Concubine Defying the Sky: Domineering Little Xianggong

Chapter 192 The Extravagant Holy Palace

Chapter 192 The Extravagant Holy Palace (1)
After finishing these, the ten people from the holy palace led Murong Jiuyou to the island.

Murong Jiuyou, who was slowly following the people from the Holy Palace, suddenly discovered that although the pine forest looks very ordinary from the outside, once stepping into the forest, it becomes a world of maze.As long as you take a wrong step, you will be trapped in the maze, unable to get in, unable to get out, and eventually trapped to death.

Although Tuku Island is surrounded by pine forests, but passing through the pine forests is a scene of another world.

This is simply a small island country, with inns, taverns, shops, and pawn shops.People coming and going on the street are greeting each other. Although it is snow-covered weather, it shows a scene full of enthusiasm.

As soon as he entered the city, the man who handed Murong Jiuyou the fur coat before took Murong Jiuyou to a shoe factory, and bought a pair of small and exquisite cowhide boots for Murong Jiuyou to put on.

This move attracted Shen Qingyun to cast a look of disdain, and said in a deep voice: "Yan Jingpeng, as the first disciple of Hall Master Shui and the eldest son of the Yan family, you actually bought shoes for a woman of unknown origin. , not afraid of being laughed at by the disciples of other halls!"

"Ms. Murong is very likely to become the future saint of our Tuku Island. Mr. Shen is not afraid that Mrs. Murong will catch the cold due to her physical discomfort. When the time comes, the Holy Son and the Palace Mistress will blame her. It is not something you and I can afford." That The man named Yan Jingpeng returned lightly.

Murong Jiuyou had always had a liking for this man who handed her a fur coat and helped her buy warm boots, but now that he heard that he was the eldest son of the Yan family, he felt more fond of this man named Yan Jingpeng in his heart A sense of intimacy.After all, there is a trace of blood relationship between the two.

"Saint? It depends on whether she is a real saint. If she is not, the Palace Master and the Son may kill her directly. If it is a saint, my master Shen Bowen is the No. [-] leader of the Five Elements Hall." For the sake of my master, the Hall Master Jin, the Palace Master and the Holy Son will all turn a blind eye to me." Shen Qingyun said that he was proud, and he didn't know the other people who walked with him at all. , all cast contemptuous glances at his words.

"What? You were so sure that I was a saint at the door of Murong's house before, why did you say that I am not a saint when you get here? Since you think I am not a saint, why did you bring me here?"

"You..." Shen Qingyun, who was unable to answer Murong Jiuyou's two rhetorical questions, said angrily: "Where is there so much nonsense, the Holy Son asked me to bring you here, you have to come, whoever you are What is your identity, why don't you hurry up and let Master Shengzi wait for you, but you will have no good fruit to eat."

After Shen Qingyun finished speaking, he turned around and strode forward.

"Miss Murong, there is a branch hall of our holy palace not far ahead, and a carriage has been prepared there to keep out the cold. The girl only needs to persist for a quarter of an hour and there will be a carriage." Yan Jingpeng was afraid that Murong Jiuyou would not adapt to this place. cold weather, explained to her aloud.

"En." Murong Jiuyou nodded politely to Yan Jingpeng when he heard the words, and walked side by side with him.

Sure enough, Shen Qingyun, who was leading the way, stopped in front of an inn before walking a long distance, turned around and said to the people behind him in a benevolent tone: "We have some meals here now, and wait for the carriage to prepare." After you're done, hurry back to the Holy Palace." After speaking, he walked into the inn first.

After simply eating some pastries, the shopkeeper came to Murong Jiuyou and the others at the table, and said respectfully to Shen Qingyun: "Mr. Qingyun, the carriage is ready and ready to go."

When Murong Jiuyou saw the three or two carriages, he couldn't help secretly praising the luxury of the Holy Palace. The outside of the three carriages was completely surrounded by white fox fur. A night pearl the size of a pigeon egg is inlaid on the top of the interior, and the seat made of mahogany inside the car is covered with a thick layer of silk brocade quilt for the purpose of keeping warm and cold.

The ones riding in the same carriage with Murong Jiuyou were naturally the leader Shen Qingyun and Yan Jingpeng who cared a lot about her.From the fact that Yan Jingpeng only chatted with himself along the way, it is not difficult to see that his relationship with that Shen Qingyun seems to be not very good.But from Shen Qingyun's relatively polite attitude, it is not difficult to see that Yan Jingpeng's low position in the Holy Palace is not lower than that of Shen Qingyun.

From the chat with Yan Jingpeng, Murong Jiuyou learned something about the Holy Palace.

The holy palace is equivalent to the royal palace on this island, and the palace master is the ruler of this island.

The holy palace is divided into two parts: the outer palace and the inner palace. The outer palace is respectively inhabited by the masters of the Five Elements Hall of Gold, Wood, Water, Fire, Earth.The inner palace is inhabited by the Holy Son and the Palace Master.They are going to the outer palace now, because the palace lord is currently practicing in seclusion, so Murong Jiuyou can't see the palace lord for the time being.

Surrounding the outer palace are the members of the Shen family, the Bai family, and the Yan family, who obey orders and the three main hall masters respectively.

The Shen family takes orders from Shen Bowen, the head of the Golden Hall, the Bai family takes orders from Bai Qianya, the head of the Wood Hall, and the Yan family takes orders from Yan Zhiyuan, the head of the Water Hall.As for the fire hall master Long Shengnan and the earth hall master Long Wenyu, they seldom manage affairs, and there are not many disciples under the hall, and none of them belong to the three major families.

In this way, they drove for about half a day, until the sun was about to set, and the carriage stopped moving forward.

"Master Shen, the Outer Palace is here!" The driver's report came from outside the carriage.

"Hmm!" Shen Qingyun, who closed his eyes and rested in the carriage, got up first and got off the carriage after hearing the words, followed by Yan Jingpeng and Murong Jiuyou.

As soon as he got off the carriage, Murong Jiuyou felt a burst of profound profound energy blowing towards his face.The location of the entire holy palace seems to be in a cloud-shrouded fairyland.Surrounded by rich and pure profound energy.

When seeing the overall outline of the Holy Palace, Murong Jiuyou had to sigh again for the luxury of the people in the Holy Palace.

This is a building from bottom to top. The lowest floor is a row of buildings similar to palaces in the imperial palace. The upper floor is a layer of white jade stairs. The stairs are very high, plus Surrounded by clouds and mist, it seems that there is heaven above the stairs.The main palace of the Holy Palace is built at the top of the stairs, a place like a fairyland, giving people the feeling that there are people who are close to gods living there.

And Murong Jiuyou's current location is the lowest floor of the Holy Palace, which is the Outer Palace.

"Master Shen, the Holy Son has an order to send Miss Murong to the inner palace to rest." A disciple guarding the entrance of the outer palace saw Shen Qingyun get off the carriage, stepped up to meet Shen Qingyun, and took out the A golden token with the word "Holy Son" written on it said loudly.

"What? This woman was arranged to enter the inner palace just after she arrived?" Shen Qingyun said with an expression of disbelief.

(End of this chapter)

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