Mo Shao's sweetheart wife

Chapter 203 Instructing Her to Speech

Chapter 203 Instructing Her to Speech

Liu Jingshan took a week to prepare. The night before the representative came, Liu Jingshan was very excited and nervous, and Mo Yuxuan asked her gently during the meal: "How is the preparation for tomorrow's speech?"

"I'm already very familiar with the content of the materials and the concept of the design, but I'm afraid of stage fright." Liu Jingshan has been worrying about this matter, because she has only graduated for a year after all, and she has relatively little work experience, and like this She has never experienced such a big scene.This time 30 is on her. If she makes a mistake, then the 30 will be gone, so the pressure is very high, and as the leader of the company, if she really makes a mistake, wouldn't it be a shame to the company? also have a big impact.Therefore, Liu Jingshan was under a lot of pressure. She didn't eat a lot during the meal. After eating, she went back to the room, looked at the material by herself, and stood in the room talking to the material.

After Mo Yuxuan finished his meal, he walked to Liu Jingshan's door and heard her thinking about the materials for tomorrow's preparation in the room, but he felt that it was impossible for Liu Jingshan to hide in the room alone, so he knocked on the door.

After Liu Jingshan opened the door, Mo Yuxuan smiled softly, and said to Liu Jingshan: "It's not very effective for a person like you to hide in the room and talk, because there will be some strangers tomorrow, and you may be inexplicable." If you are nervous, you will easily forget the materials you prepared." After Mo Yuxuan finished speaking, he took Liu Jingshan's hand and walked downstairs, where he sat on the side of the dining table and said to Liu Jingshan: "Our dining table is the same as your conference table. It’s about the same length, I think tomorrow their representative should sit where I’m sitting now. Just take me as tomorrow’s representative, tell me about your design concept this time, and I’ll give you some suggestions.”

When Liu Jingshan saw Mo Yuxuan, she was a little nervous, but the method Mo Yuxuan said was a good one. For the sake of her own company, she could only introduce her design concept to him in front of him.

When Liu Jingshan spoke for the first time, Mo Yuxuan was listening very quietly, staring at her all the time, while Liu Jingshan had been deliberately avoiding his eyes, not daring to look at him.When Liu Jingshan finished speaking, she was very nervous, not knowing what kind of evaluation Mo Yuxuan would give, but Mo Yuxuan crossed his hands in front of him, he was used to seeing so many people introduce projects to him, Liu Jingshan's level was natural to him It is clear at a glance.

"Shanshan, are you afraid of me, and are you very nervous? You didn't look at me the whole time when you were talking about it." Mo Yuxuan was very calm when he said it, and then said: "If you want someone to be able to To accept what you say, you have to look him in the eye. There is nothing to be afraid of. It's just a project. If he can't accept your design concept, then you can find other acceptable ones. Don't put too much pressure on yourself. It is easy to cause tension." After Mo Yuxuan finished speaking, he said to Liu Jingshan: "How about this, you slowly get used to looking into my eyes, then take a little deep breath, relax, and talk again."

Liu Jingshan took a deep breath and tried her best to look into Mo Yuxuan's eyes, but when she saw his eyes, Liu Jingshan almost forgot what she should say.

"Hello everyone...I want to introduce our company's design concept to you this time..." Liu Jingshan just said a word, but Mo Yuxuan interrupted her.

(End of this chapter)

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