Concubine Defying the Sky: Domineering Little Xianggong

Chapter 190 The Tenderness Before Separation

Chapter 190 The Tenderness Before Separation (1)
"Xiaoyou, although brother Huangfu's cultivation is not good, he should still be able to help financially, so he can be considered a part of brother Huangfu." Huangfu Xiong smiled shyly, telling the truth.

"Hey, what's that cloud on Tuku Island? We only represent ourselves to support Xiaoyou, and it has nothing to do with the family behind us. If you Tuku Island want to come to trouble, just come to us directly. If it's a man Don't blame our family, do you hear me?" Shangguan Hong shouted to those people in the Holy Palace, he didn't want to hurt his family because of himself.

" wait for me, I'll go back and ask the hall masters to take this woman back. If any of you dare to resist at that time, be careful that you don't even know how you died!" Shen Qingyun saw that there were so many Everyone stepped forward to protect Murong Jiuyou, they were anxious and shouted angrily.

"Wait, you don't need to go back to ask for help, I'll go back to the island with you." Murong Jiuyou's sudden voice stunned everyone present!

"Nine children!"



"Sister Youyou!"

Ming Xichen, Murong Yunjie, and all the beauties standing on Murong Jiuyou's side exclaimed loudly when they heard Murong Jiuyou offered to go back to Tuku Island with the people from the Holy Palace.

"Chen, Grandpa, didn't we already guess this kind of situation before, it's just that it came a few days sooner than we expected, but since we have already made arrangements, we don't have to worry about his coming early or late." Murong Jiuyou He whispered to Ming Xichen and his grandfather.

"But your current body...?" Because Murong Jiuyou spent a lot of profound energy in her body after refining the pill for a week, her current profound strength level has just reached Qinghong's elementary level. Yun Jie was afraid that she would run into trouble before her profound strength level recovered.

"Don't worry, Grandpa, since they are here to pick me up to Tuku Island, it means they won't do anything to me. After all, I'm wearing the aura of a saint now, so naturally they don't dare to do anything to the saint. Something outrageous happened." Murong Jiuyou continued to comfort his grandfather in a low voice.

"The next thing is to trouble you, Grandpa and Grandpa Ouyang. After everything is ready, you can set off to find Xiaoyou."

"You girl, you have to be more careful yourself, grandpa, I will go to the island with your grandpa to find you soon." Ouyang Baye instructed aloud.

"In this case, I'm leaving, grandpa, after I'm gone, you can talk to my mother again, tell her not to worry about me, I'll be fine, and ask Brother Zhen to hand over the things I prepared earlier Brothers, I'm leaving!" Murong Jiuyou turned around and said to Shen Qingyun and the others after giving instructions, "Let's go, I'll go back to the island with you, so don't make things difficult for my grandfather and the others."

"Hmph, you still have self-knowledge, so I won't bother with them, but I must avenge my severed finger with that guy in the future." Shen Qingyun said while staring at Ming Xichen with hatred.

"Okay, I'll wait for you to take revenge." Ming Xichen Xie raised his eyebrows and said.

"Brothers, Brother Zhen will give each of you a letter and something in a while. If you have anything you don't understand, you can ask Brother Zhen to explain it to you." After Murong Jiuyou instructed, he turned around and left with Shen Qingyun and the others. Murong's house.

Only a group of people stood there watching her leave.

Seeing that Murong Jiuyou was taken away, the Patriarchs of Nangong Family, Sima Family, and Xiahou Family also turned around and left happily.The other Patriarchs simply comforted Murong Yunjie and then left. Only Shangguanhong, Dongfang Yu, Zhuge Ming, Huangfuxiong and Nangong Jun stayed behind.

When they saw the letter Xiaoyou wrote to them and gave each of them a precious Zengxuan Pill, they were all moved, and vowed to go to Tuku Island with Murong Zhen to help Xiaoyou.

But Huangfuxiong knew that his cultivation was not high, so he decided to stay and manage the store with Ouyang Yi, and forbade his store to do business with people on Tuku Island.

And Murong Jiuyou's mother, Yan Yueting, only had slightly red eyes when she heard the news that her daughter was taken away, but she continued to draw the sailing route with Yan Fei'er firmly, because she had completed the drawing one day earlier, I was able to set off one day earlier to find my daughter.

When everyone was busy, Ming Xichen suddenly disappeared!

It was night, and the slightly cold night wind blew past the window, bringing a coolness like water. The room was not lit, and the moonlight was shining through the window, and the silver light was faint.

Sitting on the bed by the window, leaning on his cheeks, Murong Jiuyou looked at the night outside the window a little bored, the sky was smudged with moonlight and stars.Since this is an inn, the surroundings are not quiet, and the sound of guests beating to stay in the inn can be heard from time to time.

It's been a day since I left Murong's house, I don't know if my grandparents are worried about me, presumably they are, right?
Fortunately, because of her status, the ten people from the Holy Palace not only did not embarrass her, but also treated her politely. Because I left with them on my own initiative, I didn't send anyone to her door at night. Guard outside.

I don't know what that monster Ming Xichen is doing?Did you obediently help grandpa and mother at home? Perhaps it was because you were used to Ming Xichen being by your side, but after not seeing him for a day, you felt something was missing in your heart.

Forget it, anyway, we will meet soon, why do you always think about that evildoer, don't you have something to do next?

Thinking of this, Murong Jiuyou pouted, turned around and prepared to go to sleep.Suddenly he heard the sound of his clothes being cut into the air, he immediately stopped his movements, concentrated his mind, turned around and raised his eyes to look.

A stunning figure came into view.

With a slender and perfect figure, she was dressed in deep black, which seemed to melt in the moonlight. The bright red inner skirt, and the hem of the clothes fluttered in the night wind, like a blooming manjusawa, with a kind of distant blur.The purple eyes are bewitching, and the slightly pointed chin has a unique flirtatious atmosphere.

Obviously mysterious and cold and charming to the extreme, but the smell on the body is very fresh and pleasant, coming with the wind, it has a fascinating charm.

"Xiao Jiu'er, do you miss me?" The shape followed the sound, and before Murong Jiuyou could answer, the evil figure fell in front of her, stretched out her long arms, and hugged her tightly in her arms , the sexy thin lips immediately pressed down hard.In Murong Jiuyou's mouth, he conquered the city, tossed and turned, and kissed her until her eyes blurred and she couldn't breathe, then he reluctantly let her go.

"Chen...why are you here?" A large amount of air returned to his lungs, and Murong Jiuyou's dizzy brain finally regained a sliver of clarity.

"Of course I miss you. Little Jiu'er is so cruel. For the previous week, Jiu'er was busy making alchemy every day and didn't have time to talk to others. As a result, just after refining the alchemy, Jiu'er took the initiative to talk to others. When I left, I didn't take anyone with me when I left. The night was long, I was alone, I couldn't sleep, I couldn't help being lonely, so I came to look for Jiu'er." After hearing Murong Jiuyou's question, Ming Xichen's cold charm just now The aura disappeared in an instant, replaced by a look of a little daughter-in-law who had been greatly wronged, with a little water vapor in her long and narrow phoenix eyes, as if she had been abandoned by someone.

(End of this chapter)

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