Chapter 51

There are row upon row of houses on both sides of the street, including teahouses, wine shops, butcher shops, gambling houses, etc. Some of the larger shops are full of silk, silk, jewelry and spices, incense, paper horses, etc.In addition, there are medical clinics, cart repairs, fortune-telling, and all walks of life.

There are also "colorful buildings and happy doors" at the front of the big shops, and banners are hung to attract business. There are pedestrians in the market, shoulder to shoulder, and there is an endless stream. There are family members in sedan chairs, traveling monks with baskets on their backs, tourists from other places asking for directions, street children who listen to books, children of wealthy families drinking in restaurants, disabled old people begging on the edge of the city, men and women. Young and old, scholars, farmers, businessmen, three religions and nine streams, they are all prepared for everything.

The carriage stopped in front of an inn called Huatongxuan. The afterglow of the evening sun shone lightly on the cornices of the red bricks and green tiles on the roof of the inn, adding a bit of hazy and poetic flavor to the inn.

I have to say that this town has its own personality. The name of the town is Huaiyin Town, and many shops in the town are named after trees, and the same is true for this inn called Huatongxuan.

As soon as the carriage came to a stop, the waiter trotted out from the inn to greet him. After all, anyone who has seen these two carriages made of thousand-year-old agarwood pulled by white horses will know that the people riding the carriages are either rich or poor. Expensive, naturally a rare guest.

Immediately, Murong Jiuyou and others got off the car, and walked into the inn slowly under the warm greeting of the waiter.Xu Shi hadn't eaten yet, and there weren't many people dining in the inn, but they were all attracted by Ouyang Yi and others who walked in suddenly.

Needless to say Ouyang Yi, Zhuge Ming and Ming Xichen, even Feng Chi, Dian Shu and Lei Yi are considered first-class beauties. Although they are not as good as the top ten beauties in Jianghu, they are not far behind. Let.The entry of these six people naturally attracted the attention of all diners in the store, but Murong Jiuyou who came in behind them with a veil was ignored by everyone present.

However, these seven people obviously didn't take everyone's gazes seriously, but after booking seven rooms with the waiter, they sat in the innermost position of the hall and started ordering food.

Just as Murong Jiuyou and the others were waiting for the waiter to serve the food, a woman's coquettish voice came from outside the inn: "Brother Jun, why don't you take him to the Misty Forest tomorrow, he is very powerful and can protect your own .”

"Xinyi, it's not that my brother refuses to take you there, but that going to the Misty Forest is extremely dangerous, and there are so many beasts, poisonous insects, that even my brother may not be able to take care of himself, let alone have extra energy to take care of you. "As the man's voice approached, a figure wearing a light blue silver-trimmed silk shirt and holding a red sandalwood folding fan appeared in front of everyone.

Yan Ruguanyu, with a cynical smile on the corner of his mouth, coupled with his lazy posture of shaking the fan, made him even more handsome and charming, and immediately attracted the attention of all the guests in the inn except Murong Jiuyou and the others. eyeball.

But at this moment, beside this handsome and extraordinary man, a delicate and lovely woman is pouting her red lips, and her white catkins are holding the man's sleeve tightly, and said dissatisfiedly: "Brother actually looks down on Xinyi, don't forget , Xinyi has a very powerful Firefox pet."


"If you don't listen, don't listen. Don't listen to my brother's nagging. I will go, I will go. If my brother doesn't take me with me, I will find someone else to go with me." Apparently, the woman named Xinyi should be a spoiled child. , even though my brother tried his best to comfort him there, it didn't work at all.

The man raised his head helplessly, and smiled apologetically at everyone in the store. As sensitive as he was, he naturally noticed dozens of eyes focused on him.

And the moment the man raised his head, he saw several familiar figures.

"Brother Yi, Brother Ming. Why are you all here?" The man walked towards Ouyang Yi and Zhuge Ming quickly, regardless of the angry sister beside him. Behind the veiled Murong Jiuyou, his eyes turned from surprise to joy.Can't help blurting out: "Why is this girl here?"

"Xiaoyou, do you know Mr. Nangong?" Now it was Ouyang Yi's turn to be surprised.

"do not know!"

"We met once!" Two different answers came from Murong Jiuyou and Nangong Jun.

"Uh..." Ouyang Yi didn't know what to say.

"Miss is really a noble person who forgets things too much. More than half a month ago, the girl and Zixia met in a restaurant in Qulan Town. Did the girl forget that the girl let the next person who was smashed in that restaurant meet?" The tables and chairs cost 500 taels of silver." Nangong Jun didn't feel any displeasure when he heard the words, and simply told everyone present what happened at that time.

"Sister Xiaoyou, he is that Mr. Nangong who claimed to be the tail of the top ten beauties last time." I have to say that Ming Xichen's poisonous tongue is really invincible. His face collapsed, while Ouyang Yi and the others were holding back their laughter for an instant, almost hurting internally.

"I said little brother, can you stop saying that I am the one at the end of the crane every time?" Nangong Jun said with a handsome face, not knowing whether to laugh or cry.

"Why can't you say it? Don't you, Brother Nangong, be the one at the end of the crane? Or is Brother Nangong feeling ashamed and angry because he is the one at the end of the crane?"

Ming Xichen's answer made Ouyang Yi and the others finally fail, and burst out laughing unceremoniously in front of Nangong Jun.

"Brother Yi, Brother Ming, I made you laugh!" I have to say that Nangong Jun's self-cultivation is still very good. After being laughed so unceremoniously, he can still make jokes with everyone with a bitter face, but Murong Jiuyou is right. He looked at it differently.

"Oh, I remembered, Mr. Nangong is the one who helped us drive away the bad guys in Qulan Town that day. Forgive me for forgetting, I didn't recognize you for a while. I hope Mr. Nangong will forgive me." Murong Jiuyou Kindly speak out to save some face for Nan Gongjun.

"It's okay, it's a great honor for you to remember me." Nangong Jun didn't expect Murong Jiuyou to rescue him, and he was very happy in his heart, and the cynical smile on the corner of his mouth became much more sincere.

"Since everyone knows each other, Brother Jun might as well have a meal with us at the same table. I will treat this meal as an apology for what happened to Brother Jun just now." Zhuge Ming invited at the right time.

In fact, the acquaintance Zhuge Ming said was just meeting several times, because their top ten sons belong to ten families, and there is a rule in this Longteng Continent that I don’t know when it was set, that is, every two years. For a meeting of the ten major families, each of the ten major families will send several representatives there, and the meeting place is the palace of the five major royal families on the Dragon Continent.

(End of this chapter)

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