Chapter 218 The Grand Finale (4)
As the rulers of the Three Realms, she, Ming Xichen and Duan Muren naturally wanted to prevent the Demon King from wreaking havoc in the Three Realms, so they led the Demon King to the realm of nothingness, intending to kill him.

Since the Demon King was bred from Duanmuren's heart, he was extremely obsessed with the heart of Murong Jiuyou, who is the Nine Heavens Profound Girl. Have.

Therefore, when Murong Jiuyou, who was the Nine Heavens Xuannv, led him to the realm of nothingness, even though the Demon King knew that it might be a trap, he still took his subordinates there without hesitation.

So, in the realm of nothingness, Nine Heavens Xuannv, Pluto, and Human Emperor led their subordinates to start a desperate struggle with the Demon King and his demon soldiers and generals.

In fact, if the rulers of the three realms joined forces at that time, it would have been possible to defeat the Demon King. However, because of the gap between Duan Muren and Ming Xichen, even though they were jointly dealing with the Demon King on the surface, in secret, Duan Muren was not there. When Ming Xichen and Jiutian Xuannv joined forces to kill the Demon King, they helped, but secretly sealed Ming Xichen.

Since Duanmuren didn't make a move, only relying on her and Ming Xichen's strength, they just sealed the Demon King, but didn't wipe him out of the Three Realms.And she and Ming Xichen were also seriously injured in the battle with the demon king. She sent Ming Xichen back to the underworld with only her last remaining strength. The subordinates were in danger because they were anxious to avenge themselves, so she sealed all the memories of herself and Qinglong, Baihu, Suzaku, Xuanwu, and Qilin in five spirit beads and five colorless sky-replenishing stones, and separated them. Sent into a different space plane.After that, she jumped into the path of reincarnation on her own initiative and became a mortal.

Duanmuren, who is the emperor, still did not get his beloved Jiutian Xuannv in the end, so he searched all the planes in the universe, and finally found the reincarnated Jiutian Xuannv in the 21st century after thousands of years. At this time, she had already changed her name to a girl named Murong Jiuyou.

Since Murong Jiuyou was born as an orphan, Duan Muren stayed by his side since childhood, and in order to prevent her from having feelings for other men, he trained her to be a cold-blooded and ruthless killer.

But no matter how prepared Duanmuren was, he still couldn't escape the arrangement of fate. When Ming Xichen, the King of Pluto, visited the human world privately again, he happened to meet Murong Jiuyou who was on a mission. Duanmuren sealed all memories of the Nine Heavens Xuannv during the Great War, but now he is still in love with the human Murong Jiuyou.

And Murong Jiuyou, who has never tasted feelings, soon developed a good impression of the mysterious Ming Xichen, and the two fell in love.

Knowing this, Duanmuren was naturally furious, taking advantage of Murong Jiuyou's absence, he invited Ming Xichen to a remote place in Murong Jiuyou's tone, and secretly attacked him.

At the same time, Yaochi, who has been serving Murong Jiuyou in the human world, took advantage of Duanmuren's absence to kill Murong Jiuyou, whom she had always been jealous of, and casually sent her into a different space.

Thousands of years ago, Yaochi was a little girl beside Jiutian Xuannv. She had been secretly in love with Duanmuren who was the emperor, but at that time, Duanmuren only had Jiutian Xuannv in his eyes, and she did not exist in Yaochi at all.After the war, when she learned that the Nine Heavens Profound Girl had jumped into the circle of reincarnation, Yaochi was very excited, thinking that she finally had a chance to be with the man she liked, so she decided to look for the Nine Heavens Profound Girl together with Duanmuren as an excuse. Because of this, he stayed by Duanmuren's side all the time.

But the millennium passed quickly, and Duan Muren still turned a blind eye to Yao Chi, who was serving him wholeheartedly, and focused on finding the whereabouts of the Nine Heavens Profound Girl. Gritted one of his own silver teeth.

But in the end she endured it and kept secretly looking for opportunities, wanting to kill Murong Jiuyou.Finally, when Duanmuren went to deal with Ming Xichen, he killed Murong Jiuyou and sent him to another world.

But when Duan Muren, who successfully attacked Ming Xichen, just wanted to completely get rid of Ming Xichen, he suddenly couldn't feel Murong Jiuyou's aura. He was anxious, and he could no longer care about Ming Xichen who was seriously injured and unconscious, and turned around in a hurry He left, and not long after he left, Ming Xichen inexplicably disappeared in place.

The above is the grievances of thousands of years. When Murong Jiuyou obtained all his memories, he guessed that Duanmuren must have sensed her aura, and would soon chase her here, so he brought his subordinates again Came to the realm of nothingness.

"Jiuyou!" Duanmuren shouted excitedly when he saw Murong Jiuyou.

"Aren't you Duanmuren? Are you the devil?" Murong Jiuyou said in surprise when he saw Duanmuren with red hair, red eyes and red lips.

"Hehe, that's right, it's the king!" The devil said with a big laugh when he heard the words.

"How did you break through the seal and come here? Where is Duanmuren now?" Murong Jiuyou took a few steps back, and signaled his subordinates to prepare for the battle.

"Break the seal? Hahahaha, I don't need to break the seal at all, because before the year before last, you and Ming Xichen sealed that guy, Duanmuren, not me!"

"What? How is it possible? The person Chen and I sealed is obviously you, the Demon King, how could it be Duanmuren?" Murong Jiuyou said with an unbelievable expression upon hearing the words.

"Hmph, speaking of it, it's all thanks to Duan Muren. If it weren't for the fact that during the war a thousand years ago, he only wanted to get rid of Ming Xichen, and the demons in his heart had been in his heart for a long time. I wouldn't have survived after being sealed by you." At the time, he exchanged bodies with him. Fortunately, that guy Duanmuren still had evil intentions of harming others, so he was taken advantage of by this king. But at that time, he seemed to be aware of this king's intentions. Actually, when this king called his body, a restriction was added in this king's body, and this king couldn't really become a demon for thousands of years." The demon king said with a cold snort.

"But who knows why two mid-level devil cultivators suddenly came to this king's chassis. After absorbing the magic power in their bodies, this king finally succeeded in breaking through the restriction and turned into a demon, haha Haha!" The devil continued to laugh and added.

"Among the two you mentioned, one of them is sitting on a mahogany chair, right?" Murong Jiuyou thought of Long Chengchong and Tantaiqing after hearing what the Demon King said.

"That's right, it seems that Jiuyou knew those two people? But it's a pity that they have been sucked up by this king and died!" "It's nothing to be a pity, they are enemies in the first place, it's better to die!" Murong Jiu You Wenyan said lightly.But in his heart he was thinking about Ming Xichen's whereabouts.

(End of this chapter)

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