Chapter 183 Eat clean (2)
Although Murong Jiuyou was still shocked in his heart, his mind had become much more flexible and calm than before.But thinking of the slender and fit body wrapped under the dark purple silk sheets, her fair cheeks were still blushing, and she stole a glance at Ming Xichen who had already sat down on the chair, Jiu'er pulled her clothes a little shyly. Jiaoer walked slowly to the table and sat down.

"Little Jiu'er, if you want to ask me anything, ask while you're eating." Seeing Jiu'er's cute little gesture, Ming Xichen once again had the urge to press her down hard, but he didn't want to. Thinking that there will be plenty of time ahead, it is better to dispel the doubts in Jiu'er's heart first, and then let her be completely her own.

"Are you really Chenchen? If so, why did you suddenly grow up? Do you remember what happened before? What is your real identity? Will you...leave this place in the future?" Murong asked the question all of a sudden. Jiuyou's mouth gushed out, especially the last question. In fact, what Murong Jiuyou wanted to ask was "will you leave me in the future?" But because of his shyness, he couldn't ask it all at once, so he had to ask in another way.

"Hehe, it seems that Jiu'er is very concerned about him. He asked him so many questions all at once, but don't worry, little Jiu'er, let me answer them one by one in order." Ming Xichen said while gently holding Jiu'er Putting Er'er's favorite dish into her bowl, watching her eat it slowly, a wicked smile appeared on the corner of her lips, and she began to answer questions slowly.

"My name is Ming Xichen, and I really am the king of the underworld, which is what people call Hades."

"Pfft!" As soon as Ming Xichen uttered the first sentence, Jiu'er was so startled that he sprayed out the food he was shouting out of his mouth. Fortunately, Ming Xichen reacted quickly and deployed the protection of the golden element. Cover to cover the meals on the table to avoid the bad luck of being polluted.

"Why is Jiu'er so careless when eating?" Ming Xichen, who put away the golden element protective cover, stretched out his slender fingers to gently wipe the corner of Jiu'er's lips when he saw the remaining rice grains at the corner of Jiu'er's mouth, and then Put that grain of rice into your own mouth.Jiu'er's heartbeat accelerated unconsciously when he saw the enchanting appearance.

" said you were the King of Pluto?"


"Then why are you here?"

"I don't know, I just remember sleeping in my own Illusory Hall, and came here out of nowhere after waking up." Ming Xichen shrugged, expressing that he didn't know the reason.

"That is to say, you also came here through time travel?"

"Traveling? Oh, you mean going from one space to another, right?" Seeing Murong Jiuyou nodding, Ming Xichen also nodded and said: "That's right, wait... Xiao Jiuer just said 'yes' What does the word mean?"

"I came here through inexplicable transmigration after I died." Although I had some doubts about Ming Xichen's identity at first, thinking about it, I can encounter such things as transmigrating. In the place where Ming Xichen said that he was the king of the underworld, there was nothing doubtful about it.

"How is it possible? It is impossible for an ordinary human being to travel through space casually even after death."

"Could it be that my soul was reincarnated after my death, and that's why I came to this space. Isn't there a saying of reincarnation in the underworld?"

"That's just a legend. After death, the soul will come to the underworld and become a member of my underworld. If all the people in the underworld are reincarnated, wouldn't there be no one in my underworld?" Ming Xichen denied Murong. Jiuyou's statement.

"Then according to what you said, if a person dies and arrives in the underworld, he will not be reincarnated again, so don't you have more and more members in the underworld?"

"No, just like human beings, members of the underworld will have birth, old age, sickness and death, and the underworld has always adhered to the law of survival of the fittest. If they are not strong enough, they will be killed by other members, so although human souls continue to come to the underworld , but the members of the underworld will not become more and more."

"Then why did I inexplicably transmigrate here?" After hearing Ming Xichen's explanation, Murong Jiuyou began to feel a little weird. Originally, she thought that she was reincarnated here because her memory was not erased after death, but What Ming Xichen said just now meant that the place where she appeared after death should be the underworld and not here.

"There are two possibilities for traveling through time and space. One is that when a person's cultivation base is strong enough, he can freely travel through space. Of course, Xiao Jiu'er should not belong to the first type; sent to another dimension. I suspect that Xiao Jiu'er should be the second type."

"Then who is the person who sent me here? What is the reason for sending me here?"

"Butterfly, fox, wolf, you three come out." Ming Xichen did not directly answer Murong Jiuyou's question, but called out his three subordinates.

When the three beast pets came out of the beast pet space, a dazzling light flashed under them at the same time.

The Butterfly King of Hell was directly promoted from the original first-level phantom beast to the fifth-level phantom beast.

The nine-tailed demon fox has been directly promoted from the original second-level phantom beast to the sixth-level phantom beast, and its tails have also changed from the previous two to three.

The ice wolf king has been promoted from the original third-level phantom beast to the seventh-level phantom beast.

"Master, have you recovered?" The three beasts shouted in unison with excitement when they saw the enlarged Ming Xichen.

"Well, yes, I'm back to the original." Ming Xichen replied with a slight smile when he heard the words.And Murong Jiuyou also believed that Ming Xichen was supposed to be like this because of the words of the three beasts.

"But it's not right, master, since you have returned to the original state, why have we not changed in any way except that we have improved in level?" Xiaohu looked at his body, then at Xiaodie and Xiaolang, and found that When nothing changed, he couldn't help but raised his head and asked Ming Xichen.

"God...why did my body return to its original state, but my profound strength didn't return to the original level, just a few levels up?" After Xiaohu asked, Ming Xichen realized that he was just The body has recovered, but the level of profound strength has not been fully recovered.

Hearing this, Murong Jiuyou pulled Ming Xichen's wrist, and breathlessly took his pulse.

"How did this happen? Why did the Sui Sui Pill only eliminate one evil energy in your body, while the other evil energy still exists in your body. Could it be that your profound strength is suppressed by this evil energy, so you can't use it?" Have you recovered?" Murong Jiuyou came to such a conclusion after examining the pulse.

"Isn't it? Then master, you can take another marrow washing pill to see if it can wash away another evil spirit." Xiaohu said sadly after hearing the words.He doesn't want to maintain the current appearance of this little ball of fur, he wants to restore his original handsome figure, woo woo...

"It's useless, since the first marrow washing pill can't dispel the other evil spirit, even taking two or three pills is useless. It seems that we need to find other ways to dispel the other evil spirit .” Murong Jiuyou explained lightly.

(End of this chapter)

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