Mo Shao's sweetheart wife

Chapter 482 Don't Leave Me

Chapter 482 Don't Leave Me

Because Artest went out to deal with the affairs of the ward, he was not there.Liu Jingshan was focused on Mo Yuxuan, so naturally she didn't pay attention, not to mention the people who came in and out just now, Liu Jingshan didn't care.

Wang Lei released the camera and left, followed by Artest.

Wang Lei originally just had a cold, but he didn't expect to encounter such a situation after the infusion. He wanted to see Mo Yuxuan just now, but Liu Jingshan blocked Mo Yuxuan, so he couldn't see clearly, but he felt familiar when he saw Liu Jingshan.

Wang Lei remembered the moment he passed by Artest, isn't that Artest, Mo Yuxuan's closest report?Isn't the person lying on that woman... Mo Yuxuan!That woman...Wang Lei took out his mobile phone and checked the previous news about Mo Yuxuan on Baidu. It was indeed Liu Jingshan, just because this time he saw Liu Jingshan in casual clothes. Although she didn't wear makeup, she looked much better than in the photo , Usually it looks good with makeup on, but Liu Jingshan is so attractive without makeup, and the photos are not good-looking. It can even be said that Liu Jingshan is not photogenic. The real person is so good-looking that Wang Lei never thought of it. It's Liu Jingshan!
Wang Lei walked to a hotel outside the hospital, and took out his computer when he got inside to check the camera's recording situation just now.At this moment, Wang Lei saw Artest walking in front of Liu Jingshan, and said to her, "Shanshan, take a rest."

"Shanshan?" Wang Lei laughed, and said to himself, "Sure enough, it's Young Master Mo, but Artest's name is Liu Jingshan's Shanshan. Could it be that the relationship between the two is unusual?" Wang Lei said to himself.

"This bottle is over, do you want another bottle?" Liu Jingshan looked at Artest and asked.

"I'll ask the doctor, you sit here." Artest walked out after speaking, he forgot to ask the doctor how many bottles of infusion in total.

As soon as Artest walked out, Liu Jingshan planned to cover Mo Yuxuan's clothes with him, but Mo Yuxuan's clothes were placed on the chair on Liu Jingshan's left.So Liu Jingshan wanted to put Mo Yuxuan's head on the chair, go get his clothes by herself, and then come back.

It's just that Liu Jingshan moved Mo Yuxuan's head slightly, and Mo Yuxuan tightly grasped Liu Jingshan's right hand, and kept shouting in a daze: "Shanshan, don't leave me... Shanshan ,do not leave Me……"

Liu Jingshan's hand was in great pain from being grabbed by Mo Yuxuan, she could only say to Mo Yuxuan: "I'm not leaving, I just want to get you a piece of clothing to cover you."

"Don't leave me...don't leave me..." Mo Yuxuan kept shouting.

Liu Jingshan looked at Mo Yuxuan, and Mo Yuxuan's hand held hers tightly, Liu Jingshan said: "Yuxuan... I'm not leaving."

Mo Yuxuan was quiet for a while, and Liu Jingshan gently kissed Mo Yuxuan's cheek.

Just as Artest came over, he saw Liu Jingshan kissing Mo Yuxuan's cheek, so he asked, "What's wrong, young master, did something happen?"

"It's nothing, just now I wanted to cover him with my coat, but he didn't want me to leave, so he grabbed my hand." After Liu Jingshan finished speaking, she added: "He thought I was leaving, I just wanted to let him know I have no intention of leaving."

(End of this chapter)

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