Concubine Defying the Sky: Domineering Little Xianggong

Chapter 69 Divine Beast, Gentle Ming Xichen

Chapter 69 Divine Beast, Gentle Ming Xichen (4)
Until a sudden change half a month ago, he obtained some memory inheritance and knew that he had a destined master, and he would appear here because he had to wait until his destined master came to make a contract with him.

From then on, the Wood Spirit Orb in his body began to talk to him, at first he felt very happy, but within a few days, he began to get a little tired of the Wood Spirit Orb's spitting.Finally, after listening to its repeated words no less than a hundred times, he decided to seal it up again, otherwise he would be driven mad by its chanting.

Seeing the little dragon who kept getting into Murong Jiuyou's arms, Ming Xichen's face darkened instantly, causing the Hell Butterfly who was staying beside him to shudder a few times.

Uh... It seems that his master is angry!

"Then I'll call you Xiaolong in the future too." Sensing the sadness in Xiaolong's body, Murong Jiuyou stretched out his hand to stroke Xiaolong's body as if to comfort him.

"Well, good." The little dragon staying in Murong Jiuyou's arms became even more obedient.

"By the way, Xiaolong, apart from knowing that you have a destined master, have you inherited any other memories?" Murong Jiuyou couldn't help asking when thinking of Xiao Hei's situation at that time.

"No more, Xiaolong only remembers these."

It seems that Xiaolong, like Xiao Hei, did not inherit the memory of being a divine beast in his previous life, Murong Jiuyou thought in his heart.

"By the way, Mu Lingzhu, is there a part of "Xuantian Secret Record" sealed in your body?"

"Well, yes, if the master wants to see it, just look at it."

Murong Jiuyou calmed down when he heard the words, and used the profound energy in his body to present the part of "Xuantian Secret Record" sealed in the Wood Lingzhu in his mind. After seeing the contents of this part of the secret book clearly, Murong Jiuyou Somewhat disappointed, this part turned out to be about refining materials and methods. Although the various utensils recorded in it made her very excited, it was a piece of waste paper for her who had no foundation in refining. usefulness.

"Sister Xiaoyou, what's the matter with you?" Ming Xichen saw the disappointment in Murong Jiuyou's eyes, and couldn't help asking.

"'s nothing. Chenchen, let's take off the hellfire red lotus here and put it in the storage ring, and then hurry back to meet Brother Yi and the others. After so long, they must be very anxious." Murong Jiuyou changed the subject.

Now Murong Jiuyou is Xiaolong's master, so Xiaolong didn't object to them picking up the prison fire red lotus this time.

"Sister Xiaoyou, the profound energy here is so abundant, wouldn't it be a waste if we left like this?" Ming Xichen saw that Murong Jiuyou didn't want to say anything, so he didn't ask any more, instead he thought about the profound energy here up.

"What does Chen Chen mean?" Murong Jiuyou also felt that there is a lot of profound energy here, so it's a pity to leave like this, but the profound energy is not a real thing after all, and they have no way to take away the profound energy here.

"Sister Xiaoyou, don't you wonder why there is such a strong profound energy here?" Ming Xichen said with a mysterious face.

"Isn't this profound energy formed naturally?" Murong Jiuyou asked a little puzzled.

Although there was a lot of profound energy in Pill King Valley before, it is far different from here, and Murong Jiuyou didn't know much about the formation of profound energy, and he didn't ask his master Ouyang Xuanyi too much about the profound energy. Therefore, in Murong Jiuyou's subconscious mind, he always believed that Xuan Qi was naturally formed by gathering the spiritual energy of heaven and earth.

"It's naturally formed, but sister Xiaoyou, soil and air cannot form profound energy."

"Chen Chen means that there is something else that forms profound energy?" Murong Jiuyou asked in surprise.

"That's right, there is a reason for the formation of profound energy. Since there is so much profound energy here, it means that there are many unknown refining materials that contain a lot of profound energy—spars. .” Ming Xichen explained carefully. "And those crystals are divided into six types according to the amount of profound energy they contain, which are ordinary crystals, mysterious crystals, heavenly crystals, spiritual crystals, immortal crystals, and godly crystals. I don’t know what grade of spar is hidden here.”

"It's so big here, how can I find the exact location of those spars?" This is why Ouyang Xuanyi only set up a mysterious gathering formation in the Pill King Valley, because although Ouyang Xuanyi knew that there were some crystals nearby. A large number of crystals exist, but we don't know the exact location of those crystals, so we can't dig everywhere, right?Therefore, he could only use a profound gathering array to gather profound energy and use it for cultivation.

"Chen Chen remembered that the Hellfire Red Lotus is a plant that can only grow and reproduce by constantly absorbing profound energy. Chen Chen saw that the Hellfire Red Lotus here is growing extremely luxuriantly, so he concluded that the underground where those Hellfire Red Lotuses grow must be where the spar is. place." Ming Xichen pointed to the hellfire red lotus blooming like a sea of ​​fire, and said with certainty.

"In this case, let's pick off some of the hellfire red lotus first, and then turn over the ground here to see if there are crystals below." Murong Jiuyou began to pick the red lotus after finishing speaking, and kept picking The red hell lotus that came down was stuffed into the storage ring that Ming Xichen gave her, until the storage ring was slowly stuffed, only a quarter of the red hell lotus was removed.

"Hey! It seems that we can only pick so much, and there are so many detoxification materials. It's a pity." Murong Jiuyou sighed reluctantly as he looked at the remaining large piece of hellfire red lotus.

"Sister Xiaoyou, we can take the spar back first, and after Chenchen refines the space in the storage ring we are carrying, we can come here to pick it." Ming Xichen comforted her with a smile.

"Well, the suggestion is good and worth adopting." Murong Jiuyou almost forgot Ming Xichen's talent for refining, and then thought of the part about "Xuantian Secret Record" about refining that was sealed in the Wood Spirit Orb, and immediately felt uncomfortable. She felt that it was useless anymore, didn't she have a refining genius by her side?
Hearing this, Ming Xichen smiled lightly and asked Murong Jiuyou to stand a little further away, and then summoned all his strength to fight towards the place where the prison fire red lotus was removed.

Ming Xichen, who dared to hit the ground with such a great skill, was naturally very confident, because he knew very well the hardness of the spar. After all, it is a material used for refining weapons, and it cannot be crushed by ordinary people's palm strength. He might be able to crush the spar in the ground with one palm, but now his skill is not as good as one-tenth of the original, and it is absolutely impossible to crush the spar with one palm.

In an instant, a three-meter-deep pit appeared on the ground under attack. After all the flying dust fell, large pieces of irregular, transparent dark green stones appeared in the pit, which shone dazzlingly under the sunlight. of light.

"It seems that this is a natural black-grade spar mine." Ming Xichen said after looking at the spar in the pit with no other colors except dark green.

(End of this chapter)

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