Chapter 133: Meeting Under the Moon (1)
Why does Tantaiqing also need Chiyan Herb?This is the most surprising thing in Murong Jiuyou's heart now.

"Young Master Qing, it's not that I won't trade with you, but that the meeting of the Four Kingdoms is coming soon, and that red flame herb is exactly what I, Fire Nation, want to use as a gift during the meeting of the Four Kingdoms. The skill is extremely high, and the prizes for those who can stand out among the many contestants, and I have already discussed with the emperors of the other three kingdoms of gold, wood, and water, let them take out the golden branches and jade leaves, kiwi fruit, and thousand-year-old ice in their hands. The three treasures of the toad will be used together as a reward for the winner of the four-nation meeting."

"If Mr. Qing proposed this condition before I discussed it with the other three countries, I might still agree, but now, I don't want to be a person who breaks my promise."

Huo Lieqi carefully explained the reasons for rejecting Tantai Qing, but Murong Jiuyou, who was eavesdropping outside the imperial study, was overjoyed. This kind of medicinal material turned out to be a treasure treasured by the emperors of the Four Kingdoms, and it will be given out as a reward in this meeting of the Four Kingdoms. God help her.

The ecstasy lasted only a moment.Murong Jiuyou calmed down again and continued her eavesdropping career.She really wanted to know what kind of reaction Tan Taiqing would have next.

"Your Majesty the Emperor is saying that you and the emperors of the other three countries will give these four precious and rare medicinal materials as rewards in this four-nation meeting?" Tantai Qing raised her phoenix eyes slightly when she heard the words, revealing a hint of cold and unexpected surprise. .

"That's right, I heard that these four precious medicinal materials have their own unique effects. If they can be refined into elixirs, they will also have the effects of washing marrow and cutting sutras, prolonging life, and greatly increasing one's skill. It's a pity The elixirs refined from these four kinds of medicinal materials are only useful to those whose profound strength level has reached the first stage of Lanhong, and it is not of much use to the emperors of our four countries. Young people who performed well in the meeting of the Four Nations." As the lord of a country, Huo Lieqi would naturally not be stingy with the precious medicinal materials that he could not use. Maybe he will take that young man for his own use, so why not do it.

"If Mr. Qing also wants Chiyan Herb, he can wait until the meeting of the Four Nations to show off his talents and take Chiyan Herb into his own pocket." The condition of high-quality pills is very tempting, but as the lord of a country, how can he not keep his word, so he can only say to Tantaiqing with heartache.

"Since His Majesty the Emperor has disclosed such important news to me, I will naturally have to pay a certain amount of reward. These two bottles contain two pills with different functions, and the blue bottle contains the Life-Prolonging Pill. It can increase people's lifespan by ten years, and inside the black bottle is a Profound Enhancement Pill that can help people increase their profound strength by the first level. These two pills are regarded as my thanks to His Majesty the Emperor for revealing this good news to me. I've paid you, it's getting late, I won't disturb His Majesty the Emperor, and you will rest, so I'll take my leave." After Tan Taiqing finished speaking, he left as quietly as when he came.

"This Tantaiqing's martial arts are really inscrutable. Even if I just called people to capture him, he might not be able to do anything! It seems that Tantaiqing will be the winner of the meeting of the Four Nations this time!" Tantaiqing After Tai Qing left, Huo Lieqi looked at the chair Tan Taiqing sat on before, and sighed softly.

Now that he heard the news he wanted to know, Murong Jiuyou, who was hiding on the roof of the Imperial Study House, naturally chose to leave.

Just as she was leaving the palace with all her might and passed the corner of the outermost palace wall, she suddenly found that the black-clothed man she had met in the harem before was half-kneeling at the side of Tantai Qing who had left one step ahead of her. .

"So that man in black is Tantaiqing's subordinate? That is to say, the culprit who used that kind of evil drug to control the woman's consciousness turned out to be Tantaiqing. He really is not a good guy." Murong Jiuyou thought in his heart Secretly not ashamed of Tan Taiqing's actions.

On the roof of the imperial study room before, Murong Jiuyou heard Tantai Qing's urgent tone of wanting to get the Chiyan Herb, and was afraid that he would seize the treasure before the Four Kingdoms met, so Murong Jiuyou Then he restrained his aura again, and quietly landed on the palace wall in the corner where they were, wanting to hear what kind of plan Tantai Qing would have next.

"How is it? Have you found out where the Chiyan herb is placed?" Tan Taiqing's voice was even more gloomy and cold in the dark night.

"Returning to the master, the subordinate is useless. I haven't found any news about Chiyan Vanilla." The man in black replied respectfully.

"It seems that Huo Lieqi hid the Chiyan herb very well. Can the other people hear the news?" Tantaiqing didn't blame his subordinates for this, because he had also received a letter from Huo Lieqi, the emperor of the Huo Lie Kingdom. His resolute attitude was heard in his words.

"Back to Master, they couldn't find any news about golden branches and jade leaves, kiwi fruits, and thousand-year-old ice toads." Since the man in black kept his head down, he couldn't see his expression, but from his voice, Murong Jiuyou heard A hint of fear.

"It seems that I can only get the four medicinal materials I want until the meeting of the Four Nations in three months' time." Tan Taiqing heard a coldness in his eyes, which not only made the man in black kneeling beside him tremble , even Murong Jiuyou, who was hiding on the palace wall not far away, couldn't help shivering.

Nima, this guy Tantaiqing is like an iceberg that won't melt for a thousand years, even his breath is ice, I really don't know how he got this temperament.Murong Jiuyou secretly teased in his heart.

"Okay, you go back first, tell them that they don't need to continue to inquire, and then go to my house to inform the mistress, and tell her that I will win the four medicinal materials when the Four Kingdoms meet, and let her inform that person. Wait for three months." After Tan Taiqing gave the order, he turned and left.

"Yes, this subordinate knows." The man in black replied to Tantai Qing's back after he left, then stood up and left quietly.

Just when Murong Jiuyou, who was lying on the palace wall, was about to get up and leave, a cold male voice sounded not far from her: "My lord, what's the matter? I want to leave after hearing so many things I shouldn't have heard gone?"

Murong Jiuyou was slightly taken aback when he heard the words, turned around and looked in the direction of the sound, and suddenly found that Tantai Qing, who had left before, had come back at some point, and was standing at a place not far from where she was. On the palace wall.

And Murong Jiuyou didn't even notice when he came back or when he stood there. It seems that Tantaiqing's skill has been greatly improved in the past ten days. Excessive amount of profound energy in the body was consumed during the preparation of the Returning Life Pill, and after only two days of rest, it was impossible to fully recover, which meant that Murong Jiuyou's current level of profound energy had only recovered to the elementary level of Zihong.

(End of this chapter)

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