Chapter 31 Returning to Ouyang's Family
The inner courtyard of Ouyang's home.

"Second Lord, according to reports from the people around the other courtyard, the uncle returned to the other courtyard yesterday evening, and Young Master Yi also brought a woman back to the other courtyard this morning." A man dressed as a servant was half kneeling at this time In front of a middle-aged man, he reported the news he had just received one by one.

"What? That kid Ouyang Yi really found the boss?" It was Ouyang Xuanyi's second younger brother who spoke - Ouyang Xuantian.

"According to my subordinates, that's not the case. If the uncle was brought back by Young Master Yi, why did the two come back at different times? Besides, Young Master Yi brought a woman with him when he came back." This servant was sent by Ouyang Xuantian. Yang Yue, the leader of the other hospital to inquire about the news, hurried back to report to Ouyang Xuantian after he found out the news.

"Oh? Has that boy Ouyang Yi started to have sex with women? As far as I know, the third child has sent so many beauties to win over that boy over the past few years, and he has never seen him being tempted. Why is he so attracted to him today? Did you bring the girl back by yourself?" Ouyang Xuanyi not only arranged spies in the other courtyard, but also arranged a lot of eyeliner for his third brother Ouyang Xuanye.

"Back to the second master, what Young Master Yi brought back is a stunning beauty. Presumably the five beauties in the Jianghu ranking combined are no match for that woman." When referring to the woman he saw brought back by Ouyang Yi this morning, Yang Yue has a lewd face, he has never seen such a stunning beauty in his life, he really wants to capture her under Cheng Huan's body, that taste must be better than being a fairy.

"Look at your virtue, aren't you just a woman, in the future you will help me become the head of the family, and I will reward you with any beauties you want." In Ouyang Xuantian's eyes, Power is greater than beauty, so he didn't take the woman Yang Yue said seriously. Isn't it a woman brought back by Ouyang Yi, who will not pose any threat to him.

"The little one just asks that after the second master ascends to the position of Patriarch, he can reward the young master with the woman brought back by Young Master Yi." Yang Yue flattered Ouyang Xuantian with a pug-like face.

"Success, you just need to work hard for my second master." Ouyang Xuantian agreed without thinking. "However, since the boss is back, our original plan has to be carried out ahead of schedule. Otherwise, when the Patriarch sees the Boss, he will definitely pass on the position of Patriarch to him again. Wouldn't our efforts for so many years be in vain?"

"Okay, little one, let's go down and make arrangements."

"It's not good, it's not good, Daddy is not good." Just as Yang Yue was about to leave the room, a young man rushed in quickly and bumped into Yang Yue's body, and both of them fell to the ground .The person who came was Ouyang Xuantian's eldest son - Ouyang Di.

"What's going on in such a panic? How decent is it?" Looking at the two people lying on the ground in a panic, Ouyang Xuantian was depressed for a while. His wife married three, but his son only had one, but he didn't look like him at all. He is calm, but he is impetuous in his work, making a fuss when encountering a little thing, calling his father and mother.

"Father. Father is not well. The doorman sent word that the uncle and Ouyang Yi have come to the master's house, and the master has sent them to the hall." Although Ouyang Di is impetuous, he is not stupid. He knows that his father's competitor is not that The third uncle who is obsessed with beauty is an uncle who has been away from home for ten years, so after the guard told him that Ouyang Xuanyi and Ouyang Yi were here, he panicked and hurried to find his father.

"What? So soon? Shouldn't he stay at home with his unconscious wife and silly son for a few days?" Ouyang Xuantian exclaimed and stood up. When Ouyang Xuanyi came again, there was nothing else to do, but he didn't expect them to come so soon.

"Second Master, what should I do?" Yang Yue looked at Ouyang Xuantian with a slight frown.

"Di'er, hurry up and notify your third uncle and the others, saying that your uncle is back, and the Patriarch told everyone in the family to go." Ouyang Xuantian calmed down his emotions, and began to arrange things in a planned way. "By the way, call your mother and your older sisters, and let's watch a good show together, haha."

"Patriarch, how will this play be staged?" Seeing Ouyang Di leave, Yang Yue stepped forward and asked with a wicked smile.

"Come here with your ear, you can arrange it later, let's just like this..." Yang Yue smiled after hearing this, and went down to arrange everything, while Ouyang Xuantian got up and went to the hall to meet his elder brother whom he hadn't seen for many years .

In the main hall, an old man over seventy years old was sitting on the main seat in the hall. His piercing eyes and eyebrows slanted into his temples showed the arrogance of the head of the family. The anxious face reveals the emotions of a father, anxiously waiting for his son to return.

"Patriarch, Eldest Young Master and Young Young Master Yi are here."

The servant's report came from outside the door, which made Ouyang Baye stand up excitedly, and said loudly: "Quickly, let them in."

As soon as Ouyang Baye's voice fell, the three people who walked in from outside the hall made the eyes of Ouyang Baye and the servants waiting in the hall shine.

Needless to say, Ouyang Xuanyi was the one who walked in the front. He was dressed in a dark purple silver-trimmed robe, with a purple crown and hair. He was tall and handsome. Bright and energetic, even the white hair on his head is only black and white now, not showing his old age at all.

Followed by Ouyang Yi and Murong Jiuyou who walked in side by side.

Ouyang Yi, wrapped in a brocade robe with black gold threads, with long hair reaching to her waist but not tied up, her temples raised, and a green jade hairpin inserted in her head, her eyebrows are like black ink, her black eyes are like stars, her face is handsome and graceful elegant.

Murong Jiuyou is dressed in a long dress of flowers sweeping the floor, her clothes are whiter than snow, her hair is fluttering like willow silk, her eyes are like two pearls, her pink lips are bright, her skin is snowy and her skin is icy, her exquisite and slender figure is like Fairies descend to earth.

When he saw the handsome Ouyang Yi showing a gentle smile to the beautiful Murong Jiuyou after entering the door, Ouyang Baye had a flash of expectation in his eyes.

Among his children and grandchildren, his favorite son is the eldest son Ouyang Xuanyi in front of him, and the grandson he admires most is Ouyang Yi, the orphan of the late fourth son.He often heard the housekeeper mention that Ouyang Yi was as unattractive as his eldest son Ouyang Xuanyi. He was still a little worried at the time, fearing that his previous practice of beating mandarin ducks with his eldest son and his wife would leave a mark on his grandson. Shadow, what I didn't expect was that it wasn't that Yi'er didn't like beauty, but just like his uncle, he didn't find a lover. Just when he saw Yi'er's gentle eyes looking at the woman, he knew that this kid was attracted to her.

"Father, please accept the worship of your unfilial son Ouyang Xuanyi!" After ten years away from home, and now returning to this long-lost home, Ouyang Xuanyi is full of emotion.It's not that he didn't resent his father. After all, it was because he opposed him being with Mayfair that they had to move to another courtyard. It was also because he made things difficult for him from time to time in order to let him inherit the position of Patriarch. It was because of the power struggle in this family that his beloved Fei'er was poisoned and persecuted by his second and third younger brothers, and his son was born imbecile.

(End of this chapter)

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