Chapter 43 Happy Cooperation
"Then what are we going to do next?" Ouyang Yi also clenched his fists, resentful towards the pair of Zhuge Jingyue and Ouyang Xuantian who worked together and framed his uncle.

"Since she wants to have a secret talk with Ouyang Xuantian, why don't we just use the plan and let the two of them have a secret talk. Brother Yi, did that woman Zhuge Jingyue marry afterward?" Murong Jiuyou asked with a calculating smile .

"I have been married before, and the one I married was the son of a famous family in Lincheng, but I heard that Zhuge Jingyue is a very unruly woman, and she doesn't get along well with her husband. Daughter, the husband is not allowed to take a concubine, and he goes back to his mother's house at every turn, and the son of the rich family can't find enough excuses, and because Zhuge Jingyue is the eldest daughter of the Zhuge family, he dare not divorce her , so it has been dragging on like this." Although Ouyang Yi didn't understand why Murong Jiuyou wanted to inquire about Zhuge Jingyue's marriage, he still told Murong Jiuyou all the information he had found out.

"Don't you have enough excuses? Then I'll let him find enough excuses. Brother Yi, how far is Zhuge Jingyue's husband's house from us?"

"If you hurry up, you can arrive in about half a day."

"In other words, two days back and forth are enough, right?"

"Well, Xiaoyou is right. But why does Xiaoyou care about Zhuge Jingyue's husband?" Ouyang Yi asked the question in his heart.

"Of course it is to help him find evidence that is enough to divorce Zhuge Jingyue." Murong Jiuyou smiled mysteriously, and continued: "Brother Yi, hurry up to that man's house now, and make sure to get him and his wife together before the night after tomorrow." The relatives brought a few, and then found a humble inn to settle them down. As for the reason for inviting him to come, of course, it is to help him find evidence that he can divorce Zhuge Jingyue. I think he will be very willing to come with you, Big Brother Yi. of."

"Okay, I'll go to Lincheng now." Although Ouyang Yi didn't know what Xiaoyou's plan was, he believed in Xiaoyou from the bottom of his heart, so he didn't ask too many questions, because he knew that after he brought her back , Xiaoyou will tell him the whole plan.

I have to say that Ouyang Yi's work efficiency is surprisingly fast. At noon on the second day, Zhuge Jingyue's husband surnamed Tang, one of his brothers and a friend were brought here together, and they were placed in a place far away from Ouyang. In a small inn not far from my home.Then he rushed back to report the situation to Murong Jiuyou.

"Xiaoyou, according to the reason you said, Zhuge Jingyue's husband really came with me and arranged him in a small inn not far from here." What Ouyang Yi didn't expect was that when the man surnamed Tang heard him After saying that he could help him find the evidence of Xiuli Zhuge Jingyue, he actually brought someone to come with him.

"Well. Because Zhuge Jingyue is the eldest daughter of the Zhuge family, without enough evidence, that person naturally dare not divorce her, because he is afraid that the Zhuge family will retaliate against him afterwards, so he can only endure Zhuge Jingyue is unruly and capricious, and the limit of human patience is limited. These ten years are enough for the man surnamed Tang to explode, so once you provide absolute evidence that can help him find Zhuge Jingyue who divorced Zhuge Jingyue, you don’t have to be afraid of being rejected by Zhuge’s family. When it comes to revenge, he will naturally follow you with great pleasure. Brother Yi has worked hard on you for the past two days, so you should have a good rest tonight, and there will be a good show waiting for Brother Yi tomorrow night."

Early the next morning, Ouyang Yi's subordinates rushed to report that Zhuge Jingyue had indeed arrived as scheduled, and had stayed in an inn under the Ouyang family's management run by Ouyang Xuantian.

After a while, Feng Chi, who was secretly monitoring Ouyang Xuantian's family, also rushed over, saying that the woman Ouyang Xuantian sent to Ouyang Xuanwei's place had left Ouyang's family, and Yu Ning had followed her all the way, and I believe it will be rumored soon. Here comes the news.

Sure enough, after about half an hour, Yu Ning, who was chasing away, came to Murong Jiuyou's courtyard using lightness kung fu, "Miss Murong, the woman sent by Ouyang Xuantian turned out to be the person next to Zhuge Jingyue, Zhuge Jingyue Yue asked the woman to bring a message to Ouyang Xuantian, and asked Ouyang Xuantian to arrive at the inn room at a quarter of noon to have lunch with her."

"Oh? Let's share lunch? It seems that the heavens are on our side." Murong Jiuyou said while taking out a small pure white porcelain bottle from the storage ring Ming Xichen gave her and handing it to Yu Ning. And ordered: "Yuning, please hurry back to the inn where Zhuge Jingyue is located now, closely observe what kind of food and wine she ordered for lunch, and then find a way to pour the contents of this porcelain bottle into the ones she ordered. It’s fine during the food and drink, Brother Yi and I will be there later, you must be careful when you are alone, if you are found, it is important to run for your life, understand?”

"Miss Murong, don't worry, Yu Ning will definitely complete the task assigned by the girl." Hearing Murong Jiuyou's words of concern for her, Yu Ning was quite moved. No wonder her master Ouyang Yi fell in love with Miss Murong. It turned out that Miss Murong Not only is she beautiful in person, but her heart is even more beautiful. She actually puts her life first and puts tasks in a secondary position. It is probably hard to find a master who cares so much about her subordinates.

"Well, it's hard work for you." Murong Jiuyou smiled at Yu Ninghui, then turned his head and ordered Fengchi and Dianshu to call Ouyang Yi, Ouyang Xuanyi and Ouyang Baye together, and let Lei Yi continue to send people Ambushes around the courtyard where Ouyang Xuantian is located, to prevent the people inside from escaping after getting the news.

In this room, Ouyang Xuantian only took two of his subordinates to the inn happily, and he was still thinking about his mighty appearance after becoming the head of the family.Little did he know that Murong Jiuyou and the others had already set up a trap ahead of him waiting for him to jump into it.

Yu Ning really lived up to expectations, and when Murong Jiuyou and the others arrived, the medicine had already been put into Zhuge Jingyue's food and drink.Along the way, Ouyang Baye didn't show too much anger.Because before that, Ouyang Xuanyi had roughly told him what happened ten years ago. Although Ouyang Baye was furious at that time and shouted to serve Ouyang Xuantian's family law, but in order to eradicate the grass, Zhuge Jingyue was killed. The black hand behind the scenes was pulled out, so he could only hold back his anger first, and cooperate with Murong Jiuyou and the others to act together.

On the other side, Ouyang Yi also rushed to the inn with Zhuge Jingyue's husband and others, and entered a room next door that had been arranged in advance so that he could overhear the voices in the room where Zhuge Jingyue was.

"Mrs. Zhuge, are you all right?" Ouyang Xuantian arrived at Zhuge Jingyue's room on time, and greeted her with a smile on his hands.

"Thanks to Ouyang Erye, everything is fine with me." Zhuge Jingyue pretended to exchange greetings with Ouyang Xuantian, and then signaled her maids to leave the room.

"You two go down too." Seeing that Zhuge Jingyue drove away his maids, Ouyang Xuantian also waved his hands to let his subordinates leave the room.

(End of this chapter)

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