chapter 77
The father and son chatted for a whole night, while Murong Jiuyou felt a little tired due to the excessive mental energy consumed during alchemy during the day, so he had a good night's rest in his room.

Early in the morning of the second day, after breakfast, he came to the room of his mistress Yan Fei'er, while Ouyang Xuanyi and Ouyang Zihua had already been waiting there quietly.

"Junior Sister Xiaoyou, I have to work hard on you again." Ouyang Zihua took a step forward, smiling very gently, and his tone was full of gratitude to Murong Jiuyou.

"Brother, what did you say? You are Xiaoyou's senior brother, and the one lying on the bed is Xiaoyou's wife. You are all Xiaoyou's relatives, just like the master. How can it be considered hard work for your own relatives?" Murong said. Jiuyou looked at Ouyang Zihua who had completely returned to normal with a smile, and was also happy for him in his heart.

Perhaps Ouyang Zihua had a blank interface for ten years in his previous memory, that's why he kept a pair of sincere eyes. Although he was quite surprised by Murong Jiuyou's smile just now, there was no obsession in his eyes. It is still so clear to the bottom.

"Then I'll be in trouble, Junior Sister." Ouyang Zihua stretched out his hand and made a "please" gesture after finishing speaking, his gentlemanly qualities were clearly evident, this caused Murong Jiuyou to look sideways, he didn't expect that the always careless master would have Such a polite son, ha ha.

Same as last night, after Murong Jiuyou fed the elixir into the mouth of his mistress Yan Feier, she and Ouyang Xuanyi circulated the medicinal power for Yan Feier at the same time. The difference was that because Yan Feier was poisoned It was deeper, and the exercise time was longer. After two full hours, Ouyang Xuanyi and Murong Jiuyou stopped the exercise with their palms together.

While holding his wife in his arms, Ouyang Xuanyi waited hopefully for her to wake up.

The light in the room was a bit dim, which was arranged by Murong Jiuyou early in the morning. After all, the teacher's wife, Yan Fei'er, had been in a coma for more than ten years, and her eyes could not adapt to the bright light for a while. All the windows of light were covered with dark cloth to prevent the strong light from causing discomfort to the eyes of the teacher.

While everyone was waiting anxiously, about a quarter of an hour later, Yan Fei'er in Ouyang Xuanyi's arms gradually showed signs of waking up.

Her tightly closed eyes moved a few times, and her eyelids opened and closed slightly. After repeating this several times, she finally opened slowly in the anticipation of everyone.

"Fei'er!" Ouyang Xuanyi's voice was hoarse, even the arms holding Yan Fei'er couldn't stop shaking.

"Xuan...Xuan Yi!" Yan Fei'er slowly parted her thin pale lips, and gently spoke out the name of the person she had been thinking about for a long time.

"Master, let my wife drink throat tea to moisten her throat first." Although Murong Jiuyou put a lot of herbs in the pill to protect and moisten the throat, for those who haven't spoken for a long time, the best thing is A cup of throat moistening tea, which Murong Jiuyou brewed just now.

"Okay." Ouyang Xuanyi took the teacup in Murong Jiuyou's hand, and fed his beloved wife with the utmost gentleness.After feeding a cup of throat tea, he thoughtfully wiped off the water stains on his wife's lips with a handkerchief.

"Hehe, so the master also has such a careful and gentle side?" Murong Jiuyou laughed and teased Ouyang Xuanyi when seeing this.

"Go, bad girl, I will know how to bury your master." Ouyang Xuanyi blushed, and retorted with some embarrassment.

"Master, look at the master, as soon as he saw you wake up, he started crossing the river and demolishing the bridge." Murong Jiuyou pretended to be dissatisfied and said coquettishly to the master who looked at him tenderly.

"Xuan this...your apprentice?"

"Well, Fei'er, this is the apprentice I accepted ten years ago. Although she is young, she is already better than blue. She surpassed me as a master and became a high-level alchemist." Ouyang Xuanyi was very proud Introducing his wife.

"She's a very nice girl. I heard all the complaints she made at my bedside before, Xuanyi." Maybe the throat-moisturizing tea helped, and Yan Fei'er is now able to speak normally, but her voice is still very loud. Light, but enough for the three people in the room to hear clearly.

"Uh... Fei'er, don't listen to that girl's nonsense." Ouyang Xuanyi curled his lips unnaturally when he heard the words.

"Is it really nonsense?" Yan Fei'er slowly stretched out her arms, covering Ouyang Xuanyi's face that had been engraved with the marks of time, her tone was full of distress. "I have suffered for you all these years."

"It's not bitter, as long as you wake up, Fei'er, I won't feel bitter at all." Ouyang Xuanyi tremblingly said.

"Mother, since you woke up, you have only paid attention to your father, and you don't care about Zihua at all." Unable to bear to see the sadness between his father and mother, a silent Ouyang Zihua stepped forward to change the subject.

"Son...son?" Yan Fei'er was excited when she saw Ouyang Zihua who came forward, because she had been in a coma after giving birth, and she hadn't even seen her son. , and now suddenly seeing his handsome son who has grown up, he is naturally very excited.

"Well, he is our son, Zihua." Ouyang Xuanyi also nodded affirmatively at Yan Fei'er with an excited face.

"Master, mistress, let the whole family get together first. I'll go to the kitchen to prepare some liquid food for mistress. After all, mistress just woke up, so it's not suitable to eat too hard things." After finishing speaking, Murong Jiuyou gently left the room, leaving them A space for family reunion.

For ten days in a row, Yan Feier was able to get out of bed and take a walk gradually under the careful care of her husband and son, coupled with Murong Jiuyou's medicinal diet, and Yan Feier treated Murong Jiuyou better than her own son. Ouyang Zihua made a serious protest, but it seemed that the protest was ineffective. His relatives and mothers kept complaining why he was not a girl, which made Ouyang Zihua dumbfounded.

After a few days of psychological struggle, Ouyang Baye, accompanied by Butler Li, came to the other courtyard where Ouyang Xuanyi was located, and apologized to his daughter-in-law Yan Feier with shame.I hope she can forgive all the unfair treatment of her.

The gentle and kind-hearted Yan Fei'er naturally wouldn't hate her father-in-law, so their family can finally be together happily.

Murong Jiuyou's task for these ten days, apart from refining pills with Hellfire Red Lotus, is to chat with his wife, and at night, he will follow the method above in "Xuantian Secret Record" in his room to improve his profound strength , while practicing mastering the methods of controlling the other four elements.

No.11 Early in the morning, Murong Jiuyou, who was still sleeping, suddenly felt the big bed under him shake slightly, and then lazily opened his eyes, wanting to see what happened.

"Morning Jiu'er, I'm back." Looking at Jiu'er's lazy, charming but cute little face, which is still sleepy even though his eyes are open, Ming Xichen finally relieved the pain of ten days of lovesickness .And she swore in her heart that she would never leave Jiu'er for so long in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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