Chapter 145 V mutation (2)
"Where did the yellow-mouthed boy come from, dare to speak out here, if you want to solve this young master, it depends on whether you have the ability." The man in black standing opposite Ming Xichen pointed at Ming Xichen shouted furiously.

Although this black-clothed man is not as powerful as the top ten princes in Jianghu rankings, his own cultivation is also extraordinary. Not only his martial arts level has reached the lower level of Lanzhu, but his profound strength has also reached the middle level of Orange Rainbow. For a warrior, he can be regarded as a master.

Originally extremely conceited, when he heard Ming Xichen's provocative words, he was naturally very angry.Furious, he didn't notice at all that with his current skill, he couldn't find out the weird thing about Ming Xichen's cultivation level. He only thought that Ming Xichen was a spoiled young master, so he would Speaking wild words here, he must teach him a lesson on behalf of his parents.

On the other hand, the eyes of Zhuge Ming and others who were watching the battle on the second floor were full of surprise. It seemed that from the aura that Ming Xichen had just exuded, it was not difficult to see that his current martial arts and profound strength were better than before when they were in the mist. Zhisen has improved a lot since then, but it has only been less than three months since they separated. How could this kid have made such great progress?

Compared to the astonishment of Zhuge Ming and the others, Murong Zhen's eyes were much deeper when he saw Ming Xichen who was flying down, because he was at the upper level of Wuxiu Lanzhu, and the middle level of Xuanli Qinghong was not at all. He couldn't detect Ming Xichen's cultivation level, that is to say, this little guy either had no cultivation or his cultivation was much higher than him.

But judging from the figure of this little guy just flying and landing on the square platform, it is definitely not true that he does not have a cultivation base, so there can only be one result left, that is, his martial arts and profound strength levels are both high and low. On top of him, this realization made Murong Zhen fall into deep thought. His eyes that originally looked at Ming Xichen instantly shifted to Murong Jiuyou, but no matter how he looked, he couldn't detect Murong Jiuyou's cultivation level. Could it be that this woman's cultivation base is also higher than his?If that's the case, the sudden appearance of two people, one big and one small, is really too inscrutable.

As sensitive as Murong Jiuyou, he naturally noticed the probing gaze cast by Murong Zhen, but Murong Jiuyou chose to ignore it, and instead focused his gaze on Ming Xichen who was on the opposite stage.

"Why are you shouting so loudly? With your shouting strength, it's better to save some for the next competition. There is still time to shout loudly after you are blown away by me." Although Ming Xichen was about to In the state of fighting against others, but his gaze was still unconsciously focused on Jiu'er. When he saw that Jiu'er ignored Murong Zhen's probing gaze, he turned his gaze to himself instead, plus what Jiu'er asked him to do before. As well as the condition of agreeing to him, the beauty in Ming Xichen's heart has already left all the unhappiness just now behind.

"Stinky boy, take your life!" After being provoked by Ming Xichen again and again, the man in black finally lost his temper, and after shouting, he raised his sword and stabbed Ming Xichen.

"It's just in time, I'll go there, my dear." Ming Xichen sneered, not even bothering to use his profound strength, but summoned his inner strength, and slapped the man in black who raised his sword and stabbed at him. The air flow rushed towards the man in black in an instant. The speed was so fast and the range was so large that even if the man in black found out and wanted to dodge it, it was too late. Under the witness of thousands of eyes in the audience, He was slapped by Ming Xichen and blasted to the bottom of the square platform, lying there motionless in a dog-eat-shit posture.

"Wow..." There was an uproar in the audience like a frying pan.

"Oh my god, is that the kid who just made a move? I didn't even see him make a move."

"That's right, could it be that someone is helping him in the dark? Otherwise, at his young age, how could he have knocked that formidable-looking man in black flying away without even making a move?"

"Who? Who is helping him in the dark? There are several young masters watching the battle on the second floor opposite, so it's impossible not to notice it?"

"Yeah, everyone has been photographed flying out, why hasn't Mr. Xiang come to the stage to announce?"

Everyone focused their eyes on Sima Xiang, whose mouth was slightly opened and his expression was dull, obviously frightened.

Sima Xiang, who felt so many eyes on him, finally recovered from the shock just now, and the question "Who is this little boy?" kept popping up in his mind, and walked to the center of the square platform, with a trembling voice The voice announced: "The winner of this game, young master Ming Xichen, please invite the last young master to compete with this young master on the square platform."

"Brother Murong, it's your turn." Although Sima Rongrong was also shocked at how Ming Xichen made the move just now, because with her skill she couldn't even see her, but after hearing her brother's voice, she temporarily Withdrawing his mind, he said softly to Murong Zhen who was sitting beside him.

"En." Glancing at Murong Jiuyou again, Murong Zhen withdrew his mind and stood opposite Ming Xichen who was standing on the square platform.He clasped his fists to Ming Xichen and said, "Young master, let me teach you a few tricks."

Originally, Murong Zhen had the idea that if he felt that the other party was similar, he would slap and release the water a few times, but at the moment when he saw Ming Xichen making a move, he had the idea of ​​wanting to compare with him.Because he really wanted to know what kind of realm Ming Xichen's real cultivation had reached.

As soon as Murong Zhen's words fell, there were bursts of exclamations from the crowd.

"Oh my God, isn't that the fourth-ranked Mr. Zhen among the top ten sons? I didn't expect that the last person selected by Miss Sima would be him."

"That's right, Mr. Zhen's martial arts and profound strength are extraordinary, it looks like that young master will suffer a lot."

"That's not necessarily true. Didn't you see that young master just shot away the man in black who defeated more than a dozen people? It's not certain who will win." Someone in the crowd obviously saw Ming Xichen's attack Opposition has already begun.

"Yes, that's right, young master, you have to work hard, we support you!" This is the cry of those who support Ming Xichen's faction.

"Young Master Murong, you are our idol, we are optimistic about you." This is the cheering voice of the women who love Murong Zhen.

The original uproar in the audience suddenly turned into cheers and cheers.Looking at the handsome men in the "Pinmingxuan" on the opposite side, there are endless black lines, and I always feel that this martial arts contest to recruit relatives seems to have changed.

Just as everyone in the audience was looking forward to the next competition with hope, something happened that surprised them.

Ming Xichen just looked up at Murong Zhen, then said to Sima Xiang who was the referee at the side: "I admit defeat, it's no match." After finishing speaking, he coolly left the square platform, and flew back to the second floor opposite again. Beside Murong Jiuyou in the corridor.

(End of this chapter)

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