chapter 75
And there are not many intermediate refiners in the four countries, and there are very few mysterious crystal stones.Just as a junior craftsman wants to improve his refining level, he needs a lot of ordinary spar to refine his equipment, an intermediate craftsman wants to improve his crafting level, he must use a lot of mysterious crystals to refine his equipment. To improve one's refining skills and level, but Xuanpin spar is extremely rare, so there is no high-level refiner found in the four countries.

This is also why Ouyang Baye and others lost their composure when they saw so many profound grade crystals.

"Grandpa Ouyang, there are far more Hellfire Red Lotuses and Xuanpin spars in the Misty Forest. There are so many rings that Chenchen and I can't fit in." Because Mingxichen made space rings before Afterwards, Murong Jiuyou showed it to Ouyang Xuanyi and Ouyang Baye, so the two of them already knew the size of the space in their ring, but Murong Jiuyou said that such a large space would not be able to hold the food in the forest of mist. The Hellfire Red Lotus and the Profound Grade Crystal Stone, the shock that this brought to them was not light.

"Why didn't Xiaoyou say that when he was in the Misty Forest?" Ouyang Yi also came back to his senses at this time, but he still had a look of surprise on his face.

"Brother Yi is so stupid, if sister Xiaoyou said it, would those people still leave the Misty Forest honestly?" Ming Xichen looked at Ouyang Yi with the expression of you being an idiot.

"Uh... that's right." Ouyang Yi was probably overly frightened, and even Ming Xichen didn't seem to be able to react when he said he was an idiot.

"Grandpa Ouyang, Master, Brother Yi, Xiaoyou wants Chen Chen to use the Xuanpin spar to expand the space in the storage ring of the two of us to the size of a room. Bring back the prison fire red lotus and the mysterious crystal stone." Murong Jiuyou told everyone about his plan.

"What? Girl, are you saying that this little guy can continue to refine with black-grade spar?" Although Ouyang Baye and the others had concluded that Ming Xichen was a primary peak refiner because of the storage ring, They were surprised because of this, but now Murong Jiuyou actually said that Ming Xichen can use Xuanpin spar to refine, which means that Ming Xichen is already an intermediate refiner, such a young intermediate refiner, absolutely It is a trend that has never been seen before, how can it not be shocking.

"Grandpa Ouyang, you can't underestimate him." Ming Xichen returned dissatisfied upon hearing this.

"That's right, Grandpa Ouyang, Chen Chen is a genius at making weapons." Murong Jiuyou also confirmed with a smile.

It has to be said that Ouyang Baye, Ouyang Xuanyi and Ouyang Yi have been shocked by Murong Jiuyou and Ming Xichen one after another, and their hearts are almost out of control. The common thought in the three of them at this time is, Murong Jiuyou and Ming Xichen are too perverted, a high-level alchemist and an intermediate alchemist, and the luck of the two of them is also perverted, not only found a lot of hell fire red lotus, but also found a mysterious product Spar mine, how unnatural is this!
A night that shocked Ouyang Xuanyi and others to the point where they couldn't calm down gradually passed away. Early the next morning, Murong Jiuyou and Ming Xichen, who had only had a night's rest, devoted themselves to alchemy and weapon refining.

Since Ouyang's family is a family of alchemy, there is a top-notch medicine cauldron in the family, which is specially used for refining top-quality pills.Perhaps the medicinal cauldron was passed down from the ancestors of the Ouyang family, so the whole body of the cauldron was filled with a faint mysterious energy.Presumably, an ordinary alchemist can refine a good-quality elixir with this top-notch medicine cauldron.And Murong Jiuyou, who is a high-level alchemist, coupled with this rare medicine cauldron with profound energy, is naturally like a tiger with wings added.

I saw Murong Jiuyou restraining his mind, releasing powerful spiritual power instantly, firmly locking the medicine cauldron in front of him, turning his hand into a palm, a small orange-red fireball condensed in the palm, flicking it lightly, instantly Grand in the cauldron.

When refining elixirs, controlling the fire was extremely difficult for Murong Jiuyou. After all, it was difficult to control the fire from the outside, but it is different now. Since the Misty Forest and his party, Murong Jiuyou Has been able to control the fire element very well, from the initial flame to the present retraction freely.

The problem of fire control is solved, now is the step of refining the elixir, because the Hellfire Red Lotus is a high-grade herb, so the elixir refined is also a high-grade elixir, in order not to waste such a precious Hellfire Red Lotus, Murong Jiuyou must Concentrate highly, pay attention to the integration of the elixir and the profound energy in the tripod, and try to refine all high-quality elixirs.

First fire up, preheat the cauldron, then prepare it with half a liter of water, then add a hellfire red lotus to cover the bottom, because the teacher's wife Yan Fei'er has been in a coma for ten years, and the various functions of the body have been slightly degraded, Murong Jiuyou refined it this time. The elixir deliberately selected hundreds of herbs that can restore body functions, promote metabolic circulation, and activate the potential of cell regeneration in the body, and put them together in a cauldron for refining. After these hundreds of herbs are fused together, put them in a A prison fire red lotus increased the potency of the medicine, and then retracted the flame. When the temperature in the medicine cauldron dropped, the cauldron was opened to see a fiery red round medicine pill exuding a faint medicinal fragrance quietly placed in the cauldron.

Generally speaking, one prison fire red lotus can refine two to three pills, which is why Zhuge Ming said that one prison fire red lotus can detoxify Murong Jiuyou's wife and senior brother.

But Murong Jiuyou, in order to strengthen the various functions of the teacher's wife at the same time, and she picked a lot of hell fire red lotus, so two flowers were used to refine one pill. If this is known by the world, it will definitely be He beat his chest and stamped his feet, yelling that she was extravagant and wasteful.

Murong Jiuyou, who was already a little tired after refining the medicine of his wife Yan Fei'er, still persevered, and began to refine the medicine of his brother Ouyang Zihua. Since Ouyang Zihua's poisoning was not very deep, but only affected his intellectual development, Murong Jiuyou He selected some herbs that promote the rapid growth of brain cells and added a Hellfire Red Lotus to refine a elixir.

Because alchemy requires a high concentration of mental power, Murong Jiuyou didn't notice the sky outside. It wasn't until the two pills were successfully refined that he felt extremely hungry, and there were faint shouts of protest.

Raising his hand to wipe off the thin sweat from his forehead, Murong Jiuyou put the two elixirs into two porcelain bottles respectively, and walked out of the alchemy room slowly.

"You'er, you've finally come out. You've been in for a whole day. It's not good for your health if you don't get a drop of water." Ouyang Xuanyi, who was guarding the door, asked in the first sentence not the result of refining the elixir. Instead, he felt sorry for his dear little apprentice who was hungry.

"Isn't this the example set by the master, who forgets to eat and sleep as soon as he refines the elixir?" Murong Jiuyou's heart warmed up, but he took the opportunity to chatter about his master. It was only after he drove him out of the alchemy room that he stopped.It turned out that he also knew that it was not good for his health, but he still made alchemy there regardless.

(End of this chapter)

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