Chapter 202 The Mother Arrives (1)
Because Tantaiqing is young and handsome, all the young women on Tuku Island are proud to enter the Holy Palace to serve the Holy Son. Although they know that the wife that the Holy Son will marry in the future will be a saint from Tuku Island, most of the women still think Being able to become the concubine of the Son of God and scrambling to enter the Holy Palace.The female servant in front of me is no exception. She used many despicable means to enter the Holy Palace and become the female servant of the Holy Son. It's time to take care of Murong Jiuyou who just came here.This gave her the feeling that the dream she had just realized was instantly wiped out.

As soon as the female maid finished speaking, Tan Taiqing strode past her, and flew towards the outside of the hall.The direction to go is naturally the courtyard where Murong Jiuyou lives.

At this moment, Murong Jiuyou, who had been in love with Ming Xichen for a whole night in the hot spring water, was curled up in Ming Xichen's strong embrace and sleeping very sweetly.Little did he know that Tantai Qingzheng was galloping here at a flying speed.

The fact that Murong Jiuyou didn't notice the footsteps doesn't mean that Ming Xichen didn't notice it, and Tantai Qing's steps were not as steady and silent as usual because of his anxiety, so before he got close to the courtyard where Murong Jiuyou was, Ming Xichen noticed it.

Looking at the naked Jiu'er in his arms, Ming Xichen hastily wrapped her up tightly with a brocade quilt, and then whispered a few words in the ear of Jiu'er who was still a little sleepy, and then He quickly picked up the clothes beside the bed and put them on, and hid in the corner behind the bed.

Just as Ming Xichen was hiding his breath, the door of Murong Jiuyou's room was pushed open vigorously.

Murong Jiuyou who was sleeping on the bed was also fully awake by the sound of pushing the door hard.

"Who?" Murong Jiuyou asked sharply in her slightly hoarse voice because she just woke up.

"Are... all right?" Tantai Qing, who broke into the room vigorously, breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Murong Jiuyou who was still lying on the bed.

"Master Shengzi, don't you think that your behavior of breaking into a woman's boudoir with all your might is comparable to perverts and flower pickers?" He was in a bad mood, and Murong Jiuyou spoke in an extremely unhappy tone.

"Forgive me for being rude, please put on your clothes, Miss Murong, and wait outside the yard, I have something to say to Miss Murong." Tantai left a word indifferently, then turned and walked out of the room, and handed Murong Jiu The door of You's room was closed.

And the moment Tantaiqing left the room, Ming Xichen came out from the corner behind the bed with a murderous expression on his face, and said in a low voice, "Damn Tantaiqing, how dare you trespass on the nine my son's room."

If he hadn't detected the sound of breath and footsteps in advance, wouldn't Jiu'er be about to leak out?
"Chen, it's still useful to keep him!" Because Murong Jiuyou and Ming Xichen met suddenly last night, and then they were lingering all night, so that Murong Jiuyou didn't have time to tell Ming Xichen what happened recently. Some things, as well as some things I heard from my grandmother, seeing that Ming Xichen had murderous intentions towards Tantai Qing, Murong Jiuyou hastily spoke out to comfort him.

Murong Jiuyou's soft voice eased the anger and killing intent in Ming Xichen's body, turned around, and turned his gaze to Jiu'er who was tightly wrapped in brocade, Ming Xichen was about to pull the brocade with his long arms quilt.

"Chen, what are you going to do?" Murong Jiuyou hid shyly, because she was not wearing any clothes under the brocade quilt, how could she not be shy.

"Of course it's to help you get dressed." Ming Xichen said softly, noticing that Tantai Qing had already walked out of the yard.

"No...don't." Hearing this, Murong Jiuyou pulled the brocade quilt around her body tighter, and then said shyly, "Chen, can you turn around? I want to get up and get dressed .”

Seeing such a charming and lovely Jiu'er, Ming Xichen swallowed hard again, and turned around slowly.

If it weren't for knowing that Tantaiqing was waiting outside the yard, Ming Xichen would have turned into a wolf and pounced on Jiu'er long ago.

Seeing Ming Xichen turned his back, Murong Jiuyou immediately got up and put on his clothes, washed up briefly, then walked out of the room to see Tantai Qing.

"I don't know what the Holy Son is doing for disturbing people's dreams early in the morning?"

"Do you know where the two maids who took you to take a shower last night are?" For some reason, Tan Taiqing felt that Murong Jiuyou's complexion was rosy today, and her already beautiful face became even more ruddy. attractive.

"It's okay if you don't say it. I get angry when I say it. Last night, I asked the two of them to wait for me at the entrance, but when I came out after taking a bath, the two of them disappeared. Fortunately, there was nothing at that time." For a pervert or a flower picker who suddenly broke in like Lord Shengzi this morning, otherwise this girl's reputation will be ruined." Murong Jiuyou said pretending to be angry.

"So that's how it is. The two of them were found dead in the courtyard not far from your bathing place this morning." Tan Taiqing said while watching Murong Jiuyou's expression, trying to see something from her face.

"How come? I didn't hear the sound of someone fighting outside the bath?" Murong Jiuyou is also a new human being in the 21st century, and his acting skills are naturally not to mention.

"They were not killed by people, they should have been killed by some kind of beast." Seeing Murong Jiuyou's shocked face, Tantai Qing no longer suspected that the deaths of the two female servants were related to her. Just a brief statement about the cause of death.

"Oh my god, those two female servants don't seem to be weak in martial arts? Why were they killed by beasts so easily? Then what level of beasts do they need to do it?"

"Since Miss Murong is fine, I won't disturb her rest. I just want to tell Miss Murong that I try not to leave the courtyard at night." Tan Taiqing turned and left before Murong Jiuyou could reply. The female maid who went to the main hall to tell him the news before passed by.

Tan Taiqing just said lightly when passing by the female maid, asking her to serve Murong Jiuyou well, and then flew away without even looking at the woman.

"Miss Murong, this servant is going to prepare breakfast for you!" the maid lowered her head to hide the resentment and jealousy in her eyes, and whispered to Murong Jiuyou.

"No need, I'm not hungry, you go down first, I'll call you if you're hungry!" Although the maid tried her best to hide her jealousy towards Murong Jiuyou, she was still overwhelmed by the sensitive Murong Jiuyou. You noticed it.His eyes were slightly tainted with air-conditioning, Murong Jiuyou turned around and returned to the room after finishing speaking lightly.

Seeing Murong Jiuyou's indifferent attitude towards her, the woman snorted coldly in her heart, and immediately turned and left the yard.

(End of this chapter)

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