Chapter 62 Pet level
It was hard for them to believe that the overwhelming fire dragon just now was a move made by a child who looked only five or six years old by concentrating his profound strength. What kind of pervert is this child!
And the few Zhuge Ming and others who wanted to stop Ming Xichen from going to die were stunned for a moment, unable to move, who could tell them what they saw just now?A child, a five-year-old child, actually condensed a huge fire dragon with profound strength?And just killed the group of hell butterflies that they had killed for a long time without seeing any reduction?

Not only Zhuge Ming and the others, but even Murong Jiuyou herself was stunned. She only knew that Ming Xichen, like her, had the five-element almighty mysterious spirit physique, and could well control the five elements of metal, wood, water, fire, and earth.But what she didn't expect was that Ming Xichen not only controlled it well, but even used it with such great power, which made her, whose profound strength level was nearly two levels higher than Ming Xichen, feel inferior.I can only sigh in my heart, it turns out that there really are people more perverted than her.

The surprise didn't last long, and soon, not far from the place where those hell butterflies were wiped out just now, there were densely packed, like black clouds, and more hell butterflies gushed out than before.Their forward speed was much faster than before, and they surrounded them in an orderly manner.

This phenomenon caused Ming Xichen's doubts to rise suddenly: What's going on?Hell butterflies are very common in their underworld. It is not impossible for three or two to fly into the human world to reproduce occasionally. However, the normal mating and reproduction speed of hell butterflies is extremely slow, and they can breed at most three or five in a year. , Therefore, even if a few hell butterflies fly here from the underworld through the space crack, it is impossible to breed so many hell butterflies in a short period of time?Could it be that the hell butterfly king appeared here?Because only the hell butterfly king can breed so many hell butterflies in an unlimited amount and quickly.And the butterfly king of hell can control all the poisonous insects weaker than himself, which can explain why those poisonous snakes, insects and ants attacked everyone from three sides in an orderly manner just now, and disappeared without a trace after leading them into the butterfly swarm of hell disappeared.

However, as the subordinate of the king of the underworld, the butterfly king of hell should not have left his post and came to the human world without permission.Moreover, if people from the heaven and underworld want to enter the human world, their own profound strength will be restricted by the king of the three worlds, so as not to cause turmoil in the relatively weak human world, thus breaking the balance among the three worlds .

But how to explain the sudden appearance of so many hell butterflies?Ming Xichen frowned, and couldn't think of the reason after much deliberation. It seemed that the only way to find the answer was to go to the front to see what was going on.

"Isn't he just a child who can play with fire? My little Firefox can also breathe fire." Nangong Xinyi was extremely dissatisfied when she saw that everyone's eyes were focused on Ming Xichen as if they were seeing a savior.After all, Ming Xichen beat her hard in front of those beautiful men before, leaving her face completely gone, so she sarcastically summoned her contracted little firefox and began to deal with the swarm of hell butterflies that came later.

"Little Firefox, go and use your fireball to burn those hell butterflies, let them see that you are much stronger than that little brat." I have to say that there is a contracted beast for every kind of master. The little fox with deep wine red hair summoned by Nangong Xinyi immediately gave Ming Xichen a disdainful look after receiving the master's order, proudly raised its little fox head, With a very funny look, he swaggered to the front of Ming Xichen, screamed "嗤", gathered the fire elements around him with all his strength, and sprayed a fireball the size of a washbasin from his mouth, although it was not the same as before. The fire dragon condensed by Ming Xichen was powerful, but it also burned most of those hell butterflies in an instant.

"My God, it's a mysterious beast. That Miss Nangong actually owns a fire-attributed mysterious beast." The people lying on the ground started their surprised discussion again.

"That's right, look at the two square halos under the little firefox's feet, it should be a second-level profound beast, I didn't expect Miss Nangong to own a second-level profound beast at such a young age, it's really a shame. "

"Xinyi, so you have such a powerful mysterious beast, it's very powerful!" Even Xia Houchun, who has always been arrogant, nodded and praised without hesitation after seeing the little Firefox that wiped out most of it in an instant. .

"Brother Chun, Xinyi's little Firefox is very powerful. Don't worry, Xinyi alone is enough to deal with those little hell butterflies." Nangong Xinyi said proudly.

"Level [-] profound beast? Is it very powerful?" Murong Jiuyou had never been in contact with beast pets before, so he was not very clear about the grades of beast pets. Xuan Beast, so he turned his suspicious eyes to Ouyang Yi, hoping to get an answer from him.

"Xiaoyou lives in seclusion with her uncle all the year round, so she probably doesn't know the grades of beast pets? On the Longteng Continent, beast pets are divided into five levels: spirit beasts, mysterious beasts, phantom beasts, fairy beasts, and divine beasts. The first-level animal pets are divided into ten levels from one to ten. Every time the animal pet is promoted to one level, the halo under its feet will increase by one, and the tenth level is ten halos. The halo of the spirit beast is triangular, and the mysterious beast The halos of psychic beasts are square, the halos of phantom beasts are circular, and the halos of fairy beasts are hexagram-shaped. As for divine beasts, no one knows their halo shapes and levels because they have not yet appeared on the Soaring Dragon Continent. It is." Ouyang Yi carefully began to answer Murong Jiuyou's question after seeing Murong Jiuyou's puzzled gaze.

"Spirit beasts are relatively psychic beast pets. They can understand the orders of their masters, and launch force attacks on enemies designated by their masters. Their attacks are simple physical attacks based on their own attack methods."

"Mysterious beasts are animal pets that have a kind of profound strength and any attribute of the five elements of gold, wood, water, fire, earth. They can accurately follow the instructions of their masters to condense their own profound strength attributes to attack the enemy."

"Phantom beasts are the evolution stage of profound beasts. Their profound strength is much higher than that of profound beasts. Not only can they accurately obey their master's orders, but they can also judge who is harmful to their master based on their own consciousness. And it can communicate with the owner's consciousness with its own consciousness, but this kind of communication cannot be heard by outsiders."

"Fairy beasts are extremely high-level beast pets. Their profound strength is extremely high. Not only do they have strong attack power, but they also have the same brains as humans, and they can speak human languages."

"But there is no record in the storybook about the beast, so no one knows about it yet."

"So that's how it is!" After hearing Ouyang Yi's detailed explanation, Murong Jiuyou nodded clearly, thinking secretly in her heart that although Xiao Hei said that he was a divine beast, it seemed that his combat power was still at the stage of a spirit beast. The halo under Hei's feet seems to be triangular, but he can speak human language, which is a bit weird!
(End of this chapter)

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