Chapter 9
Several images suddenly flashed in Ming Xichen's mind, who was deep in thought. A woman whose face could not be seen was being sucked into it by a huge black whirlwind, followed by two other people who also couldn't see her face clearly. Man, come down again...

Ming Xichen, who wanted to continue looking at the picture, suddenly felt a sharp pain in his head, and the picture disappeared. "Head... hurts so much." Ming Xichen, who held his head in his hands, just endured the three words before falling into a coma.

Looking at the little face on the bed wrinkled together due to the headache, Murong Jiuyou felt an unknown heartache in his heart.When Xiao Xichen passed out just now, she hurriedly took his pulse, and found that the little guy just woke up, his body was still relatively weak, and he was anxious to retrieve the memory in his mind, which triggered the evil spirit in his body. Running around, he suddenly had a headache and discomfort, and fell asleep.

I don't know why, but she, who has always been cold-hearted, can't stop being cold when facing this lovely child.That calm heart would actually change with the child's mood changes, and even get angry with this cute little guy, and care about every detail. Seeing him solemnly talking about whether a man and a woman would accept or not, she couldn't help but think. To tease and tease him.Thinking of the little guy's terrified expression when she touched his bottom maliciously, she couldn't help but curl her red lips slightly, and gave a wicked smile.

Getting up, Murong Jiuyou decided to rummage through the master's library to see if there was any way to dispel the evil energy in the little guy's body.After walking a few steps, she remembered that this was Yan Xuanyi's room, and she was really not at ease asking the little guy to sleep with her off-line master at night, so she turned back and continued to say "Jiu'er, "Jiu'er" in his arms, walked towards his room.

It seems that this 'Jiu'er' occupies a very important place in the little guy's heart. Although he can't remember it when he is awake, he keeps thinking about it in his mouth after he loses consciousness.I don't know if it's the little guy's sister or a pet. I hope it's not a pet. After all, there is a 'nine' in her name, right?She doesn't want to have the same name as a pet.Murong Jiuyou, who was walking while holding Mingxichen in her arms, suddenly couldn't help laughing. She even got into a fight with this "Jiu'er", who didn't know whether it was a human or a pet. It seems that the arrival of this little guy really changed her a lot. .

He carried the little guy to his room, gently placed him on the inside of the bed against the wall, and covered him with a thin quilt. Although it was summer, it was still a bit chilly at night.Glancing at Ming Xichen, who was already sleeping soundly, Murong Jiuyou lightly knocked twice on the part under the edge of the bed, and then, a small door that only allowed one person to enter and exit was opened on the wall near the bed, and a step extending downward .Following Murong Jiuyou's entry, the small door closed and returned to the normal wall.

In fact, Murong Jiuyou's room originally belonged to Yan Xuanyi. He dug out a secret room under his room to store all kinds of martial arts, self-cultivation, alchemy and medical skills that he collected in the rivers and lakes years ago. The secret books, after Murong Jiuyou came here and was rescued by Yan Xuanyi and accepted as an apprentice, in order to facilitate Murong Jiuyou to learn and read those secret books, Yan Xuanyi took the initiative to give up his room to Murong Jiuyou, and Murong Jiuyou You Ze built three new bamboo houses not far away, one is Yan Xuanyi's bedroom, one is the alchemy room, and the other is the kitchen, and the toilet is built in the backyard, in order to prevent the toilet from smelling Smoked.Murong Jiuyou also brought spring water down from the mountain, so that every time after going to the toilet, there would be flowing spring water to wash away the filth.Yan Xuanyi was amazed by this technique, and praised Xiao Jiuyou as a genius.

Under the narrow steps, there is a hole in the sky. A stone room with five or six bedrooms is illuminated like day by eight palm-sized night pearls on the surrounding walls.The four walls of the practice room were repaired into four large bookcases, each bookcase has ten floors, and each floor is neatly placed with different categories of books, and most of them have disappeared in the rivers and lakes.

Such a diverse and incomparably precious collection of books, if people in the rivers and lakes knew about it, wouldn't they be beaten to death?Even Xiao Jiuyou, who had just been brought to this stone room by Yan Xuanyi, was amazed.

Although Yan Xuanyi himself is unkempt, sloppy, eating and drinking together, it is not difficult to see from the decoration of the stone room and the neatly arranged books on the bookcase that Yan Xuanyi actually has a serious and meticulous side.I have to say that Yan Xuanyi is a genius with all-round development. Not only is he proficient in martial arts, self-cultivation and alchemy, but he is also quite dabbled in battles and five elements. Take this stone room as an example, Yan Xuanyi Just using the eight luminous pearls on the wall and the ice bed made of a thousand-year-old black ice in the center of the stone room, it is arranged into a mysterious gathering formation that can condense the profound energy of the entire Alchemy Valley and increase it dozens of times.

There is also a reason why the Pill King Valley will be located here, because there is a large amount of natural profound energy generated underground here, and natural profound energy is undoubtedly the best thing for cultivators to increase the speed of cultivation.The reason for the generation of profound energy must be because there are a large number of unknown crystals buried underground in the Alchemy Valley, but because no one lives here, and the woods outside the valley have been manipulated by Yan Xuanyi, setting up Bewildered, so presumably, except for Yan Xuanyi, no one knows that there is a natural profound energy that the world dreams of.

However, Murong Jiuyou, who just came here at the beginning, had doubts about this stone room. If Yan Xuanyi was responsible for the excavation of this stone room, Murong Jiuyou would not doubt it, but the bookcases on the wall of the stone room and the stone room The Xuanbing bed in the center was definitely not made by Yan Xuanyi. After getting along with Yan Xuanyi for so long, she has a thorough understanding of her as a living treasure master. The carvings are so exquisite like the bookcase and the ice bed. The exquisite workmanship will definitely not come from the hands of her master who can't even cut vegetables with a knife.Therefore, Murong Jiuyou once asked Yan Xuanyi if there were other people living in the Valley of the Medicine King, but the answer he got was "secret".As time went by, Murong Jiuyou didn't bother to ask, after all, ten years had passed, and she hadn't seen anyone else here except the master.

Murong Jiuyou was very surprised by Ming Xichen who was rescued in the woods outside the valley this time, because after Yan Xuanyi set up a maze in that woods, many more traps were created by her hands It is impossible for someone to break into it, but how did a child as young as Ming Xichen get into the woods?This was the doubt that arose in Murong Jiuyou's mind when he discovered Ming Xichen, but it seemed that the little guy couldn't remember anything except his own name.If you want to know the answer, let's wait until the little guy recovers his memory.

In fact, when she discovered Ming Xichen today, Murong Jiuyou once suspected that this little guy had traveled through time like herself, because when she woke up, she found that she was in the same location as when she found the little guy today. And Yan Xuanyi, who found her at the time, also asked her why she entered the woods. Of course, she could only lie and say that she didn't remember anything except her name, which dispelled Yan Xuanyi's doubts. .

(End of this chapter)

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