Chapter 39 Broken Intestine Powder

"Housekeeper Li, bring some people to send everyone in the third family to a small courtyard outside the city. The monthly payment is 30 taels of silver per person, and they will not be allowed to return to Ouyang's family for life." Ouyang Baye clenched his fists, eyes He turned around tightly, without even looking at the father and son who were lying on the ground begging for mercy.

After all, anyone who has such a son who kills his father will be hurt, let alone an old man who is over seventy years old.

"Father!" Ouyang Xuanyi wanted to comfort his father, but he didn't know how to speak, so he just called him softly.

"Father is fine, but I am a little tired today, and I want to go back to rest early."

"You girl, the poison of the second child's family will trouble you, the old man will go back to the room first." Ouyang Baye sighed softly after speaking, turned and left, leaving only a sad back.

"Brother, since the poison was poisoned by the third child, and none of their family members were poisoned, it means that they took the antidote in advance, and the antidote must be on their body. I also hope that the elder brother will help search them and help I'll find the antidote." Ouyang Xuantian looked up at Ouyang Xuanyi and said.

"Okay, I'll go and have a look." Ouyang Xuanyi walked up to Ouyang Xuanwei and his son, touched their arms, and sure enough found a small porcelain bottle in Ouyang Dun's arms, and handed it to Murong Jiuyou Ask her to confirm if it is the antidote in his hand, and give it to Ouyang Xuantian's family after Murong Jiuyou nods.

"Thank you, big brother. I didn't expect the third brother to be so vicious. Ten years ago, he not only harmed his sister-in-law and Zihua's nephew, but now he wants to harm his father, big brother and me, hey!" Ouyang Xuantian did not forget to add insult to injury after taking the antidote. .

"Ouyang Xuantian, don't pretend to be merciful. I was not the only one who harmed my sister-in-law back then." Although Ouyang Xuanwei's martial arts were abolished, he was not reconciled.

"Third brother, don't you want to spout blood and drive a wedge between me and elder brother. Steward Li, why don't you take them away quickly?" Ouyang Xuantian's face remained unchanged, and he ordered Steward Li to take Ouyang Xuanwei's family away from here.

"Brother, the third brother must be unwilling to speak out to instigate the relationship between the two of us. I have admired the elder brother since I was a child. How could I harm the family of the elder brother? Today, the second brother's family was poisoned and exhausted, so I went back to rest first." Let's get together and catch up sometime." Ouyang Xuantian said to Ouyang Xuanyi with a smile.

"Well, the elder brother also believes that the second younger brother will not do such a thing as killing his sister-in-law and nephew, and being inferior to pigs and dogs. It's getting late, and the second younger brother's family should go back to rest early." Ouyang Xuanyi pointed out After all, they have no evidence now. Even if they know that their second brother is also suspected of harming his wife and children, Ouyang Xuanyi can only keep his face until he catches him.

Another moonlit night.

The dark blue sky is deep and far away, and a round of cold moon hangs in the distant sky, emitting a cool light.

It was supposed to be time to fall asleep, but in Ouyang's mansion, there was a room with a light on.Looking out of the window, one can vaguely see three figures in the room.

"You'er, what do you think of what happened tonight?" That's right, those three figures were exactly Ouyang Xuanyi, Ouyang Yi and Murong Jiuyou who came back from the dining room and sat on the chairs while drinking tea and discussing.

In fact, there is another person in the room, of course our Pluto Ming Xichen, but he is sitting on Xiao Hei, listening to Murong Jiuyou and the others' discussion, while plucking the hair on Xiao Hei's body.Xiao Hei gritted his teeth in pain but didn't dare to resist. He had no choice but to beat this guy who was much smaller than himself now, so he could only sigh and let others cut him down there.

"I think the poisoning incident tonight is not that simple, and the poison in the ginseng soup should not be poisoned by Ouyang Xuanwei and the others." Murong Jiuyou said his analysis result.

"Since it wasn't Third Uncle and the others who poisoned him, why did he admit it? And why didn't Cousin Dun take the poison with him?" Ouyang Yi expressed his doubts.

"The reason why Ouyang Xuanwei admitted that he was poisoned should be because he saw that everyone was poisoned and fell to the ground. As long as he gets rid of everyone, the position of Patriarch will be easily captured. And the reason why none of them were poisoned, I think, is that someone has done it in advance. Take the antidote for their family. As for the antidote in Ouyang Dun's arms, it should be put in by someone with a heart. After all, he was thrown into the lake by Xiao Chenchen in the afternoon. He struggled desperately in the lake and fell into the lake, but at night, the bottle of antidote was found in his new clothes, so it can be seen that the antidote should have been put into his clothes later."

"You'er's analysis is very reasonable. Then, the person who really poisoned and framed the third child's family should be the second child, right? I noticed the sinister smile in the second child's eyes when I detoxified , I think the development of the matter at that time was proceeding exactly according to his arrangement."

"The master is right. I also observed Ouyang Xuantian's fleeting complacency at the time, and in the end he didn't ask me to detoxify him, but asked you to search for Ouyang Xuanwei and the others. , which means that he knew from the very beginning that one of the three of them had the antidote." Murong Jiuyou nodded in agreement with Ouyang Xuanyi's statement.

"That is to say, the third uncle has completely become the second uncle's scapegoat, and the second uncle's killing with a knife this time not only eliminated one of his own enemies, but also eliminated his own suspicion without any trace, and took the opportunity to win over the hearts of the uncle and father." , wait for the uncle to take it lightly, and then kill the killer, so that he will be the head of the family." Ouyang Yi is not stupid, after the analysis of his uncle and Murong Jiuyou, he can also see the current situation.

"That's right, it seems that the second brother should not have any movement recently. It is impossible to quickly catch him. I really don't know when we will find the antidote for Fei'er and Zihua." Thinking of his wife and children, Ouyang Xuanyi couldn't help feeling sad.

"Master, don't worry, who said that if Ouyang Xuantian doesn't move, we can't catch him?" Murong Jiuyou comforted Ouyang Xuanyi with a smile.

"Is there any good way for You'er?" Ouyang Xuanyi's brows were filled with joy, and he looked at his little apprentice with hope in his eyes.

"Since Ouyang Xuantian framed Ouyang Xuanwei in this incident, it means that there are people from Ouyang Xuantian around Ouyang Xuanwei. This time Ouyang Xuanwei was expelled from Ouyang's family, and that person will definitely return to belong to him as soon as possible. Your own place, so Brother Yi, please ask your subordinates to pay close attention to the movements of Ouyang Xuanwei’s subordinates. If someone wants to leave, especially a beautiful woman, you must pay close attention to her whereabouts, and contact her later. Because it is very difficult to get into the side of Ouyang Xuanwei and his son without a little bit of beauty." I have to say that Murong Jiuyou's observation is extremely subtle, and he knew Ouyang just after a meal. The nature of Xuan Wei, father and son - lustful.

(End of this chapter)

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