Concubine Defying the Sky: Domineering Little Xianggong

Chapter 185 9'er Shows Her True Colors

Chapter 185 Jiuer Shows Her True Face (3)
The moment Ming Xichen pulled Jiu'er into the main hall, the originally noisy main hall fell silent instantly, and dozens of pairs of eyes were cast on the eyes of Ming Xichen, who was holding Murong Jiuyou's slender waist tightly. On his body, even Murong Jiuyou's mother and grandfather had expressions of shock. They wondered when their daughter (granddaughter) knew such a handsome and enchanting man, and she was willing to let him embrace him so intimately. Own.

"Sister Xiaoyou, I mean, this is my future brother-in-law, right? Why don't you tell me to introduce me in advance!" Shangguan Hong's loud voice somehow brought everyone present to their senses. It also made Murong Jiuyou, who was still shy about the kiss just now, realize where he was at the moment.

Murong Jiuyou moved his body unnaturally, wanting to get rid of Ming Xichen's arm that was tightly wrapping around his slender waist, but he failed. Instead, Ming Xichen took him into his arms more domineeringly. Incredible.

Receiving dozens of pairs of puzzled eyes from the hall, Murong Jiuyou sighed softly, not knowing how to explain it, so he simply stopped explaining, raised his head, met Shang Mingxichen's playful eyes, and signaled him to take a look with his eyes. Go and sit down by yourself.

Little did they know that Murong Jiuyou's silence was regarded by everyone as her acquiescence, the hall instantly exploded like a pot, and heatedly discussed and speculated about the identity of the mysterious man who appeared beside Murong Jiuyou.

Only Zhuge Ming, Nangong Jun, and Huangfu Xiong looked at Murong Jiuyou with sad eyes, hoping she could explain.

It's just that Murong Jiuyou was also very depressed at this time. Originally, she didn't plan to let the grown-up Ming Xichen come to the hall with her, but unexpectedly, when she fell into shy contemplation, Ming Xichen directly Bringing her here made it difficult for her not to cause a commotion.

The current Murong Jiuyou just wanted to quickly finish what he was going to do, and take this domineering guy out of the palace as soon as possible.

So Murong Jiuyou decided to ignore everyone's curiosity about Ming Xichen's identity, and directly spoke to the Emperor of Shuilan Kingdom.

"Your Majesty, Xiaoyou said a few days ago that she would use the three Zengxuan Pills refined earlier as a betrothal gift to a woman." After hearing the words Zengxuan Pills, everyone present became quiet again, obviously , the charm of Zengxuan Dan is much greater than the beauty of Ming Xichen's true identity.

"That's right, I don't know which family the lucky girl Murong mentioned is the daughter of a family who has such good luck that she can get three Zengxuan pills at once." The emperor of Shuilan Kingdom nodded and said. .

"Xiaoyou wants to use these three Zengxuan Pills as a betrothal gift for Brother Ouyang Yi, and propose to Princess Shui Meilan, the princess of Shuilan Kingdom!" Murong Jiuyou said while signaling Ouyang Yi to come out with his eyes.

Seeing this, Ouyang Yi naturally wouldn't dismiss Murong Jiuyou's kindness, and then he stood up and clasped his fists to the Emperor of Shuilan Kingdom and said, "Your Majesty, I am Ouyang Yi. I have been in love with Princess Lan of your country for a long time. Allow me to marry Princess Lan as my wife, and I swear to Princess Lan in front of all of you today that if I can marry Princess Lan as my wife, I will never marry another woman in this life except Princess Lan."

It has to be said that Ouyang Yi's affectionate confession not only made Shui Meilan who was sitting behind the emperor of Shuilan country exclaim "Brother Yi!", but also shocked everyone present.Because most of them here have three wives and four concubines, even if they are not in groups of wives and concubines. Few of them can swear to love only one woman like Ouyang Yi.

So as soon as Ouyang Yi's words fell, there were bursts of applause in the hall, and there were voices urging the emperor of Shuilan Kingdom to agree to Ouyang Yi's marriage proposal.

Although the emperor of Shuilan Kingdom was very moved by Ouyang Yi's infatuation with his daughter, but because he had promised Tantai Qing that he would marry Shui Meilan as his wife, he couldn't make a decision for a while, so he could only cast his eyes on Ouyang Yi. On the body of Tan Taiqing who came to this banquet with injuries.

"Since Mr. Ouyang and Princess Shui are in love with each other, I won't interfere with it. What I discussed with His Majesty the Emperor before, just treat it as if there is no such thing. Why don't His Majesty take this opportunity to fulfill Mr. Ouyang and Princess Shui's two marriages?" People." Tantai Qing said calmly when he received the gaze of the Emperor of Shuilan Kingdom.In fact, for him, marrying Shui Meilan is just a cover, he just wants to use the banner of Shui Meilan's fiancé, freely enter and leave the palace, and go to the forbidden area to find the mysterious things that came from the natural vision.

But now the mysterious thing has obviously been taken away by that mysterious man, so there is no need for him to marry Shui Meilan again. Just when he was thinking about how to get rid of this marriage, Ouyang Yi's confession came to him. This gave him a chance to be a favor.

Hearing Tantai Qing's words, the Emperor of Shuilan Kingdom heaved a sigh of relief, then laughed and nodded, "Okay, since Miss Murong offered such a heavy betrothal gift for Mr. Ouyang's engagement, how can I disagree? In front of all distinguished guests, I agreed to this marriage, but I still have one condition that must be agreed by Mr. Ouyang."

"Please speak, Your Majesty the Emperor!" Ouyang Yi replied with an even more respectful attitude after hearing that the Emperor of Shuilan Kingdom had agreed to his marriage with Mei'er.

"I'm just such a precious daughter as Lan'er, so naturally I don't want her to marry too far away from me, so my condition is that after you marry Lan'er, you must settle down in Shuilan Country, so that Lan'er can often enter the country. Gong came to see Zhen and the queen. If you dare to treat Lan'er badly, Zhen will have your head chopped off."

"Royal father!" As soon as the emperor of Shuilan Kingdom finished speaking, Shui Meilan burst into tears, and called out "Royal Father" with great emotion. She has always believed that Royal Father is a person who will sacrifice the happiness of her children for the sake of profit. , but what her father said today finally let her know that her father has always been thinking about her future, and hoped that she could live happily.

"I will obey the emperor's order!" Ouyang Yi heard the words and agreed to the emperor's request very simply.

"Okay...okay...after the meeting of the four countries is over, the queen and I will choose an auspicious day for the two of you to get married. What's the Ouyang family's idea?" Shui Languo laughed and turned his gaze to Ouyang Ba Ye's body.

"I don't have any meaning, everything will be arranged by His Majesty the Emperor." Ouyang Baye was naturally very happy to see that his grandson and Lan Yatou could finally have a lover. Anyway, he, an old man, didn't know much about weddings, so he had full authority Hand it over to the emperor and empress of Shuilan Country.

"Miss Murong, since the destination of the three Zengxuan Pills has been determined, can you fulfill the second promise that you promised me?" Nangong Xinyi, who had been silent for a long time, finally couldn't hold back anymore, and looked at Murong Jiuyou's face. His eyes were full of jealousy.

(End of this chapter)

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