Chapter 18 Bloodthirsty Little Demon

Because Murong Jiuyou was afraid that Xiao Hei would frighten the people in the town by uttering human language, so he made an appointment with Xiao Hei to only communicate with the heart and not to speak in front of outsiders, so Xiao Hei who was wiped very comfortably was just the second to the shop. He stretched out his tiger's paw friendly, without saying anything.And this scene also amazed the people in the store, what a black tiger with human nature, it seems that it should be the animal pet of this stunning woman.

On Longteng Continent, no matter whether you are a martial artist or a cultivator, you can contract a beast pet of your own, but the premise is that the pet pet must be willing to contract with you. This has nothing to do with personal cultivation. As long as the pet pet likes you, even if You are a waste material who knows nothing, but you can still make a contract.However, after the contract, the pet's fighting power will increase along with the master's strength. If the master's strength does not increase, the pet will be just like a small animal for viewing.

However, most women on Longteng Continent would contract some cute animals, such as kittens, puppies, and bunnies. Women who contract a tiger are really rare.This is one of the reasons why Xiao Hei will attract a lot of attention.

"Master, Master Yan once came to this restaurant to eat." The smell of Yan Xuanyi still lingered in the restaurant, and Xiao Hei smelled it as soon as he entered the restaurant. "However, the smell has begun to fade a bit. I think Master Yan has been away for a while."

"Well, then let's hurry up and catch up with the master after lunch." Watching the delicious dishes come on the table one after another, Murong Jiuyou poured two-thirds of each dish into Xiao Hei. In the porcelain bowl in front of him, the remaining third was eaten with Ming Xichen.And the ten catties of sauced beef were all prepared to comfort Xiao Hei, who had worked so hard to defeat the robber.

Just as the two of them were concentrating on their meal, an extremely hoarse and obscene voice broke the peace in the store, "Hey, whose little lady is this, who is so stunning? Come home with me to be my concubine No. 18." How about delicious and spicy food?"

The hoarse and harsh voice coupled with obscene words immediately aroused glaring glances from the diners at the restaurant. Thinking about it, Murong Jiuyou had just won the favor of all the diners present, and someone wanted to get their hands on the fairy in their hearts. Not to cause public outrage?
Looking in the direction of the sound, I saw a man wearing a bright red satin robe and an emerald green forehead crown, with an obscene appearance, drooling at Murong Jiuyou who was having a meal.In fact, in terms of appearance, the man can be regarded as an ordinary dude, but with his hoarse voice and his attire in red and green, if he could describe it in one word, it would be 'obscene'. To describe it in one word, it is 'vulgar'.

But who is Murong Jiuyou, with her concentration and her characteristic of being able to ignore people without intentionally, the words of obscene men can't reach her ears, she just concentrates on picking the radishes on the plate without raising her head, That's right, Murong Jiuyou, who is black-bellied and powerful, is actually a picky eater. She doesn't eat green peppers, radishes, and vegetables with weird flavors.And Ming Xichen who was at the side couldn't help laughing at her picky eaters, with a doting smile on the corner of his mouth, he put all the things Murong Jiuyou picked out into his rice bowl.The two picked one another and cooperated harmoniously. Naturally, neither of them heard the words of the obscene man.

Not to mention Xiao Hei, his eyes glowed red when he saw the sauced beef, and he was struggling with the big piece of sauced beef in front of him.He eats, he eats, he eats vigorously. After passing this village, there will be no such shop. It is rare for his master to be so generous. He bought him ten catties of sauced beef in one go. He wants to wipe them all out. Besides, there is still a long way to go in the afternoon, how can I have the strength to go on the road with my master and that little boy who hates him on my back if I am not full.

With a sound of "bang", a large knife stood on Murong Jiuyou's dining table. The mahogany dining table was split into two instantly, and all the food on the dining table was scattered on the ground following the rupture of the dining table. Murong Jiuyou and Ming Xichen, who were picking food, dodged to avoid the splashed residue after the food hit the ground at the same time as the big knife fell. Only Xiao Hei, who was holding the sauced beef and eating it, did not escape the catastrophe. There is a chicken thigh and a few slices of fried meat attached to it.And Xiao Hei, who was suddenly frightened, choked on the beef that had just been stuffed into his mouth, and lay down on the ground sadly and kept clicking, trying to get the piece of beef out.

When Ming Xichen at the side saw Xiao Hei in such a distress, he stretched out his small hand and patted his broad tiger back, finally the piece of beef stuck in his throat was photographed, and the rescued Xiao Hei let out a long cry. In one breath, fortunately, he did not become the first tiger in history to be choked to death because of eating beef.Grateful eyes fell on Ming Xichen who patted his back, it turned out that this little guy wasn't so bad, at least he just saved his life.Shan was as stupid as Xiao Hei, and he was bought by this shot.As everyone knows, Ming Xichen came to the rescue because he was afraid that he would not have the opportunity to bully this stupid cat again.The prey that Ming Xichen was looking for couldn't die in the hands of others.

"Hey, my uncle is talking to you!" The hoarse voice interrupted Xiao Hei's grateful heart to Ming Xichen, and he glanced at the sauced beef that fell on the ground and was stained with dust, Xiao Hei became angry.It was rare for the master to show kindness and buy him so much meat, but he was ruined by this guy, which made him feel sad and angry.

"Xiao Hei, please don't move. I'll buy you some meat later." Murong Jiuyou, who saw that Xiao Hei was about to go berserk, comforted him with his heart. Cursing people will inevitably be targeted by some interested people. There are many contracted beasts in Longteng Continent, but almost no one who can speak human language has heard of them.She didn't want Xiao Hei to be in danger because of this.

Hearing what Murong Jiuyou said, Xiao Hei first swallowed the anger in his heart, glared viciously at the obscene man who disturbed his dining mood, and walked slowly to the waiter who wiped it for him just now. Touch him, point to the residue on his body, and signal to the waiter to clean it up for him.

Seeing that Xiao Hei is so approachable, the waiter in the shop is naturally willing to help, so he went to the back kitchen and took out a clean towel to help Xiao Hei wipe it up.

"Where did a duck bark here? I don't even look at the occasion, it really affects people's dining mood. Shopkeeper, hurry up and sharpen the knife stuck on the table, and kill this barking duck in a while." Butcher it and feed it to the pigs." The venomous tongue struck him like thunder.Everyone in the restaurant thought that they were hallucinating, that the beautiful woman who was polite and polite just now would say such vicious words.

But after thinking about it, everyone agrees with Murong Jiuyou's approach. After all, it was the obscene man who disrespected others first, and the beauty is just an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth.

(End of this chapter)

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