Chapter 169 The Big Bad Guy (1)
But the result surprised Murong Jiuyou, the egg didn't move at all after being hit by the black snake with a stone, without the slightest sign of cracking.

"The action of you smashing the egg just now is not to tell me that the egg is hard and not easy to break?" Now Murong Jiuyou finally knew the reason why the black snake did this.

Seeing that the black snake decisively dropped the stone in its mouth and nodded, Murong Jiuyou asked curiously again: "Just now I felt this egg vibrate, could it be that it was communicating with you?"

The black snake continued to nod, and Murong Jiuyou began to feel a little messy. An unhatched egg can not only move, but also communicate with a snake. Curious.

"Could it be that the vibration at the bottom of the lake was also caused by it?"

The answer to Murong Jiuyou continued to be Black Snake's nod.

"It made you give it to me?"

Still nodding.

"Well, I now believe it is a mythical beast."

Just when Murong Jiuyou finally affirmed the status of this egg as a divine beast, there was a wave of water in the calm lake, and a look of vigilance flashed in the eyes of the black snake, and he quickly swam towards the direction of the wave .

Murong Jiuyou also noticed that the fluctuation of the water flow just now was caused by thinking, and the martial arts and profound strength level of the visitor seemed to be very high, and it gave Murong Jiuyou a slightly familiar aura, and it was the one who had fought with her before. Tantai Qing breath.

It turned out that during today's talent competition, Tan Taiqing sensed Shui Meilan's love for Ouyang Yi, and knew that it was impossible for him to successfully marry Shui Meilan as his wife, which would affect his plan, so he took the risk and decided to act tonight, secretly breaking into the forbidden area , I want to find the mysterious thing in this forbidden area in advance.

Although Tantai Qing had visited this forbidden area several times before, he found that there was nothing else except a large lake.So he speculated that the mysterious thing must be at the bottom of the lake, so as soon as he broke into the forbidden area today, Tan Taiqing took up the protective cover of the gold element without hesitation and jumped into the lake.

It was also because of his jump that Black Snake and Murong Jiuyou who were staying at the bottom of the lake noticed his aura.

Murong Jiuyou was not afraid of being recognized by Tantai Qing because he was still in a state of disguise at the moment, and urged the water element to follow the black snake and swim towards Tantai Qing's position with the power of the lake water.

Sure enough, the familiar aura that Murong Jiuyou noticed before was Tantaiqing.

Tan Taiqing also recognized the disguised Murong Jiuyou after evading the first wave of attacks from the black snake.

"What a coincidence, it seems that I always meet you, Young Master." Seeing that the black snake only attacked him but not Murong Jiuyou, Tantaiqing subconsciously thought that the black snake was Murong Jiuyou's beast pet.

"Could it be that I've been having bad luck lately? Otherwise, why do I meet you, an annoying guy every time?" Murong Jiuyou didn't like Tantaiqing at all, so naturally he wouldn't say anything to him. polite.

"I don't know what the young master is talking about in this lake?" Tantai Qing heard that the coldness in his eyes deepened, but he didn't get angry, instead he continued to ask.

"It's nothing, I just couldn't sleep and wanted to go for a swim in this lake." As soon as Murong Jiuyou finished speaking, the black snake, who was ready to go, rolled his eyes again indecently, as if he was telling her the reason for holding back scoffed.Who swims in the cold night of late autumn?And do people who want to swim cover themselves with gold elements?

"Young master is really leisurely and elegant, but I don't know if you found anything when you were swimming just now?" Tantaiqing naturally didn't believe Murong Jiuyou's words, his intuition told him that the mysterious man in front of him had already found something. the mystery.

"It's said that I came to swim. Is there anything I can find? Ah... By the way, it seems that I found it." Murong Jiuyou said with an expression as if he suddenly remembered something.

"I don't know what the young master found, can you let me take a look?" Tantai Qing asked eagerly after hearing the words.

"It's the black snake behind you." Murong Jiuyou pointed to the black snake behind Tantai Qing and said with a smile.

After hearing the words, the black snake glared at Murong Jiuyou helplessly, and then launched a second wave of attacks towards Tantai Qing.

It has to be said that in the water, the black snake's attack speed is extremely fast, seeing that it was too late to dodge, Tantai Qing could only carry the water element under the cover of the golden element cover and condense it into a vortex of water flow in front of him, blocking the black snake. The blow of the snake.

It was precisely this kind of block that made Murong Jiuyou on the side realize that Tantai Qing's current skills had reached the intermediate stage of Wuxiu Baizhu and Xuanxiu Zihong, which surprised Murong Jiuyou. Because of the basic cultivation method taught in "Xuantian Secret Record", the profound strength has improved so fast, but this Tantai Qing's profound strength has improved as fast as hers. Could it be that he also has some profound cultivation cheats?

Seeing that his attack was dissipated by the vortex of water, the black snake flew around behind Tantai Qing, and launched a third wave of attack swiftly.

This time Tantaiqing was extremely embarrassed to dodge, and the gold element protective shield covering him was also created a gap by the attack of the black snake, and the lake water began to flow into it slowly along the gap.

Seeing that underwater is not conducive to fighting, Tantaiqing hastily turned around and swam towards the surface of the water, but the black snake did not chase after seeing this, but swam back to Murong Jiuyou's side again, and wrapped its tail around Murong Jiuyou's clothes corner, and dragged her to swim towards the bottom of the lake again.

Ever since he knew that the black snake was not hostile to him, Murong Jiuyou eliminated the defensive function of the gold element cover, and only kept it from letting water flow in, so the black snake could easily get close to Murong through the gold element cover Jiuyou.

Although Murong Jiuyou didn't know where the black snake was going to take her, she knew that she would be attacked by Tantai Qing who was waiting on the shore, so she gave up the idea of ​​going back to the shore and was temporarily pulled by the black snake. walk.

After being dragged by the black snake for about a quarter of an hour, a ditch slowly appeared on the flat bottom of the lake. Murong Jiuyou guessed that it must be the place where the lakes meet.

Going forward along the ditch, Murong Jiuyou found that the width of the ditch was getting narrower and narrower, and finally it was so narrow that only one person could pass through.

Seeing this, Murong Jiuyou had no choice but to shrink the golden element cover around her body so that it was close to her skin, and just barely entered the narrow ditch.

After walking further in the ditch, a fork appeared in front of Murong Jiuyou, and before Murong Jiuyou asked which way to go, he was dragged into the fork by the black snake.

The inside of the fork is not as narrow as before, so Murong Jiuyou no longer has to carefully control the size of the golden element cover.It's just that what makes Murong Jiuyou feel strange is that the more he walks forward, the more he can feel a strong profound energy rushing towards his face. Could it be that there is some treasure inside?
(End of this chapter)

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