Chapter 162 Anxious Ouyang Yi (2)
"I think Brother Yi is just afraid that he is not good enough for Sister Meier, and Tantai Qing is the person who ranks first in the list of top ten young masters. With Brother Yi's personality, he will definitely think that his family background in martial arts and profound strength is very good. The powerful Tan Taiqing will bring you happiness, Sister Meier, so he will alienate you, Sister Meier. Could it be that Sister Meier has been with Big Brother Yi for so long, and still doesn’t understand Big Brother Yi’s personality? Personality?" The so-called authorities are obsessed with onlookers, and Shui Meilan can't see Ouyang Yi's mind clearly because she is trapped by her own feelings. Murong Jiuyou believes that after her point, Shui Meilan will definitely figure it out.

Sure enough, Shui Meilan, who lowered her head and pondered for a while, suddenly raised her head, looked at Murong Jiuyou with a firm gaze and said, "Sister You'er is right, I misunderstood Brother Yi, but Brother Yi didn't care at all." It made me so angry that my feelings made decisions for me."

Looking at Shui Meilan with an angry and cute expression, Murong Jiuyou said amusedly: "Since Sister Meier is angry with Brother Yi, how about finding a way to punish him?"

"Oh? Sister You'er, let me hear what you can do." Hearing this, Shui Meilan's eyes lit up, and she returned to her previous naughty and cute appearance.

"Youer's method can not only improve the relationship between Sister Meier and Brother Yi, but also make Brother Yi listen to Sister Meier's words afterwards, but the process in the middle is a bit exciting. I don't know if Sister Meier is willing. Give it a try?" Although the smile on Murong Jiuyou's face is very weird now, Shui Meilan agreed without the slightest hesitation.This made Murong Jiuyou secretly give a thumbs up to Shui Meilan's firm heart to like Ouyang Yi.I am also very pleased that Ouyang Yi can get the heart of a woman as good as Shui Meilan.

Although Shui Meilan agreed very happily, but when Murong Jiuyou told her method, even Shui Meilan, who has always been straightforward, blushed with shyness, but in order to make Ouyang Yi stop avoiding his treatment of her Shui Meilan firmly nodded and agreed.

Planning begins...

"Brother Yi...Brother Yi..." Since the first phase of the four-nation meeting ended earlier, when Murong Jiuyou was dragged by Shui Meilan to chat just now, he had just had dinner, and even chatting and making plans were too late. It's only about half an hour, so it's not long after nightfall outside, and most of the people in the side hall have not yet fallen asleep. Since Ouyang's family and Murong's family have a good relationship, Shui Qinghui, the emperor of Shuilan Kingdom, prepared a rest for the two families. The side halls used are very close together.

At this moment, only Ouyang Yi was left in the side hall of Ouyang's family, and everyone else went to chat and play chess in the side hall of Murong's family.

Ouyang Yi, who was meditating in the room, hurried out of the room when he heard Murong Jiuyou's call: "Xiaoyou, what's wrong? What happened? Are you so flustered?"

"Brother Yi, after dinner tonight, Xiaoyou was dragged by sister Meier to have a chat. After chatting for a short time, sister Meier said that she was a little dizzy and her body was hot. You'er hurriedly I took the pulse for Sister Meier, and found that Sister Meier was poisoned at some point."

"What? You said that Lan'er was poisoned? What kind of poison? Can't you solve it, Xiaoyou?" Sure enough, after hearing the news of Shui Meilan's poisoning, Ouyang Yi lost control of his emotions immediately, and clung to Murong Jiuyou's body tightly. arm, asked anxiously.

"Brother Yi, Sister Meier has a kind of charming poison called 'Yiyehuan'. This kind of poison will not cause any sensation after taking it. It will take about half an hour for it to take effect. It must be Sister Meier. I don’t know who poisoned me when I was having dinner.”

"Although You'er can detox this kind of love potion, it takes at least two hours to refine the antidote, but once this poison takes hold, if the poison cannot be detoxified within half an hour, the poisoned person will burst blood vessels and die. You'er just now I also went to Brother Zhuge and Shangguan, and they came to the same conclusion as You'er. The antidote can't be refined for a while, and the situation is urgent, so I can only find a man to detoxify sister Meier first. You know that Sister Meier likes Brother Yi, that's why she came here to find Brother Yi. If Brother Yi doesn't like Sister Meier, you can send Sister Meier to Mr. Tantai. After all, after the meeting of the Four Kingdoms, Sister Meier I'm going to marry Mr. Tantai as his wife, I think Mr. Tantai will be willing to detoxify Sister Meier."

Murong Jiuyou secretly observed Ouyang Yi's expression while talking, and sure enough, when she said that she would send Shui Meilan to Tantaiqing, and let Tantaiqing detoxify Shui Meilan, Ouyang Yi's whole body exuded a kind of A dark breath.Feeling that Ouyang Yi's reaction was not bad, Murong Jiuyou continued.

"But how does Xiaoyou feel that this is not right? Didn't Sister Meier say before that she would never marry Tantai Qing? Could it be that Tantai Qing secretly gave Sister Meier the love potion? Maybe he wanted it With Sister Meier's body, Sister Meier should be willing to marry him."

In fact, Murong Jiuyou gave Shui Meilan this enchanting poison, the purpose is to test whether Ouyang Yi has a male-female affection for Shui Meilan.And she had colluded with Shangguan Hong and Zhuge Ming before, even if Ouyang Yi went to find them, they would say that it took too long to refine the antidote, and Shui Meilan would die of poison during this period.

It's just that caring is chaotic. After Ouyang Yi heard the news that the woman he liked was poisoned, he became flustered. He didn't have any other thoughts to distinguish the authenticity of what Murong Jiuyou said. When he said that he, Zhuge Ming and Shangguanhong could not make the antidote in a short period of time, Ouyang Yi was even more anxious, with veins protruding from his forehead, his fists were clenched, and even his fingernails were unconsciously embedded in his palms, blood was flowing. I don't know it.

Immediately afterwards, when Murong Jiuyou said that the person who poisoned Shui Meilan was probably Tantai Qing, Ouyang Yi even wanted to find Tantai Qing desperately.

"Brother Yi, what Xiaoyou said just now was just speculation. Maybe someone else put the poison on Sister Meier, and even if the poison was given by Tantai Qing, he would never admit it if you go to him now. If more people know that Sister Meier has been poisoned, it will definitely damage Sister Meier's reputation as a woman."

"I just found out that sister Mei'er was poisoned by Mei'er, and I gave her a calming pill, which can temporarily delay the onset of Meier's poison for a quarter of an hour, and then I came here to look for you, Brother Yi, now Mei'er The charm poison in my sister's body should be about to explode, Brother Yi, go and have a look."

As soon as Murong Jiuyou's words fell, Ouyang Yi rushed out of the room, performed lightness kung fu and flew towards the Princess Palace where Shui Meilan lived.

"I just said that brother Yi has feelings for Miss Meier, right? You still don't believe it, do you believe it now? Come on, come on, I'd like to bet and admit defeat, and give me money." As soon as Ouyang Yi left, Ouyang who was hiding in the dark Zihua pulled Murongzhen and walked out, while talking, he stretched out his hand to ask Murongzhen for money.Needless to say, both of them are Murong Jiuyou's accomplices.

(End of this chapter)

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