Chapter 35
"Thank you, second and third brother, for your concern. It's getting late, father, let's eat first." Ouyang Xuanyi interrupted their polite conversation, and turned to ask Ouyang Baye.

"Yeah, eat, eat first, and then talk after eating well."

"Master Dun is here!" Just as Ouyang Baye said that dinner is ready, the servant's report came again from outside the door.

As the message fell, it was Ouyang Xuanwei's second son, Ouyang Dun, who walked into the lake with Ming Xichen's palm in the afternoon.

"Why did you come here now? Where did you fool around?" Ouyang Baye said in an unhappy tone.

"Grandpa, Dun'er didn't go fooling around. Dun'er arrived in the afternoon, but he was pushed into the lake in the courtyard." Facing Ouyang Baye, Ouyang Dun was still very scared, because no matter how he tried to please Ouyang Ba when he was a child Even Ye, couldn't get his favor, and over time, he developed the habit of wanting to detour and walk away in fear when he saw Ouyang Baye.

"Father, what Dun'er said is true. When Dun'er came back this afternoon, some villain pushed him into the lake. Dun'er was saved because of his life. That's why he came late. I hope Father will forgive me. "Ouyang Xuanwei also hurriedly stood up to speak for his son.

"Grandpa, on the way back from helping Jiuyou get refreshments in the afternoon, Yier saw Cousin Dun calling for help in the lake for some reason, so she rescued him and arranged for his servants to take him back to his room to calm him down. As for Cousin Dun just now They said that someone pushed him into the lake, but Yi'er was there at the time but didn't see the murderer." From the tone of Ouyang Dun and Ouyang Xuanwei, they probably didn't know who pushed Ouyang Dun into the lake. In this case, Ouyang Yi He didn't point it out, he just said that he saw Ouyang Dun falling into the lake when he came, and he didn't see the murderer either.

"Dun'er, don't you thank your cousin Yi for saving his life? You must have slipped and fell into the lake this afternoon, and you even said that someone pushed you into the lake, hum." It is believed that Ouyang Dun himself accidentally fell into the lake.

"Yes, Father is right. Dun'er must have accidentally fallen into it. Dun'er, why don't you hurry up and thank your cousin Yi." Seeing that the old man was angry, Ouyang Xuanwei hastily pulled him back and wanted to get out. Ouyang Dun, who was vocally defending, said anxiously.

"Thank you, Cousin Yi." The grievance in Ouyang Dun's heart, obviously someone pushed him into the lake, why did he accidentally fall into it now?Moreover, he had to thank Ouyang Yi, whom he had always hated, and Ouyang Dun was already gnashing his teeth in anger.

"Cousin Dun, you're being polite. It's just a little effort. Grandpa, since cousin Dun was not frightened, don't blame him anymore. Let's eat first." Ouyang Yi tried to smooth things over.

"Well, don't you hurry up and find a place to sit down and eat?" Ouyang Baye gave Ouyang Dun a look, and took the lead to pick up the chopsticks and prepare to start.

"Beautiful...beautiful...?" Just before Ouyang Baye put the braised pork into his mouth, he was suddenly startled by a sudden scream, and the piece of very roasted pork fell to the ground sadly an intimate encounter.

And the one who screamed was naturally Ouyang Dun when he saw Murong Jiuyou sitting next to Ouyang Baye.Because what he didn't expect was that the stunning woman he saw in the afternoon was sitting beside his grandfather and eating gracefully at this time. Because he was too surprised, he naturally screamed unconsciously, but he didn't want to This action once again aroused Ouyang Baye's dissatisfaction, so he shouted loudly, "Third son, look at your son's upbringing, how can you even yell in front of the elders, how decent is it?"

"My lord, Dun'er is young. Seeing this stunning woman sitting next to you might be a bit out of character. I hope my lord will forgive me."

"Yeah, Grandpa, you haven't introduced us to the woman sitting next to you." Ouyang Di, who had been holding back all this time, was a little bit impatient at this moment. He really wanted to know who she was. Who is the stunning woman, and why does her grandfather, uncle, and his own cousin Yi love her so much, and add vegetables to her bowl from time to time.

"I wanted to introduce it after dinner, but now it seems that I should introduce it first." What Ouyang Baye didn't expect was that the little apprentice his eldest son took in would fascinate all the men in their family. Know whether it is a good thing or a bad thing.

"This is Yi'er's apprentice outside - Murong Jiuyou, and the one next to her is her little brother Ming Xichen."

"It turned out to be Miss Murong. If you don't mind, can I call the girl You'er?" Hearing this, Ouyang Jueshuai got up first and decided to seize the opportunity.

"Sorry, Mr. Ouyang, we are not very familiar yet, you should call me Miss Murong." Murong Jiuyou replied without raising his head, knowing that these people were the murderers of his teacher's wife, Murong Jiuyou naturally would not Give them a good look.

"Uh...Miss Murong is right. I was rude. If Miss Murong needs anything, you must tell me. I will definitely do it for you." Although Ouyang Jue was unhappy, he didn't show it. He just sat down politely, but the desire in his eyes couldn't be hidden no matter what.

"Thank you, Brother Yi." This time Murong Jiuyou didn't reply at all, but instead thanked Ouyang Yi who just picked up a chicken leg for her.

"Jiuyou is being polite. It's really hard work for you to hurry these days." Ouyang Yi said with a very gentle smile.

These two people are smiling harmoniously here, except for Ouyang Baye and Ouyang Xuanyi, the faces of the others can be dark, no matter how stupid people are, they can see that Murong Jiuyou and Ouyang Yi have a good relationship, which makes those The guys who already hated Ouyang Yi deepened their hatred for him.

And Ming Xichen, who was sitting next to Murong Jiuyou, was very dissatisfied when he saw Ouyang Yi keep adding vegetables to Jiuer, but he couldn't make a sound to stop him, so he had to put Ouyang Yi into Jiuer's bowl. Pick it out and eat it, then pick some up and put it in Jiu'er's bowl.This scene fell in Ouyang Yi's eyes, making him feel dumbfounded. It seems that this little guy's sister-in-law complex is too serious, not only guarding him like a thief along the way, but even now He picked and ate all the vegetables in Jiuyou, did he think that he would poison Jiuyou?
In fact, what Ouyang Yi didn't know was that Ming Xichen was not afraid of him being poisoned, but that he didn't want him to use the chopsticks he used to pick up food for Jiu'er. Kissed?Absolutely not!Ever since, Murong Jiuyou staged a scene of picking vegetables and picking vegetables here, which made Murong Jiuyou's head full of black lines. He simply ignored these two boring guys and picked up his favorite ones by himself. Vegetables to eat.

Seeing the three people having fun, Ouyang Baye and Ouyang Xuanyi smiled knowingly, ignored those projected gazes, and began to enjoy dinner quietly.

(End of this chapter)

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