Chapter 13 The Master Is Leaving
"Okay, Xiao Hei, don't move around, let's make a contract to try." After finishing speaking, Murong Jiuyou used the nail of his left hand to stroke the fingertip of the index finger of his right hand lightly, and a drop overflowed from a thin crack. Bright red blood dripped on Xiao Hei's flawless white forehead.

However, the drop of blood did not leave a mark on Xiao Hei's forehead, but disappeared without a trace in an instant.Immediately afterwards, a huge golden swastika symbol appeared at the feet of Xiao Hei and Murong Jiuyou, and the white light emitted from the symbol wrapped Xiao Hei and Murong Jiuyou in it.

Murong Jiuyou only felt that his whole body was surrounded by a warm and comfortable profound energy. Gradually, a golden bead slowly emerged from Xiao Hei's body, and then merged into Murong Jiuyou's body.The instant the golden light disappeared, the contract was completed, and the profound energy surrounding Xiao Hei and Murong Jiuyou subsided.

At the same time, Murong Jiuyou's whole body was covered with a layer of faint purple. She had actually been promoted, and her profound strength had been promoted from the intermediate level of Lanhong to the elementary level of Zihong.

You must know that it takes several years or even more than ten years for a cultivator to advance to the first level, especially the higher the level of the mysterious level, the harder it is to advance. It takes at least 15 years for each level to be promoted from Lan Hong, but Murong Jiuyou To be promoted to two ranks just after reaching a contract with Xiao Hei, what a perverted and heavy blow to those who are addicted to self-cultivation?

"Hey, why did you get into my body?" Murong Jiuyou was a little surprised when he felt the golden spirit bead full of profound energy in his body, shouldn't it be in Xiao Hei's body?Why is it running into my body now?

"My own role is actually to help the Lord White Tiger repair the damage he suffered during the battle. Now that you have made a contract with the Lord White Tiger, it means that I can also help you repair the damage you received during the battle." Jin Lingzhu explained.

"If you are in my body, what if Xiao Hei is injured?"

"Don't worry, if Lord White Tiger is injured, you can directly enter into me. Not only can I repair him, but you, the master, can also get help from the profound energy in your body. The effect will be faster. And if it’s not convenient for you to bring the White Tiger God with you, you can also let him stay inside me to cultivate his profound strength, isn’t it very convenient?”

"So there are such benefits?" Murong Jiuyou nodded in satisfaction with Jin Lingzhu's explanation.

"By the way, Master, you have successfully signed the contract with the White Tiger God, so have you received the memory inheritance from the White Tiger God?" Jin Lingzhu asked anxiously, and now it, like Xiao Hei, began to call Master Murong Jiuyou up.

Thinking back, it was sealed in the body of the White Tiger God Lord with a mission at the beginning, but the mission has not been completed yet, so it can't help but feel a little anxious.

"Wait, let me take a look." Hearing this, Murong Jiuyou closed his eyes tightly, calmed down, and kept searching in his mind.

Pictures that did not belong to his own memory appeared in Murong Jiuyou's mind.

Five cute little guys are laughing and making noise around a woman whose face can't be seen clearly. Because the screen is covered by a faint white mist, the appearance of the five little guys can't be seen clearly, only from their figures. It should be judged that they are not human beings, but it is not difficult to hear the childish words that are five little guys.

When the screen changed, five slender figures knelt on one knee next to a woman and said in unison: "Master, please allow us to go out with you."

The screen turned again, blood... blood was everywhere, and the ground was covered with bloody corpses. Even Murong Jiuyou, who had never experienced that scene, seemed to be able to smell the strong smell of blood in the air.

A white figure whose face cannot be seen clearly is particularly conspicuous in the scene full of red. I saw beads of five colors of red, green, yellow, blue, and gold floating in her hand, and she was silently chanting something, and then The five beads flew away in five directions in an instant.

"I'm sorry, I let you fight with my master, and you have suffered such serious injuries. Now I seal your souls in five spirit beads. I hope you can live happily in the future and find someone who loves you. Master, don't repeat the mistakes of this battle." An ethereal voice sounded from Murong Jiuyou's ears, and the sad tone made Murong Jiuyou feel heartbroken.Presumably that sentence was said to Xiao Hei and other beasts.

The screen ends here, and then slowly disappears.

Murong Jiuyou told Xiao Hei and Jin Lingzhu what he saw, but he didn't expect that Xiao Hei, who had always been noisy, quieted down, with a hint of sadness in his tiger eyes, which made Murong Jiuyou think that he remembered something.But after a while, he became that noisy, noisy and coquettish Xiao Hei again.

"Master, are these the only memories?" Jin Lingzhu asked aloud.

"Well, that's all there is to it."

"Then why the master can know these memories, but the white tiger god can't accept the inheritance?" Jin Lingzhu was very puzzled.

"I think it's because his original master didn't want him to remember the past? After all, there was a bad memory in it." And this should be why she couldn't see the woman's face clearly, after all, she It's not Xiao Hei, even if he has received some of Xiao Hei's memories, but after all, it's not something he experienced personally, so it's so vague.

"Oh, by the way, master, Xiao Jin also has a part of a secret book that was sealed together with the primordial spirit of the White Tiger God Lord. Since Xiao Jin is now in the master's body, the master can dig it out to see if there is any harm to the master. What's the use."

"Well, good." Murong Jiuyou calmed down again, using the profound energy in her body to present the secret book sealed in the Golden Lingzhu in her mind, and browsed through it from beginning to end with her photographic memory.

"It's really a good cheat book, but it's a pity that it's only one-fifth." After reading the cheat book, Murong Jiuyou let out a rare sound of admiration.

Through the table of contents and general introduction on the first page of the cheat book, Murong Jiuyou knew that this cheat book was called "Xuantian Secret Record", which was divided into five parts. The formula and refining method of this kind of elixir that has long since existed in the world, part of it is the mystical arts of various attributes that can only be practiced after the cultivation level reaches the high level of Zizhu through all the basic cultivation secrets, and part of it is Murong Jiuyou who is not very Familiar refining materials and methods, the last part is the "secret"!
When browsing to the last chapter of the table of contents, Murong Jiuyou was a little dumbfounded. What is "secret?" Needless to say, the first four parts are treasures that have never been heard or seen in this Longteng Continent. Presumably this fifth part will never It will be worse than the other four parts. Obviously, the person who sealed this secret book will really tantalize people. After knowing that the first four parts are the content that the world dreams of, like the secret book of the fairy world, Murong Jiuyou's rare curiosity also I was seduced by the word "secret" on the last part.

(End of this chapter)

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