Concubine Defying the Sky: Domineering Little Xianggong

Chapter 127: An Accident When Fusing Flame Fruit

Chapter 127: An Accident When Fusing Flame Fruit (1)
Shocked by his own thoughts, Murong Jiuyou didn't know what to say for a moment, he could only quietly let Ming Xichen hug him, just hugging him tightly, hugging...

"Boom..." A loud noise brought the two people who were hugging each other back to their senses.

"Master, it's not good. The volcano seems to be about to erupt. Everyone, hurry up and get on my back. It will be too late." Xiaohong changed her figure while talking, urgently urging Murong Jiuyou and the others.

Murong Jiuyou and Ming Xichen, who came back to their senses, looked at their master Xiaodie who was in heat with a smirk on the corners of their mouths, and the sullen little fox who looked at the two hugging each other tightly immediately jumped onto Xiaohong's back.

Just after Xiaohong spread her wings and flew a short distance away from the volcano, with a loud noise, the magma at the bottom of the volcano erupted instantly, and the hot magma splashed in all directions, and the depth of the valley of flames quickly turned into a sea of ​​flames. They all started shaking.

Fortunately, the volcanic eruption did not last long, and the erupted magma did not spread to the outskirts of the Flame Valley, but a large amount of volcanic ash covered the entire valley, and even Dongfang Yu and Shangguanhong who were waiting not far outside the valley And their subordinates and others were also greatly affected, covered by gray haze.

"Hong, what happened to the loud noise just now? And why is there such a large area of ​​gray smog in the sky?" Because Dongfang Yu was in poor health since she was a child, she rarely went out, and she didn't know much about these natural phenomena. .

"It should be caused by the volcanic eruption in the valley." Looking at the gray smog in the sky, Shangguan Hong's face was a little dignified.

"The volcanic eruption? Will Xiaoyou and the others be in danger?" Although Dongfang Yu has never seen a volcanic eruption, she knows a little about the destructive power of the volcanic eruption from the book. The tremor was caused by a volcanic eruption, which meant that Murong Jiuyou and others who were still in the valley were in danger.

"This..." Even Shangguan Hong couldn't find a reason to comfort Dongfang Yu and comfort himself this time, because he knew very well the destructive power of a volcanic eruption.

"What should we do? Hong, let's go in and look for Xiaoyou and the others? I believe that little sister Xiaoyou's auspicious person has her own destiny, and she will be fine." Although Dongfang Yu said so, her expression was very anxious. Holding Shangguan Hong's arm, he was about to rush into the valley.

"Hehe, I made Brother Yu and Brother Shangguan worry, we are back." Murong Jiuyou, who had just walked out of the valley, felt warm when he heard Dongfang Yu's anxious tone, and immediately smiled and comforted him.

Due to her own power being sealed, Xiaohong needs a lot of profound energy to maintain her huge figure, so just after reaching the periphery of the Valley of Flame, Xiaohong had to bring everyone down to the ground, transforming back into the little red bird again. appearance.

In order to prevent the volcanic ash from falling on them, Murong Jiuyou and Ming Xichen put up the protective shield of gold elements, and walked out of the valley of flames with the beast pets.

Hearing Murong Jiuyou's teasing laughter, Dongfang Yu and Shangguan Hong greeted them with joyful faces, and after seeing that Murong Jiuyou and others were safe and sound, they both heaved a sigh of relief.

Back in the small bamboo courtyard where Dongfang Yu lived, Murong Jiuyou and Ming Xichen were pushed into the room to rest for a while, and after Shangguan Hong's men finished handling the wild boar dragged back from the Flaming Valley, they called them out to have a barbecue together eat.

After returning to the room, Murong Jiuyou took out the flame fruit that was put in the storage ring before, put it on the table in the room, and then faced Ming Xichen, Xiaohong, Xiaohu and Xiaodie in the room Said: "I heard a mysterious voice when I was picking the flame fruit."

"Sister Xiaoyou, what did that voice tell you?" Ming Xichen also wanted to know what happened to Jiu'er in the volcano.

"He said that I was the person he had been waiting for for thousands of years, and it was not difficult to hear from his tone that he seemed to know Xiaohong and knew that Xiaohong's power was sealed."

"Really, master, I still have the power to be sealed?" Xiaohong asked excitedly when she heard the words, so she still has unknown power?I really want to quickly unlock the seal and see how powerful I am.

"Well, it's not just you, the power of Xiao Hei and Xiao Long should also be sealed, so you and them can't completely change into your original appearance."

"Xiao Hei and Xiao Long? Where are they?" Because before Xiao Hong appeared, Murong Jiuyou had already taken Xiao Hei and Xiao Long back into the spirit bead to rest, so Xiao Hong didn't know their existence. .

"Hehe, I'll summon the two of them now to let you get to know each other." After Murong Jiuyou finished speaking, he called out Xiao Hei and Xiao Long who were staying in the Golden Lingzhu and Wood Lingzhu.Then introduce the two of them to Xiaohong.

To Murong Jiuyou's surprise, when Xiao Hei and Xiao Long saw Xiao Hong, they didn't show a repulsive expression. Instead, they greeted Xiao Hong in a polite manner, and Xiao Hong treated the two of them with the same attitude. Extremely friendly, it seems that he only has a bad attitude towards the little furball.

Is this the so-called "It's not that enemies don't get together?"

But I just don't know if a bird and a fox can combine?It would be a good idea to make them a couple, if possible.Murong Jiuyou kept flirting in her heart.

But Xiaohong and Xiaohu felt a coolness coming from behind, they sneezed at the same time and then looked at each other, their eyes seemed to say: Are you scolding me behind my back?
"Xiao Hong, the purity of the flame you sprayed out when you attacked Xiaohu before has reached the level of fairy fire, right?" Seeing the eyes of Xiao Hong and Xiao Maoqiu staring at each other sparked lightning again, afraid that the two of them would quarrel endlessly again. Murong Jiuyou hurriedly changed the subject.

"Well, but Xiaohong can only spit out immortal-level flames when she grows bigger. With Xiaohong's current body shape, the flames she spouts are only slightly purer than spirit-level fire, but they are still not as good as fairy-level flames. purity." Xiaohong said realistically.

"So that's it, then can you do my master a favor tomorrow?" Murong Jiuyou was very happy when she heard the words. She was just afraid that Xiaohong, who had become smaller, would not be able to spit out flames of spiritual purity.

"Master, just say yes, don't be so polite with Xiaohong, Xiaohong will be embarrassed." Standing on the table, Xiaohong raised her head and said to Murong Jiuyou, blinking her round eyes.

"I want you to help me breathe fire into alchemy tomorrow, a spiritually pure flame will do." Murong Jiuyou looked at Xiaohong's lovable look, and said with a light smile.

"No problem, this little thing won't bother me, Xiaohong." Hearing this, Xiaohong patted her chest with her pair of tiny wings, and said confidently.

"By the way, sister Xiaoyou, did the mysterious voice you just said just say what you said before? Did you say anything else?" There are some doubts.

(End of this chapter)

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