Chapter 133

The partial generals who stayed on the city wall saw the Jingzhou army's movements, and they didn't know that the division of troops was going to surround the rest of the city gates.

Although I was anxious in my heart, I could only watch. There was nothing I could do, and I was a little confused about the actions of the Jingzhou army. The Jingzhou army left behind the city gate, except for some soldiers holding long spears, stood straight. Most of the soldiers in the front and the back slumped on the ground casually.

There is no intention of attacking the city immediately, but this is not something he needs to consider. What he cares about is whether he can save his life.

At this time.

At the stairs of the city wall, there was a general, with his sword in his hand, and walked over quickly. There were several people behind him, including the general who had left to report before.

"General Han!"

The partial general who was staying on the city wall saw the leading general approaching, and hurriedly bowed his hands in salute.

The person who came was Sun Jian's old army—Han Dang, whose name was Yigong. After Sun Ce returned to Jiangdong, he recalled the four generals of Sun Jian's old army, Zu Mao who came out to die, and the other three were under Sun Ce's command.

Sun Ce also knew the importance of Jiangxia, so he left Han Dang as the defender of Jiangxia City.

"How's the situation?" Han Dang asked.

His eyes also looked out of the city. Originally, he had received a report from another general, knowing that Liu Qi was personally leading the army, so he rushed from the mansion in a hurry, and even asked people to mobilize troops, thinking that Liu Qi had already started. Siege, but there is no movement when they arrive.

"Returning to General Han, there are two generals in the Jingzhou Army. They each led their troops to the north and south gates of the city. They should want to surround our army in the city, but the army in front of them has not made any movement!" Partial will report.

Han Dang calmed down, looking at the Jingzhou army who was slumped on the ground and resting casually, his eyes flashed. He felt that the reason why Liu Qi didn't attack the city immediately was probably because of exhaustion.

He also had the idea of ​​leading the army out of the city to fight, but he could think of it, so Liu Qi would definitely think of it, and he would definitely be prepared. Once he went out of the city, he might be in trouble, and Jiangxia City would give it up, but even if he stayed in the city, he would It may not be able to defend, after all, there are only [-] soldiers and horses, and they have to be scattered to the various gates of the city.

"General Han, how should we respond?" a partial general asked.

As soon as this remark came out, the eyes of the rest of the people were focused on Han Dang, and it also pulled Han Dang back from his thoughts.

"Let the soldiers prepare for battle. After all, we don't know when the enemy will attack the city, and we will send people to check the other gates!" Han Dang said.

You can't go out of the city to prevent being tricked, so you can only defend the city and wait for the Jingzhou army to launch an attack.

"No!" All the generals clapped their hands together.

Han Dang also made some arrangements, so he stood by the city wall and looked out of the city. Even if he sent people back to Jiangdong to ask for rescue, it was too late in time, and Liu Qi would not wait for the reinforcements to arrive.

It was because of this that Liu Qi chose to march at night. Even if Jingzhou City had a detection report, it was impossible to report it when the city gate was closed, so there would be a time difference.


Time passed bit by bit, and the time for the three incense sticks set by Liu Qi has arrived.

Han Dang and the others on the city wall saw the Jingzhou army who had been slumped on the ground casually, stood up from the ground one after another, and lined up neatly and orderly.

And they also saw hundreds of soldiers coming out from the other side, carrying the siege ladder, and returning to the army.

Han Dang looked at the hundreds of Jingzhou troops who came out carrying the ladders. He didn't know what Liu Qi was waiting for, but he had no choice but to go out of the city to fight, and he might lose even faster.

Liu Qi didn't know what Han Dang and the others were thinking. After the army had rested and assembled, he waved his horse and approached Jiangxia City.

The soldiers behind him also walked in neat steps, and behind Liu Qi, they walked towards Jiangxia City.

900 m.

800 m.

600 m.

500 m.

Liu Qi pulled back the horse and stopped some distance away from the city gate, and he did not enter the firing range of the archers on the city wall.

The Jingzhou army also stopped instantly.

"General Han, long time no see!" Liu Qi looked at Han Dang on the city wall and cupped his hands.

It really was Liu Qi himself!Han Dang at the city wall also recognized Liu Qi, they had met in the alliance of princes, and it was Liu Qi who rescued Sun Jian at that time, so he cupped his hands and said, "Young Master Liu, I don't know why you led troops to my territory? "

"Hehe, General Han, you said that Jiangxia City is your main territory?" Liu Qi's tone changed, and he shouted, "Jiangxia is my territory in Jingzhou. You take advantage of the change in Jingzhou to secretly seize Jiangxia City and kill my Jingzhou generals. For the sake of your original owner, if you withdraw your troops now, you can avoid a battle, or don't blame me for being ruthless!"

Han Dang was stunned for a moment, what Liu Qi said was also the truth, but who would tell you these things in the Central Plains today, so he cupped his hands and said: "Master Liu is kind to my former master, there is nothing wrong with that, but you Father also shot and killed my ex-lord, no longer defaulting on the debt, if Mr. Liu wants me to hand over Jiangxia City, it is absolutely impossible!"

"In this way, there is only one battle!"

Liu Qi didn't say anything more, after all, he didn't think about taking Jiangxia City with just a few words, and a battle was inevitable.

Lifting the Rainstorm Pear Spear on his horse, he pointed at the city wall and shouted, "Beat the drums and attack the city!"

Boom, boom, boom.
The thick, bare-chested soldiers next to the drum pulled out their mallets, and began beating rhythmically on the drum.


Dian Wei drank a lot and rode out on his horse.

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

Of the remaining [-] soldiers, half followed Dian Wei and rushed towards Jiangxia City, among them were some soldiers carrying shields in one hand and ladders in the other.

The sound of war drums and shouts of killing also represented the beginning of the battle.

"Fire the arrow!" Han Dang shouted.

He also knew that this battle was inevitable, and when the Jingzhou army launched a charge, he also made the archers on the city wall ready.

When the Jingzhou army entered the range, without hesitation, he ordered the archers to counterattack.

Huh, huh, huh.
A sharp arrow gathered in the air, forming a rain of arrows, and then fell towards the Jingzhou army charging outside the city.

There were screams, and the dense rain of arrows also caused damage to the charging Jingzhou army. A sharp arrow pierced into the body of the soldier, bringing up bloody flowers.

And each blood flower almost represents a life.

"Archers step forward!" Liu Qi shouted.

Among the remaining soldiers, more than a thousand people walked out in an instant, squatted down, nocked their arrows and drew their bows.

"Fire arrows!"

Huh, huh, huh.
A sharp arrow flew out from the army formation and shot towards the city wall of Jiangxia City, covering the soldiers attacking the city, just to reduce losses.

(End of this chapter)

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