Liu Qi, the hegemon of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 126 Jingzhou City Breakdown

Chapter 126 Jingzhou City Breakdown
Huh, huh, huh.
The defenders on the city wall, the archers set up their arrows and pulled their bows, and shot arrows out of the city, forming a rain of arrows, trying to prevent the enemy from attacking the city.

Liu Qi and the others, who were galloping wildly on their horses, did not stop at all, and led the cavalry to advance despite the rain of arrows.

At this time, it is impossible to delay. The opening of the city gate is their opportunity. If the defenders are allowed to retake the city gate, then everything will be in vain.

A dense rain of arrows fell.

Ah, ah, ah~~
Still took away a living life, many soldiers who galloped wildly, the arrows fell from the horses.

Even so, it still didn't stop the fanatical siege soldiers from continuing to run towards the city gate.

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

The bursts of shouts and killings covered everything up.

After the infantry soldiers charging behind reached a certain distance, the archers in the army also counterattacked, frequently shooting arrows on the city wall.

In front of the city gate passage.

Liu Cong and Kuai Yue also led more than [-] Kuaifu guards to fight with the defenders who came down from the city wall.

"Liu Cong, Mr. Cai is not mean to you, yet you have joined forces with the Kuai Mansion to betray Mr. Cai!" the city guard shouted angrily.

There was a glimmer of haze in Liu Cong's eyes, he didn't speak up, and swung his sword to kill the general who was defending the city.

The defender of the city also drew his sword and fought with Liu Cong.

However, Liu Cong doesn't know much about martial arts. He was able to kill the captain of the guard before, but it was just because he was unprepared.

When, when, when~~
After a few sword strikes, Liu Cong was not slack in his strength, and he was no match for the defender of the city at all, showing a gap.

The defender of the city would not be polite, and kicked Liu Cong away.

Liu Cong was kicked to the chest, almost out of breath, rolled on the ground, his body became messy, and the saber in his hand fell to the side.

"Liu Cong, die!"

The city defender didn't intend to stop, he rushed forward, raised the sword in his hand, and swung it down at Liu Cong who was on the ground.

"Second son!" Kuai Yue, who was protected by two guards, shouted when he saw Liu Cong's situation.

Although he didn't like the way Liu Cong turned to Cai Mao and forced Liu Biao and Liu Qi away before, but Liu Cong's way tonight still made him a little admired.

Liu Cong raised his head, and also saw the flashing cold sword that was about to fall. There was no way to avoid it. Many scenes appeared in his mind instantly, and a wry smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Maybe this is also the ending he should have, slowly closing his eyes, waiting for the arrival of death.

Kuai Liang, who was leading the people to push open the city gate, also saw Liu Cong's situation, and his eyes showed despair, and he couldn't save him even if he wanted to.

Just when everyone thought Liu Cong was about to die under the sharp sword of the city defender.

Suddenly, a white light flashed past the city gate.

The sharp sword dropped by the general defending the city was blocked by the tip of a spear when he was still some distance away from Liu Cong's head.

The defender of the city was stunned for a moment. After all, he thought that Liu Cong would definitely die under his sword. Looking up, the general who blocked the sword was riding on a white horse, wearing a white robe and silver armor. , and that face is still a little familiar.


With a shake of the general's hand, he swung away the sharp sword in the guard's hand, and quickly stabbed the defender's chest with a spear.

The tip of the long spear pierced directly from the defender's chest and out from the back, killing him with one shot.

Hearing the familiar voice, Liu Cong opened his eyes waiting to die. After seeing this scene, he looked at the general on horseback and stammered, "Brother, brother!"

It was Liu Qi who rescued Liu Cong, and now Zhao Yun and others led soldiers and horses to swarm in from the city gate passage.

Liu Qi drew back his long spear, and brought out a bright blood flower from the chest of the general defending the city. He glanced at Liu Cong on the ground, and then shouted: "Zilong, Hansheng, Wenchang, and Xingba, each of you leads the headquarters. Soldiers and horses took down the four city gates; Zhongye and Dianwei, follow me to take Caifu directly!"


Immediately, Liu Qi didn't say much to Liu Cong, and headed straight to Cai's mansion with Wen Pin, Dian Wei, three hundred blood-clothed guards, and two thousand soldiers.

Zhao Yun, Huang Zhong, Wei Yan, and Gan Ning also led troops at the same time and chose a city gate to attack.

With a large army entering the city, the soldiers brought down by the defenders of the city were quickly wiped out, and the crisis of Kuai Yue, Kuai Liang and others was also relieved. They can breathe a sigh of relief, and they don't need to deal with the rest.

Liu Cong, who fell on the ground, looking a little messy, stared blankly at Liu Qi who was leading his people away, and many emotions flashed in his eyes. He thought he was doomed, but he didn't expect to be rescued by Liu Qi in the end.

"Second son!"

Kuai Yue and Kuai Liang also came to help Liu Cong up.

"I'm really not as good as my elder brother, how ridiculous my words were at the beginning!" Liu Cong said with self-mockery.

Kuai Liang and Kuai Yue were silent, although they admitted it in their hearts, but this is the matter of Liu Qi and Liu Cong, they don't want to say much.

"Thanks to all of you this time, our army was able to break through the city so easily!"

Guo Jia led twenty personal guards, and rode slowly on the horse, walked behind the three of Kuai Liang, was also a little surprised to see Liu Cong, and quickly covered it up.

"Your Excellency is being polite!" Kuai Liang said.

Guo Jia was dressed as a scribe, and he could tell at a glance that he was Liu Qi's adviser, so he didn't dare to trust him.

Kuai Yue also saluted Guo Jia.

Liu Cong was unmoved.

Guo Jia nodded with a smile, and didn't say anything more. After all, there are some things that he can't decide. Everything has to wait until Jingzhou City is calmed down, and then Liu Qi will deal with it.

Such a big change in Jingzhou City must have attracted the attention of the people in the city.

They also knew that someone was attacking the city, and the city gate was closed during the day, and they also knew that someone was attacking Jingzhou City, but they didn't know who it was.

Shouts of killing, screams, and clashes of weapons resounded all over the city.

It also awakened the sleeping people, but they did not dare to go out, only dared to hide in the house and trembled, fearing that someone would rush in and harm them, people were panicked.

Some babies woke up and cried loudly.

There was also thunder in the sky, and it began to rain, which gradually became heavier.

The sound of surging rain could not cover up the sound of fighting in the city.

Cai Fuzhong.

Cai Mao and Cai Hecai had just fallen asleep when they were woken up by soldiers coming from the city gate. Knowing that Liu Cong, Kuai Yue, and Kuai Liang had betrayed them, they were shocked when they opened the city gate.

With a frightened face, he put on his armor, summoned two thousand soldiers and horses, and was about to go to support the city gate. He also asked people to mobilize soldiers and horses from the other city gates to take back the city gate.

But they also understand that this is just an extravagant hope, but as long as there is a glimmer of life, they will not give up. You must know that Liu Qi will definitely not let them go.

Anxiously leading the soldiers and horses to the opened city gate, he was also praying in his heart, hoping that Liu Qi would not break into the city yet.

(End of this chapter)

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