as soon as he approached the crater.

Next came Xiaohu, who got the same result as Xiaohong.

Then there was Ming Xichen, although he was not bounced back in an indecent manner like Xiaohong and the others, but he also couldn't get in.

In the end, everyone turned their attention to Murong Jiuyou, especially Xiao Hong, who looked at Murong Jiuyou with her round eyes full of expectation, and immediately made Murong Jiuyou feel like if he couldn't get it Huo Huo Guo, I'm sorry for Xiao Hong's expectations for her.

Walking quickly to the crater, Murong Jiuyou stopped, calmed down, a deep purple profound energy enveloped her whole body, raised her hand and slowly approached the barrier of the crater, suddenly felt her Her fingers seemed to touch an invisible barrier, but the invisible barrier did not bounce back her touch, but wrapped her fingers in it, as if guiding her into the barrier.

In order to confirm whether her feeling just now was wrong, Murong Jiuyou slowly took a step forward, and suddenly found that her legs had actually penetrated through that layer of barriers. She was overjoyed and took another step forward, and her whole body entered the barrier. within the barrier.

"Oh my god, the master succeeded!" Xiao Hong screamed excitedly when she saw that Murong Jiuyou was not ejected by the barrier of the crater.

Murong Jiuyou in the enchantment gave Xiaohong a calm look, then walked slowly to the flame tree far away, and when he raised his hand to pick the flame fruit on the book, the sound of A deep, ethereal voice: "Who broke into the enchantment I set up? Disturbed my thousand-year sleep?"

Murong Jiuyou gave his arm a pause when he heard this, then slowly lowered it, and began to communicate with the voice in his heart: "Little girl Murong Jiuyou, just wanted to pick this flame fruit, and didn't mean to disturb senior, please forgive me. "

Because he heard the voice saying that he had been sleeping for thousands of years, Murong Jiuyou didn't know what kind of existence the other party was for a while, so he could only call him senior.

"So you want to pick this little fruit in my enchantment?" The voice didn't mean to blame, but said in a chatty manner.

"Yes." Although Murong Jiuyou was curious about the other party's existence, he looked around for a long time, but did not find the other party's figure, so he could only reply to the other party's words lightly.

"Did you open the barrier alone?" The inquiring voice came to mind again.

"The little girl didn't open any barrier, she just came in because she wanted to pick the flame fruit." Murong Jiuyou said truthfully, she did not encounter any hindrance and walked in directly.

(End of this chapter)

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