Chapter 49 The Lovely Little Jiuer
Ever since she began to practice the secret method of self-cultivation in Xuantian Secret Record, Murong Jiuyou discovered to her surprise that since her profound strength was promoted to Zihong, she was able to gradually control the five elements in her body and let them generate in her palm. entity.

For example, when it is convenient for Ming Xichen to get off the car, she keeps playing with a small light blue water polo in her palm. Then a small water ball is generated.It's just that Murong Jiuyou hasn't fully mastered this method of using the elements in her body freely, so at present she can only control such a water polo the size of an egg.

Originally, Murong Jiuyou wanted to condense a ball of flames in her palm, but she was afraid that if she could not control it, she would set the carriage carefully prepared by Ouyang Yi on fire, so she could only suppress the urge to control the flames and concentrate on Play with the small water polo in the palm of your hand.

As for Ming Xichen who had just entered the carriage from the outside, he saw a scene that moved him extremely.I saw a small water polo held above Jiu'er's jade-like palm, and the crystal clear light blue made Jiu'er's delicate and beautiful little face more beautiful and charming. Like a naughty water elf, she is so cute and cute that people can't take their eyes off.

It's just that this lovely water elf was distracted by Ming Xichen who came in suddenly and the carriage that started to move forward immediately. The small water ball that was still jumping between her palms instantly turned into countless small water balls. Water drops, splashing in all directions.

"Ah! Damn it!" Looking at the small water stains formed on the hem of her skirt, Murong Jiuyou frowned slightly, and her red lips whispered softly, a little annoyed that she was transferred so easily attention.

"Sister Xiaoyou, I'm sorry, Chenchen didn't do it on purpose, Chenchen didn't know that sister was playing with water before she came in." Although Ming Xichen apologized, he was amused by Jiu'er's small gesture of frowning and pouting. , because it seems that Jiu'er rarely shows such a childish expression, especially when outsiders are around, Jiu'er will not do so.

"Forget it, it's because I didn't concentrate enough, and I deserved to be sprayed with water, hey!" Although she said so, it seemed that Jiu'er's little face was full of unwillingness, and she had practiced controlling elements for several days. Although he has a lot of abilities, but he still can't fully master it, this annoys Murong Jiuyou who has always been a quick learner.

Taking a look at the water stains on Jiu'er's body, Ming Xichen felt that it was an eyesore, and coupled with the small sense of frustration on Jiu'er's face, Ming Xichen couldn't bear it, so he said, "Sister Xiaoyou, please don't let me see you." Move, Chenchen will help you remove the water stains on your skirt."

Ming Xichen condensed profound energy in his palm while talking, and instantly a small group of faint, orange-red flames appeared in Ming Xichen's small palm, and what Ming Xichen did next was even worse. It was to surprise Murong Jiuyou.

I saw that he actually put the small flame in his hand on Murong Jiuyou's water-stained skirt, and what was even more surprising was that the skirt that should have been ignited by the flame did not show any signs of burning However, the water stains on the hem of the skirt disappeared without a trace after a short while, and the small flame also disappeared with the disappearance of the water stains.

"Xiao Chenchen, you... how did you do it just now? You made that orange ball just now from the flames, right? Why didn't the flames ignite my skirt?" At this time, Murong Jiuyou unexpectedly Like a curious baby, he asked several questions in succession.

"Well, the flame just now was generated by condensing the fire element in my body, but I controlled the temperature of the flame to the lowest point, and that lowest point will only properly cool the water on the skirt of sister Xiaoyou. It can dry the stains, but it won't ignite sister Xiaoyou's skirt." Ming Xichen explained patiently.

"You mean that you not only condense the flame, but also control the temperature of the flame at will?"

"um, yes."

"Then can you still control other elements in your body?"

"Yes, Xiao Chenchen can control the five elements of gold, wood, water, fire, and earth, and Xiao Chenchen can not only control the five elements in his body, but also the five external elements related to gold, wood, water, fire, and earth, Xiao Chenchen. It's all under control."

"Can you tell Sister Xiaoyou how to control the five elements of the outside world?"

"Sister Xiaoyou, look at the water cup on the table. Isn't it filled with a cup of tea? As long as Xiao Chenchen mobilizes the water-based profound energy in his body, he can control the water in the teacup within the scope of his body, for example like this ..." Ming Xichen said while stretching out his arms, with his palm facing the direction of the water cup, slightly mobilizing his profound energy, and then, a wave of light blue profound energy surrounded his palm, and then placed it on the small mahogany table The teacup on the table began to vibrate slowly, and the tea inside began to fly towards Ming Xichen's palm little by little, and finally gathered into a small ball of water under his palm.

While Ming Xichen was foolishly answering Jiu'er's every question, while patiently demonstrating with water from a teacup, he didn't notice that there was a small change in Jiu'er's eyes at this moment, as if It's like the calm before the storm, getting deeper and deeper.

"Ming Xichen, you are a big idiot!" Just as Ming Xichen was about to return the small water polo in his palm to the teacup again, he was startled by Jiu'er's sudden soft cry, and he also performed the same thing. I missed the tragedy that Jiuer performed just now, but it seemed that he was even more sad than Jiuer, and the tea splashed all over his face and body.

And what made Ming Xichen feel even more strange was that he...he was scolded by Jiu'er just now, this a strange situation?Isn't he obediently returning to Jiu'er's questions?He was still patiently demonstrating how to manipulate the five elements for Jiu'er, why did this suddenly change?

"Sister Xiaoyou, what's the matter with you? Why is Chen Chen such an idiot?" Ming Xichen had a confused face at this time, he didn't care to wipe off the remaining tea stains on his cheeks, but asked impatiently.

It seems that Jiu'er is angry?But why was she so angry all of a sudden?Could it be that the thing that women cycle once every 28 days came?

No matter how Ming Xichen searched for the answer in his heart, he was unsuccessful, and this really answered the sentence: a woman's heart, the sea needle, it was clearly fine just now, how can it be said that she is angry when she is angry?

In fact, this incident can only blame Ming Xichen himself for being unlucky. Who made him have a much higher ability to control the five elements than Jiuer? The most important thing is that his current level of profound strength is not as high as Jiuer Ah, he didn't even reach the elementary level of Zihong, but he was able to possess the ability to control the five elements only when his profound strength reached the elementary level of Zihong.How can this make Jiu'er not angry?

(End of this chapter)

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