Chapter 199

Seeing the wolf fell under the tree, Walnut didn't dare to climb down from the tree lightly. Instead, he made a few branches on the tree and threw them on the wolf. He climbed down from the tree, came up to the wolf, and kicked her in the stomach with his own feet.

Then he snorted coldly and said with a sullen little face: "Let you seek your own death and want to eat me, this time there is no way!"

After the words fell, Walnut bent down, reached out and grabbed the wolf's two hind legs, and walked down the mountain.

Besides, the villagers who were looking for walnuts searched all the way back and forth from the town, until they found the village, but there was no clue about walnuts. Everyone was disappointed.

This is an old one. Chuntao walked out of the village holding her grandma, looked at the villagers with disappointment on her face, and cried loudly, listening to Walnut's grandma, crying and saying: "My girl , why didn't you find it for me, my poor child, was it really taken away by wolves?"

Old Five Yang and Big Brother Yang, hearing their own crying, stepped forward to support her, and said, "Mother, don't cry, it's because that kid Walnut has a short life, and he just had a better day, so he has to What kind of vegetables do you want to grow? Otherwise, such a thing would not have happened, you are so sad, you broke your body from crying, what should you do? Go back!"

Listening to what her sons said, Grandma Walnut stretched out her hand to push them away, looked at her son and said, "It's all because you didn't try your best to find it. A kind and capable child like my Walnut will not be taken away by wolves so easily. Hurry up and go out and find it for me, and don’t come back until it’s dark.”

Boss Yang and Fifth Brother Yang listened to their mother's words, with helpless expressions on their faces, they looked at their mother and said, "Mother, we can go find them, but please don't cry, say something you don't want to hear If the walnut is so small, we met a wolf again, and we searched all night without any clues.

Listening to his son's words and his grandma, he passed out from crying.

Seeing this, Chuntao and Dapeng Erpeng hurriedly supported their grandma, and shouted in panic: "Grandma, grandma, wake up."

The elder brothers of the Yang family looked at their mother, and Tao'er passed out because of their distress. Yang Lao Wu hurriedly stepped forward, carried his mother on his back, and ran to the house in the village.

Seeing this, the villagers sighed one after another and walked into the village.

At this moment, all the women in the village stood at the door of this house, looking at their men who came back from looking for walnuts, they all asked one after another: "What's the matter? Did you find the girl who found the walnuts?"

Those who participated in the walnut hunt, the villagers shook their heads one after another when they heard their daughter-in-law's question.

I heard that the women in the village gathered together and began to discuss this matter. I only heard Lizheng's daughter-in-law standing at the door and talking to other women. : "It's a pity that the girl Walnut was taken away by wolves. That girl is the smartest girl in Lao Yang's family. She is still capable and filial. Why is God so hard-nosed!"

When the other women heard what Lizheng's wife said, they all echoed and said: "Yes, this walnut from Lao Yang's family is one of the best girls in a hundred. Although she is young, she is very good to his grandma."

Well, I can't say, a while ago the gods always went to his house to manifest spirits, but now the gods don't know where to go, it's really hard for God to let such a kind girl be taken away by wolves. "

Just as they were standing on the street, talking a lot, someone suddenly saw Walnut walking in from outside the village, holding something in his hand.

The person who saw the walnut suddenly screamed, pointed to the entrance of the village and said, "Look, it's not Hetaohua, she was not taken away by the wolf, he came back."

The women who were standing on the street and talking, heard this man's shout, and all looked outside the village in unison.

When an animal was dragged by walnut and walked into the village, they all rushed to meet it, looked at walnut and asked in surprise: "Girl, are you back? You don't know your grandma, they are all crazy , people in the village went out to look for you last night, there is no news about you, we all thought that you were taken away by wolves! I didn't expect you to come back alive, and the boy died in your hands, Hurry up and go home and report to your grandma that she is safe!"

Walnut listened to what the villagers said, and dragged the wolf to his house. As soon as he entered the yard, he saw Chuntao, Dapeng and Erpeng running out of the house. When he saw Walnut, he dragged a dead When the wolf stood in the yard, the expression on his face was indescribably excited, and he ran up to her, crying and laughing, Chuntao immediately reached out and hugged Walnut, and began to cry.

Dapeng and Erpeng stood on the left and right of Walnut, looked at Walnut standing there, and said in their mouths: "You damn girl, where did you go this night, don't you know? We were all frightened, thinking that you were killed The wolf is gone! Grandma is worried that you will faint, so don’t hurry, go into the house to see grandma.”

Hearing what Daben Erpeng said, Walnut reached out and patted her sister Chuntao's back lightly, and said, "Sister, don't cry, I'll go in and see grandma first."

Hearing what Walnut said, Chen Tao let go of her, wiped his tears and said to him: "Go in quickly, everyone in the family is here, and they are all worried about you."

Walnut walked into the house, and saw his grandmother lying on the kang, the uncle, the second uncle, the third uncle, and his father, all the aunts were also standing in the room, with worried expressions on their faces.

When they saw Walnut walk into the house, they all showed shock and surprise on their faces. Then they heard Walnut's father say: "Second girl, you are back. Do you know that you have worried us all night?" broken."

Just as his words fell, the grandma lying on the kang opened her eyes and shouted, "Walnut Walnut, my granddaughter! Where are you? You killed grandma."

Hearing what grandma said, Walnut walked to the side of the kang and looked at her and said, "Grandma, grandma, I'm here. I'm back. Don't worry about me anymore. Look, I'm fine now."

Hearing the sound of walnuts lying on the kang, the listless grandma suddenly sat up, looked at the walnuts standing on the edge of the kang, rubbed her eyes in disbelief, then stretched out her hands, holding the walnuts by the side shoulders, and said: "Walnut, you are really back, didn't the wolf take you away?"

Listening to grandma's question, Walnut looked at the shocked expression on her face and nodded.

(End of this chapter)

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