Pastoral Pamper: Nongmen's Little Fortune Girl

Chapter 103 Preparing the Bylaws

Chapter 103 Preparing for the Return
"Xiao Rui, I'm sorry." In desperation, Qin Yucheng had no choice but to apologize, but fortunately, he and Qin Shengrui were just joking around, and neither of them took it seriously.

"Second brother, hahaha, let you still bully me, a little bit~" Qin Shengrui made a face at Qin Yucheng.

Qin Yucheng smiled helplessly, this boy is really a child.

"I'll go alone, both of you stay at home." Qin Jingtong said calmly.

"No, no, uncle, why don't you take me there." Qin Shengrui went straight up to hug Qin Jingtong's leg, and started acting coquettishly.

"Don't go, brother, you'd better wait at home, and you won't be able to leave." Qin Yangyao said softly.

"Ah! I can go and ask the mountain chief for leave." Qin Jingtong said hastily.

"Brother, you'd better leave. The second brother has already taken leave. If you go again, the head of the mountain will definitely be in trouble." Qin Yangyao said hastily.

"Oh, well, I hope dad can bring little Wen Ning and the others back." Qin Jingtong said softly.

"Don't worry, father and second brother must have a solution, we just wait." Qin Yangyao nodded and said softly.

"Oh, that's the only way to do it now." Qin Jingtong nodded slightly.

Qin Shengrui looked disappointed. He still wanted to go with him, but in the end he didn't go. If he went alone, his family might not feel at ease, just like last time, and he was also afraid of meeting that group of people again. The gang has not been arrested yet.

"By the way, third brother, how is the third sibling?" Qin Jingtong asked softly.

"Brother, don't worry, my wife is already much better. She will be fully recovered after a few days of cultivation." Qin Yangyao's face was soft when talking about his wife.

Qin Shengrui also became happy when he heard this. After he came back, he would visit his mother every day. She is getting better and better now, so they can rest assured.

After two days in a row, Tan Wenning's wind and cold were all gone, and the guidance in Tanshanli had reached a certain level. Qin Yuanming was going to go back early this morning. After all, Qin Ziqian could not always ask for leave.

This morning, Tan Wenning personally cooked and cooked a large table of delicious food. Qin Ziqian's eyes brightened a lot when he saw the food on the table.

The dishes made by Lan Xiang that he has spent these two days are not too bad, but they are not particularly delicious. After all, he is used to eating them at home.

"So many dishes?" Qin Yuanming looked at the table and couldn't fit it.

"It's okay. After all, grandfather and second uncle are leaving. Of course I want you to eat more." Tan Wenning said with a smile.

After getting along these few days, Tan Wenning has completely accepted Qin Ziqian and Qin Yuanming, so now she treats them as family members from the bottom of her heart.

"Good boy, next time grandpa comes to the door, don't dislike us for eating too much and not open the door!" Qin Yuanming smiled heartily.

"Grandfather, how could it be? You can come whenever you want, and now our new house can be lived in. Next time you come, it won't be so simple." Tan Wenning smiled.

She thought that two guest rooms should be prepared for the new house, otherwise there would be no place to live if there were visitors. She never thought that the original body would have relatives coming to the door, and Han Yunqi didn't seem to have any, so she never thought about preparing guest rooms , I didn't expect that so much had changed in just one month.

"Then I'll look forward to it first." Qin Yuanming smiled.

He didn't expect that one day he could get along with his daughter's children so harmoniously and warmly.

"Hurry up, dad, it won't taste good when it gets cold." Qin Ziqian looked at the food eagerly, since his dad didn't eat it, he couldn't move his chopsticks easily.

"Understood, there are many things to save you." Seeing that such a sensational atmosphere was destroyed by his son, Qin Yuanming couldn't help but turned his head and gave his son a hard look.

Although Qin Ziqian was a little wronged, he was quite satisfied with the hot food.

The guests and hosts had a great time having a breakfast, and there was almost not much food left from Tan Wenning's cooking. Qin Ziqian touched his full stomach, and still had some unfinished looks. In fact, he still wanted to eat, so he picked up his stomach He is no longer allowed to fight.

After eating, Qin Yuanming and Qin Ziqian got ready and waited to set off, but everyone was a little bit reluctant to part with each other.

"Grandfather, I will miss you." Tan Wenyue said, and threw herself into Qin Yuanming's arms.

"Good boy, good boy, why don't you go to the Qin Mansion with me." Qin Yuanming still wanted to take a few children with him to take care of him, otherwise he would always feel a little worried.

"No, I want to be with sister." Tan Wenyue shook her head firmly. For her, nothing is as important as sister. Home is only where sister is.

"Then why don't you go to Qin Mansion with me to play for a few days?" Qin Yuanming said again. He said it many times in the past few days to let a few children go with him, but girl Ning just disagreed and insisted on guarding. Live in this small village.

"Grandfather, we will go if we have the chance." Tan Wenning said softly.

The new house has just been repaired, and she hasn't lived in it for a day. Besides, this life is gradually getting on the right track, she doesn't want to give up halfway, she believes that it will only get better in the future.

"Okay, then I'll wait for you. By the way, the recommendation letter can be used at any time. When Zhiyan thinks about it, just come to Yunmo Academy directly. Don't worry about accommodation, you can live with us. "Qin Yuanming said softly.

"Yes, I see, grandfather." Tan Wenning nodded.

At the same time, Han Yunqi also nodded, and he bowed to Qin Yuanming, "Mr. Qin's appreciation, Mr. Han will definitely live up to it!"

"You don't have to thank me. If you really want to thank me, then treat my granddaughter better." Qin Yuanming looked at Han Yunqi seriously and said softly.

"Mr. Qin, don't worry about this, Han must really want to marry Ah Ning, and he will definitely live up to it in this life." Han Yunqi said solemnly.

Seeing this, Qin Yuanming smiled with satisfaction. He knew that a gentleman made a promise, and Han Yunqi would not promise easily. If he did, it would be as he said.

"What are you talking about? I'm still young, and it's too early to get married." Seeing the two of them in front of her, Tan Wenning brought the topic to herself.

"Ning girl, it's not too early. You will be thirteen soon. Once the fifteenth is over, you can marry when you are old." Qin Yuanming smiled, but his smile faded soon.

Thinking that he had been absent from Tan Wenning's life for so many years, it didn't take long for him to meet her, and she was about to die. It seemed that he would come to see her more in the coming days.

(End of this chapter)

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