Chapter 55 Team Up
"Forgive me for your slow reaction, but I will introduce you to the two dear friends. This girl Murong Jiuyou is the newly recognized god-granddaughter of the head of the Ouyang family, and also the son of Ouyang Xuanyi, the eldest son of the Ouyang family who is known as the 'alchemy genius'." apprentice, and this young master is the younger brother of this Miss Murong, Ming Xichen."

"Miss Murong, these two are direct descendants of the top ten families. This one is the son of Huangfu Xiong from the Huangfu family, and that is the son of Xiahou Chun from the Xiahou family. They are respectively ranked ninth on the top ten most beautiful men list." and the eighth." Zhuge Ming introduced the two parties in detail.

"I don't know why Miss Murong and Brother Yi came to the Misty Forest this time?" The person who asked the question was naturally Xia Houchun who had been asking questions just now.

I saw him dressed in green, with a mighty and tall figure, a handsome face, a straight nose bridge, lavender lips, sword-shaped eyebrows slanted into his temples, but there was a hint of dullness in his piercing eyes. This kind of man is called honest , To put it bluntly, he is a tendon, but at a glance, he is the kind of person who is very easy to be instigated or persuaded.Murong Jiuyou can roughly tell from the inner strength and profound energy surrounding this person that his cultivation should be at the level of ancient martial arts, the upper level of Lanzhu; the level of cultivation, the middle level of Huang Hong, and the possessor of metal properties.

And the man named Huangfuxiong next to him had a jade-like face, long brows and willow eyes, a pair of big almond eyes gleamed with a gleam of light, as if there were hidden gold all over the mountains and plains, and the divine light was shining.The dark green brocade robe was sewn with gold and silver threads. He wore a jade pendant that was priceless at first glance. He wore three glittering gold rings on each of his hands. One could tell at a glance that he was a man all over his body. A merchant who stinks of copper, but it is not difficult to see from his pair of naked eyes that he is much smarter than that Xia Houchun.The level of ancient martial arts is at the middle level of Lanzhu; the level of comprehension is probably at the middle level of Huanghong, and it has the earth attribute.

"As Mr. Zhuge said just now, brother Yi and I came to this misty forest to find some precious alchemy ingredients under the orders of our master." Murong Jiuyou replied lightly.

"Miss Murong, there are many dangers in this misty forest. You are a weak woman with a child. I advise you not to go in. Otherwise, no one will care about any dangerous things you encounter inside." Yours." I have to say that Xia Houchun's machismo is quite serious, and in his simple mind, he has already identified Murong Jiuyou as a weak woman who has no power to restrain a chicken, so what he said is natural Also with a little contempt.

"Don't worry, Mr. Xiahou, I will be responsible for Xiaoyou's safety, but Mr. Xiahou whose profound strength is low, you should be more careful." Ouyang Yi, who was silent all the time, said coldly.

Ouyang Yi is a typical person who protects his weaknesses. Hearing Xia Houchun's contemptuous attitude towards Murong Jiuyou, he naturally wants to refute him. Besides, Xia Houchun's middle-level profound strength of Huang Hong is compared with Ouyang Yi's high-level green rainbow. The difference is indeed not a little bit.

"Ouyang Yi, what do you mean by that?" Xia Houchun immediately yelled loudly after being retorted by Ouyang Yi in front of so many people.

"Brother Yi's words literally mean it. To put it bluntly, it means to let you do what you should do and stop meddling in your own business here, don't you know, uncle?" He glanced at the angry Xia Houchun and said.

"You little brat, okay, I'll see if you have the strength to go in, don't cry and beg us for help." Xia Houchun yelled this sentence viciously, then turned around angrily, and returned to the station. Beside Nangong Xinyi who has been refusing to come not far away.

"Brother Chun, for someone as powerful as you, naturally there is no need to be angry with those who don't understand etiquette. Xinyi met them before, that woman wore a veil because of her ugly appearance, and that little kid He is also a person who has no father, no mother, and no tutor, so there is absolutely no need for you, Brother Chun, to talk to those uneducated people. In the morning, Xinyi will accompany you into the forest. , and even contracted a little firefox as a beast pet." Nangong Xinyi saw Xia Houchun returning in anger, and immediately stepped forward to comfort him, and said something maliciously slandering Murong Jiuyou and others. Xia Houchun showed his strength in front of him.Because her brother Nangong Jun resolutely refused to take her into the forest of mist, so now she can only slip Xia Houchun first, hoping that he can take her in together.

When Nangong Xinyi was at home, she overheard the conversation between her elder brother and her father. She said that because of a natural vision, there would be a magical beast in the misty forest, so she also wanted to go there, maybe she was lucky. Can let her contract to a beast.

"Okay, Brother Chun will bring Xinyi in with him tomorrow. Don't worry, Xinyi, Brother Chun will definitely protect Xinyi." Xiahou Chun was originally an arrogant man, but now seeing Nangong Xinyi as a pretty and lovely person His son was flattering by his side, and his heart was already in high spirits. He promised Nangong Xinyi very proudly that he would take her into the misty forest tomorrow, which made Nangong Xinyi smile coquettishly, and Xia Houchun felt itchy when he saw it. , I swore secretly in my heart, after I came out of the misty forest, I must get this Nangong Xinyi in my hand and play with it.

Little did they know that the conversation between the two of them just now had already been heard by Murong Jiuyou and others not far away.As Nangong Xinyi's elder brother, Nangong Jun had no choice but to apologize to Murong Jiuyou and the others, and then left with Huangfuxiong who was beside him without a word.

The peaceful moonlight filled the earth, the sparse stars twinkled in the sky, the night was quiet and beautiful, but Ouyang Yi, who was lying in the carriage, couldn't fall asleep anyway.

Glancing at Zhuge Ming who was already asleep, he picked up his coat and put it on his body, got up, and got off the carriage.

"Huh? Brother Yi, why haven't you rested yet?" Murong Jiuyou, who was sitting on the branch of a big tree opposite the carriage to breathe, asked softly when he saw Ouyang Yi coming down from another carriage.

"Didn't Xiaoyou sleep too? I'm just a little worried about going into the forest tomorrow, so I can't sleep." Seeing Murong Jiuyou who was also awake sitting on a branch, Ouyang Yi's heart skipped a beat and landed on the ground. On the branch of the tree where Murong Jiuyou was sitting, he sat side by side with her.

During these ten days, they rode in different carriages, and they hardly spoke much except for the meal time. Now that they were alone with Murong Jiuyou suddenly, Ouyang Yi's heart beat abnormally fast.

"I just ate too much at night. I just sat here to digest the food. I wanted to walk around, but I was afraid that I would get lost, so I had to stay on the tree." In fact, Murong Jiuyou was a little excited That's why she couldn't sleep, because she could feel the Jin Lingzhu in her body trembling slightly. When she just arrived here, the Jin Lingzhu had told her that there was a Lingzhu sealed inside, which meant that there was another one like Xiao Hei. The same beast is in this foggy forest.

(End of this chapter)

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